根据中国国内媒体的6月18日的报导,国家安全部副部长董经纬当日主持召开了一个座谈会。会议的主题是打击国外敌对势力对于中国的渗透, 以及在中国的代言人和幕后金主。其实,中国国家报告国安副部长董经纬消息的目的,也就是为了破除有关董经纬叛逃美国的低级谣言和假新闻。但不幸的是这个年头,美国的党派,媒体机构和名人政要等等,都或多或少的传播了不少的谣言和假新闻。美国的一些人基本的世界观和新闻观就是:When I believe it I see it。
美国媒体也有报导指出,中国官方媒体上周五报道说,董经纬副主任部长出席了一个MSS研讨会,但这些报道没有说研讨会在哪里举行,也没有包括董所谓出现的照片或视频,这进一步引起了人们对他身份的怀疑。一直到了6月22日星期二,一位美国政府官员才发表匿名讲话指出,关于董叛逃的大量报道并不属实(were not true)。这位官员严格按照匿名条款发言,拒绝进一步说明包括董目前的下落,只是暗示这位中国国安部高官仍然在中国。当被问及拜登政府为什么要打击这个关于中国高层叛逃的谣言时--这通常是一个极其敏感的问题--该官员说,"这更像是一个政策问题"。
‘... Yang. The department did not respond.'
' Speaking strictly on terms of anonymity, the official declined to elaborate further, '
Exclusive News: Biden's Top Intelligence Official Says COVID Origins May Never Be Known 美国最高情报官员已经泄气了。
The top U.S. intelligence official said in an interview with Yahoo News on Monday that the true origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed 600,000 Americans and almost 4 million people worldwide, may never be known.
Last month, President Biden directed the intelligence community to conduct a 90-day review of what he described as the two plausible theories for how the pandemic originated. In one scenario, the virus emerged from human contact with an animal. In the other, it leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China.
But Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, expressed considerable caution about the likelihood of the U.S. government solving this vexing mystery.
‘... Yang. The department did not respond.'
' Speaking strictly on terms of anonymity, the official declined to elaborate further, '