There are two things I really like about the professor's story. First I like your rationale: "我本來覺得說不說只是一個選項,無甚關係,但是聽到孩子的態度,我覺得有必要去說了,因為如果讓孩子覺得自己肯定不會被相信,或者因為怯懦而放棄自己的權益,就是長遠的影響了。". Second, I like your way of dealing with it: "我也笑嘻嘻地說話,說昨天買到一隻沒有肉的漢堡,不知道是不是素的?" Humorous and to the point.
However, the basic premise of this story is the trustworthiness of this society of these United States. If we switch the setting of this story to China, the business will most likely think you are blackmailing them and kick you out of their premise.
tony933 发表评论于
My experience with McDonalds is that 8 out 10 times they will make some errors with your orders!
I always check before I make sure I get what I ordered (or occasionally more than what I ordered :-))!