历史上的劳伦斯其人,本身就有传奇的一生。他的全名是托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯(Thomas Edward Lawrence),生于1888年8月16日,卒于1935年5月19日。在等级森严的英国贵族社会,一个非婚生子的地位让他过早地饱尝了人间的冷暖,这种生来就矮人一等的尴尬,也让他变得早熟与坚强。这成为他后来能够在阿拉伯战场上以超人的胆识与毅力,不畏生死地去主动完成使命的意志基础。
名编剧罗伯特·鲍特/Robert Bolt,名导演大卫·里恩/ David Lean,名作曲家莫里斯·雅尔/Maurice Jarre,名摄影师弗雷迪·扬/Freddie Young,名艺术指导约翰·布克斯/John Box组成的创作队伍,让这部电影成为一流作品,一炮而红。在1963年的第35届奥斯卡奖上,这部电影一举拿下七项大奖,并历经50年而不衰,一直成为专业人士与观众最为推崇的杰作之一,成为经典中的经典。
影片中劳伦斯的扮演者彼得·奥图/Peter O Toole 对当时的影坛来说是一个陌生的面孔,这正是导演的本意,他就要找一个脸生的人来演这个角色。彼得·奥图的外貌与气质同真实的劳伦斯比,颇有几分相似,金发碧眼,五官端庄,看上去很有些女性的特点,可是心里却有着无与伦比的勇敢与坚定,并有着卓越的军事才能。
It has been a few days since I watched the movie Lawrence of Arabia; however Lawrence's images refused to leave my mind.
One image was Lawrence skipping blissfully on top of a train celebrating Arab's victory in the battle against Turks. His blonde hair glistered under the son and his white robe spread out like angel's wings. At that moment, Lawrence might have been considered a saint, a guardian angle by his Arab followers. By then, his self confidence reached a height that he believed he could "walk on the water".
Another image was Lawrence staring blankly at the fire after he was thrown out by the Turks and rescued by Ali. So much emotion was written behind his stoic face. We couldn't even imagine what kind of unspeakable horror he had been through when he was captured. It was believed by historians that Lawrence was gang raped by the Turks.
The last image was Lawrence leading the Arab "army" facing a group of Turk soldiers. Lawrence's body was frozen, with his chin shivering and his eyes wild open. He was like looking at a ghost. He was reliving the appalling experience when he was a prisoner of Turks. After a long silence, he burst out a cry: "No prisoners!" - and that was the beginning of a massacre. At that point, Lawrence had transformed from an angel to a devil.
Looking at Lawrence, I couldn't help thinking of the scene of Lara being "raped" by her "lover" Komarovsky in the movie Dr. Zhivago. After Komarovsky left, Lara took a gun, followed him to a Christmas party and attempted to shoot at him. The novel had portrayed this plot differently. Nevertheless, I believe Lara and Lawrence had experienced similar traumatic emotions.
It was a tragedy of humanity. But how can anyone blame Lawrence or Lara?
larazhi 发表评论于
Thank you so much for writing so many wonderful movie and book reviews. Your reviews not only deliver your opinions, but also serve as previews and study guides for your readers. I admire the heart and mind that you have put into your writings.
Please forgive me for writing in English. It will take me forever to type Chinese.
最后与你共享劳伦斯写在Seven Pillars of Wisdom扉页上的一首诗。 这首诗的名子To S.A.让许多人浮想连翩。
To S.A.
I loved you, so I drew these tides of men into my hands
and wrote my will across the sky in stars
To earn you Freedom, the seven pillared worthy house,
that your eyes might be shining for me
When we came.
Death seemed my servant on the road, till we were near
and saw you waiting:
When you smiled, and in sorrowful envy he outran me
and took you apart:
Into his quietness.
Love, the way-weary, groped to your body, our brief wage
ours for the moment
Before earth's soft hand explored your shape, and the blind
worms grew fat upon
Your substance.
Men prayed me that I set our work, the inviolate house,
as a memory of you.
But for fit monument I shattered it, unfinished: and now
The little things creep out to patch themselves hovels
in the marred shadow
Of your gift.
他无疑对中东战争中政治局势有很大影响,不过在一些细节上学者对电影的刻画也多有争议。比如他是不是真的一心帮助阿拉伯人取得独立,完全不顾英国军队和政客的计划。“The real Lawrence, with the help of his vast knowledge of the different tribes, had himself drawn up a map of how Britain should divide up Arabia into many warring states, though eventually they would be divided up differently. This same map included the future Jewish state of Israel, as he was also a supporter of the creation of a Jewish settlement in the area of Palestine by means of expulsion of local Arabs.”所以似乎他的光辉形象也要打折扣。
影片里阿里这个人物有时会表现出超出他民族的理解力和领导力,可惜这个人物是虚构的。而Prince Feisal不过是一个精于计算的当地部族首领。他虽然可能在战事上或者治理方面不占优势,却很善于利用形势给自己攫取最大权利,捞到最大好处。他的形象并不比英国政客好多少。