《Casablanca》《Polyushko polye》

Casablanca -- vanchael




Polyushko polye

Field oh field

Полюшко, поле,

полюшко, широко поле…

Едут, эх, по полю герои,

эх, да Pyсckой Армии герои.


Девушки плачут,

девушкам сегодня грустно.

Милый да в армию уехал,

эх, да милый в армию уехал.


What's in the mind of a soldier

when he is riding to war

Saying farewell to his loved ones

He might not see any more


Evil and blind is his courage

precious but worthless his life

Maybe he'll meet with his black crow

The ultimate end of his strife


Полюшко, поле,

полюшко, широко поле…

Едут, эх, по полю герои,

эх, да Pycсkой Армии герои.


Девушки плачут,

девушкам сегодня грустно.

Милый да в армию уехал,

эх, да милый в армию уехал.

Little field, oh field, *


Little wide field, field...

Heroes ride across the field,

hey, of the russian army heroes.


Maidens are crying,

Maidens are sad today,

The darling ha gone to the army,

hey, The darling ha gone to the army.


