冬日的周末,我来到美语坛,读到了肖庄写给我的一段话,送给我的一首歌, 歌名为 "A Friend Like You" ,她写道:"这半生里我在每一个生活过的地方都呆了几乎十年,或更久,这些生活过的地方,如今对我都是故乡。算起来我来美语坛也很快就要有十年之久了,这里自然也成了我的故乡;而你,就不仅仅是一个朋友,而更加象一个亲人了。与你分享这首欢快的歌曲,它名字就叫A Friend Like You."
这首歌曲是由Fresh Beat Band演唱, 歌中唱到:“You're my friend and you'll always be. When the day is mean and you're unhappy, All you've gotta do is think of me. I've been looking for a friend like you. You're the smile that makes time fly by. You make me laugh, you don't have to try. When I'm feeling low, and I wanna cry. My cheer-me-up thought is you. I'm so glad I've got a friend like you." (请点击聆听)。
读着这真挚的心语,听着这动人的歌曲,和肖庄在美语坛交往的点点滴滴,就在我脑海里闪现,泪水竟不觉地湿润了我的眼睛。如果肖庄不提起,我真的没有想到我们认识竟快达10年之久了,那慢慢的人生,仿佛就是几个瞬间。我是2007年来美语坛的,在那里,我结识了肖庄,她当时花了许多的时间练习英语发音,每日一读[新概念英语](New Concept English),她的坚持精神带动了美语坛的朗读热潮;后来,她还发起了电影配音活动(请点击欣赏) ,为网友的视频配音制作,化了不少的时间和精力,颇为专业,是美语坛的精品之一;她最近还在美语坛分享了名家英语诗歌朗诵系列,美语坛的网友在翻译这些诗作呢。(请点击:An Audio Guide to Poetry Recitation)
缘自知音, thanks for your kind and warm messages as always. I really appreciate it. Happy Easter to your and your family, too.
缘自知音 发表评论于
非常感动于肖庄和REBECCA的多年情谊. 很感谢REBECCA分享逸野的这篇美文,美诵.
林贝卡 发表评论于
回复 'dingziqiang' 的评论 :
You and your kids ride bikes together on summer days. What a sweet and nice picture. As for me, I have not ridden bike for ages. I am a little bit afraid of hopping on the bike now. I occasionally do some pedaling on a stationary bike. There are no trails near my house, but there is a small park nearby. I sometimes walk/jog in the park. I walked 6 miles last weekend.
dingziqiang 发表评论于
回复 '林贝卡' 的评论 : That's great. Walking/jogging is excellent exercise, physically and mentally. If you could find some biking trails nearby, that will be fun, too. We have trails cross the street. In summer kids love to ride to restaurant with me, 4 miles each way. All in the paved trail.
林贝卡 发表评论于
回复 'dingziqiang' 的评论 :
Hi, dingziqiang, thanks for explaining it to me. I really appreciate it. Inspired by you, I start to walk to our local library, bank and grocery stores instead of driving. I know I will never achieve what you have achieved. But I will start small.
My dear sis, thanks for coming to listen to the song. Have a nice weekend.
~叶子~ 发表评论于
林贝卡 发表评论于
回复 'dingziqiang' 的评论 :
You are amazing. I admire your persistence. You are my role model. I need to exercise more. I hope that you will reach your goal of "20 minutes FTP test @ 280 watts." Are "FTB"and "watts" biking racing related terms? Last but not least, thanks for sharing the song by Bella Yao. I watched it on youtube. It is a kind of song mixed with a little bit jazz and some light rock. I enjoyed it very much. Have a nice weekend.
Did 200 minutes @ 200 watts today without any stop/break. 6 bottles of 500ml Gatorade, 4 GU GELs, total 1100 calories.
Room temperature 60 degree, with fan on all the time.
Suddenly 330 minutes @ 200 watts appears to be my goal, though I never thought I can do it this year.
Expected to deliver 20 minutes FTP test @ 280 watts in March. So happy with myself.
Love song of《可以不可以》 by 姚贝娜.[玫瑰]
叶子姐,I am so blessed to have you as my sis. You are always there for me no matter what. I am thankful and grateful. Thank you for everything that you have done for MYSJ. I really appreciate it.