Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.)这短短的一句话中出现了三次“人民”,说明人民在政府中的重要性。一个由人民选出来的、为人民服务的人民政府才能万古长存。
This is the end of the line for Trump” by Jake Novak)
What, are you an ass-essor?
Nevertheless, if Trump is the candidate I shall be sure to hold my nose and vote for him because the alternative is an incompetent, out of touch, habitual liar whose only claim to the presidency is that she married her husband. If she becomes the president then we officially become Argentina. If this is the best a nation of over 300 million can come up with, then it's high time we scrapped the entire electoral system and started again.
and again, we receive the "wisdom" of those whose bread is buttered by the elite establishment. there was nothing new in this article. it is basically the same tripe that has been put out by the establishment pundits,and talking heads since trump first started rising in the polls. the author comes across as very desperate for other people to agree with him.
the chattering classes have been in this circle jerk of self-affirming hatred of trump for about nine months now.
What makes you think Hillary can waddle into the middle in a general election? She also will have big trouble in NY,PA,MI,WI & Ohio. Its much,much harder to see her path to winning than his. Nice try though.
Truth is...she's a Southern black regional candidate and in the general she can't carry the South.
That's ridiculous Novak,,, the more you broadcast negativity for Trump the more people jump on Trump's band wagon, so just shut the hell up...
When all the media attacks Trump. When all the billionaires attack Trump. When Wall St attacks Trump.
I vote Trump
trump is the only one who wants to move america in the direction of prosperity and freedom.
hillary is much like obama. being president is all about herself, although she will, like obama, kiss the butts of her powerful handlers when necessary try to advance their agendas.
My sister is a Bernie supporter but she says if she had to choose between Hillary and Trump, she'd go with Trump. I think there's an assumption that if Hillary wins the nomination Bernie's people will go with her. Undoubtedly some will, but not as many as they think.
My vote is for Donald Trump. I am a bit insulted by the media when they depict a typical Donald Trump supporter as uneducated and misinformed. This information is utter BS. I am democrat in a state that has more democrats than population of some countries. I am a registered democrat, but this year I will not vote democrat. I do not view Trump as a Republican nor as a Democrat, I view him as a true Independent candidate. Like many other Trump supporters, I am just tired of the status quo, tired of the PC garbage, and tired of politics in general.
Democrats as well as Republicans has screwed up America for the past 50 years. Trade deals from current and past presidents have indeed sent jobs overseas (how did our politicians ever think that we would compete with individuals making less than $5 a day) as this is factual, wars increased our debt, unreasonable tax cuts has created increases in inequality, our toxic tax system has created an environment that allows money to be dumped overseas, our healthcare system is out of control with so much regulation that hospitals have more people in administrative roles than actually helping patients, our higher education is ridiculously more expensive than anywhere in the world due to this every kid should receive a college loan regardless of cost environment, and housing is out of control.
The current USA, is not the same USA that my parents grew up in. It was not a perfect environment in the 60s or 70s; however, people felt that they truly had the opportunity to live the American dream. Healthcare and higher education costs were reasonable and despite interest rates being far higher than it is today, people were able to comfortably purchase a home. If people didn't want to purchase a home, rental prices were reasonable and affordable even in the most expensive cities (even in the 90s, you could get an apartment in Back Bay Boston for less than $1000).
Back to Donald Trump and why he has my vote. While I don't think he will solve all of America's issue, what he has proposed will make people think of the true core issues that really has put America behind China and other countries in a lot of important areas.
Wake up America, our politicians have screwed us over time and time again. It is about time that we have someone who will voice his opinion and not worry about a special interest group slipping a buck or two to get an agenda across. We all cry fowl about special interest groups dictating our president's agendas, this is our opportunity to vote for someone who does not need to cater to anyone, he is self funding his campaign.
Dennis Rodman for Trump's VP... He has more 'international' experience than many other politicians and already knows how to deal with N.Korea... plus gets the Black vote.
or... the real kick in the pants to every established politician, if Hillary wins the Dem nomination... watch Trump picks Sanders for VP. =)

Clint Eastwood Twilight Years at 84:
If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age. As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end.
There will come a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more."
No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.
It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let every one of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, "He was my friend, and I know where he stood."
So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House!
Not voting for Trump is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.
Regards, Clint
Well Clint shouldnt feel overly bad.....Humanity is painting itself into a corner.....likely he'll have seen the best era we could manage before our collective fall.
Too many interests working against the common good, too many people, not enough action.
New York-----
Amateur pundits continue their quest to derive fantasy from the jaws of reality. Jake Novak, an alleged "producer " for a television show, is attempting to predict how the Republican nominee will conduct a general election campaign in March. It is apparent that Mr. Novak could never be a field general in today's political arena. He fights today's battles with yesterday's tactics. Donald Trump, the apparent nominee, is painted as a novice, totally oblivious of today's political climate. Mr. Novak asserts that Hillary Clinton use of impeccable choreography will fool the majority of voters in November. America will ignore her ties to the establishment, dismiss her arrogant and dangerous use of secure intelligence, and forget about her irresponsible actions as Secretary of State, that cost the lives of Americans in Libya. It appears that Mr. Novak is best suited to produce margarine and dog food ads and leave politics to the adults.
wow talk about an unbiased news organization....clinton is neck deep in scandal after scandal and you say nothing????
what? there is a scandal somewhere? how can this be this is after all Da' Klintons.
Ha ha ha, I love it. The more the liberal media keeps forecasting the end of Trump, the stronger he gets. Your transparently biased, one sided coverage, from the very beginning of Trumps campaign, has continually insulted the intelligence of the "commonsense" based population of this country. It is time the liberal media face the facts- the American people are not as gullible as you would like them to be, and "commonsense" is not dead yet.
"Everyone is a liberal, until they own something."
At first I was opposed to Hillary as too polarizing. But after the way Republicans have carried on lately, I changed my mind.
They deserve eight more years of heartburn - and they will get it.
...And you deserve eight more years of being dependent on government handouts...
The Republican Establishment are like the Scottish nobles in Braveheart. Their position requires that they remain subservient to the powers that be, just like Republican Establishment prefers to cede power to Dems as long as it keeps the status quo.
Independent voters like myself could agree with Trump on his major points: trade, immigration, foreign relations. But he has pandered to the far right wing on so many domestic issues like Supreme Court appointments that he's unelectable.
Wrong...Trump will be a winner today!
We can always apologize ourselves to number one
Clinton? Come on, liberal. I think all of us remember Benghazi, Whitewater and the e-mail scandal. She belongs in prison. If Americans are dumb enough to vote for her, they deserve what they will get....that is, the break-up of the US or its total collapse.
There is already a moderate conservative, low intensity warmonger like Reagan in the White House his name is Barack Obama.
...and obviously you and the NY Times are moderately liberal.
LOL, the news pundits have been completely wrong on Trump this entire cycle, including this guy, but now all of a sudden he is right about him? LOL, nice try Novak.
McGovern; Mondale; Dukakis; Gore; Kerry; Soon to be Hil_LIAR_y. Lest we forget because liberals have a convenient loss of memory when it comes to remembering their losers.
"But if there's similar chaos at the Republican Convention and at Trump
rallies in the general election, the perception will go from sympathy to
fear, scorn, and a legitimate worry that a Trump who can't keep the
peace at his campaign rallies surely won't be able to keep America safe as president"
What nonsense logic. If you're comparing this to 1968, that is ridiculous. Now the public is fully aware of who the organizers are trying to mount protests.
But essentially it must work both ways. You're saying that if the Trump supporters mount up and protest Hillary rallies and the Democratic convention that we can pull out the win too?
The black folks will vote for Clinton. God only knows why. They should be voting for someone who stuck up for them like Bernie. The females will vote for Clinton because she a women. Isn't that a great reason to vote for someone. Clinton belongs in jail. The ones who cry and whine about change need to change their voting habits. Vote for Trump and see something different for a change. Foreign relations be damned. We need this Country fixed first.
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth" ------