看着黑暗的空间, 听着旁边老公熟睡的呼吸声, 我突然感觉有点睡不着, so I started to count sheep "1 sheep, 2 sheep,3 sheep……15 goat,16…goat? no,it's sheep, start over… 1 sheep,2 sheep……25 sheep, 28 sheep… no,it should be 26 sleep, what the heck! start over… " 我躺在床上闭着眼睛默默的数, 但每次都数错, 只好重新再数1次…
黑暗中, 有1支手伸过来轻柔的抱住我, 老公被我吵醒了, 他半梦半醒的声音在我耳边响 "what happened?" 我的脸上感受到他暖暖的呼气 "I just had a bad dream…" 我边说边转身紧紧的抱住他, 整个人躲进他的怀抱里,他抱着我, 在我额头亲了1下说"sleep tight, babe, I'm here…"说完不久, 他又睡着了, 男生真的超会睡的, 我就靠在他的胸前, 听着他的平静的心跳和呼吸, 慢慢的我也睡着了…
He turned his face to me, slapped my butt gently and said with an evil smile "babe, I just took a shower, can u wait'til tonite?" "what? nooooo~!" I shook my head jokingly and gave him a sugary smile, he grinned then kissed my forehead and said "I'll take that as a YES, ok?... anyway, u wanna poached or scrambled eggs?" "why don't u go dry your hair? I take care of the eggs" shoot~, somehow I felt so weird about the word I picked--"eggs", "thanks babe, poached egg and sesame bagel, pls…" he pinched my cheek softly and then went upstairs to get ready for work....