Aging, sleep to make memories that can last a lifetime

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This morning, I heard NPR radio FM89.3 KPCC - Aging, sleep to make memories that can last a lifetime. Older adults, lack of asleep, led to lack of memories that can last a lifetime - remembering childhood but not recent events.

Older Adults' Forgetfulness Tied To Faulty Brain Rhythms In Sleep - NPR
8 hours ago - The study was the result of an effort to understand how the sleeping brain turns short-term memories into memories that can last a lifetime, says Walker, the author of the book Why We Sleep. "What is it about sleep that seems to perform this elegant trick of cementing new facts into the neural architecture of ...

Experts have long suspected that part of the process of turning fleeting short-term memories into lasting long-term memories occurs during sleep. ... "Ours is the first study to demonstrate this link between memory replay and memory consolidation.
Jun 24, 2009

Sleep helps build long-term memories | MIT News

How Does Sleep Affect Your Short and Long Term Memory | Tuck Sleep › How Sleep Works
Jun 22, 2017 - Acquisition and recall happen while we are awake. Consolidation happens during waking and sleep. Consolidation means moving the memory from a short-term “buffer-like” memory to a long-term memory and updating believes and general knowledge with new learning.

How does short-term memory work in relation to long-term memory ...
A short-term memory's conversion to long-term memory requires the passage of time, which allows it to become resistant to interference from competing stimuli or disrupting factors such as injury or disease. This time-dependent process of stabilization, whereby our experiences achieve a permanent record in our memory, ...