譚盾 臥虎藏龙協奏曲 1.卧虎藏龙 crounching tiger, Hidden Dragon 2.穿越竹林 8:12 Through the bamboo forest 3.丝路邂逅 13:03 Silk road Ecounters 4.永恒誓约 18:30 Eternal Vow 5 一路南行 25:20 To the South 6 峨眉永别 28:00 Farewell
* [3.丝路邂逅 13:03 Silk road Ecounters]“Desert Capriccio” sounds utterly breathtaking as a live performance. I immediately envisioned Xiao Hu (Lo) in pursuit of Xiao Long (Jen)
演奏得非常有層次感與氣勢。。。。。。好有畫面 Superb performance ~~~~~~
Rafael Cruz
4 years ago
Everything about CTHD is master
class. The story telling, both
music score, cinematography
and film production, action,
acting, directing, art, set, special effects all wrapped in the magic of this music...
In my top 3 of all time