回复 'bybybaby' 的评论 :
Of course.
Marvin Gaye was good too.
bybybaby 发表评论于
回复 'ShalakoW' 的评论 :
Thanks for the clarification. I am not a Shakespeare fan, but a fan of jonny Cash, Dylan, Prine, Lightfoot, the Beatles,Neil Young, etc lol
ShalakoW 发表评论于
bybybaby: I don't see him picking on everyone and everything.(我没看见他对所有人或在所有事上找茬)
"... Enterprise of great pitch and moments, with this regard, their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action..."
ShalakoW 发表评论于
bybybaby:What do you get out of Shakespeare?...(你从莎士比亚那里学到了什么?)
More than what I have exoexted for, among which "that we may alwsys see ourselves in Shakespeare's characters, being carried away by our own imperfections" is what has amazed me the most.
(比我想要的要多得多, 其中最让我吃惊的是,"我们总能在莎士比亚的人物中看到自己,在自身的不完善中随波逐流"。)
bybybaby 发表评论于
回复 'ShalakoW' 的评论 :
What do you get out of Shakespeare? I don’t see him picking on everyone and everything?
bybybaby: No offense, but you are in no difference than 王剑的回答...
No offense taken, but I believe I am of difference than him.
我的第一句就是回答:Read Shakespeare's works (读莎士比亚的书).
在我另一个网名(PublicReport)下,你能看到我最新的一个帖子,"哈佛大学哲学课",教授者 Michael Sandel.
Dr. Sandel 在教授学生如何思考,如何深入的思考 -- 对拿出来讨论的问题,他启发/诱导/甚至敦促学生去思考,让学生们给出/defend 自己的结论,但他从不给出谁对谁错结论。因此,你不会在学生的讨论中感受到"被结论牵引的热情,捍卫自己结论的悲壮,追求认同的谄媚", 从而觉得讨论很沉闷。但恰是这种沉闷的环境,让人们想得更深/更远/更清晰。
王剑做的正相反,是以进一步腐化/纵容大众的简单思维,来达到赚钱的目的。这是我揪住他不放的原因:With over 30 years' experience of being a journalist, he should have known more and done better(有着30多年的记者经历,他应该知道得更多,做得更好)
写这篇博文之前,没有想到莎士比亚对表演的论述,但你的第一个问题,让我自然地回到莎士比亚那里找答案 -- 与文章的内容相呼应。因此,你问我"明路", 还是开始的答案:
Read Shakespeare's works.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
bybybaby: No offense, but you are in no difference than 王剑的回答...
No offense taken, but I believe I am of difference than him.
我的第一句就是回答:Read Shakespeare's works (读莎士比亚的书).
我这篇文章讨论的是"思维懒惰(题目), 我的回应也是集中于此:王剑/李承鹏的"过度的批判',让批判失了原有的意义,只剩下调侃,讽刺而带来的解气,是"思维懒惰"的具体表现。
如何才能不”思维懒惰"? 莎士比亚也有论述,
" Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounc'd it to you, trippingly on the tongue....do not saw the air too much with your hand, thus, but use all gently; for in the very torrent, tempest, and (as I may say) whirlwind of your passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness...."
王剑的节目,就是用多次重复的证据,一次又一次地证明早已证明无数次的论点:中共很腐朽/堕落/邪恶/无能。就如莎士比亚说的,这一次次论证在观众中激起的共鸣,“让愚公大笑", 但无法"让智叟沉思" 。人的思维停顿在肤浅的满足状态,而无法进行深入的思考。
你知道王剑节目中最兴奋的时刻是社么? "习近平又被打脸!” 这是他的"1949年10月1日的天安门时刻"。How glorious!
bybybaby 发表评论于
回复 'ShalakoW' 的评论 :
No offense, but you are ino difference than 王剑的回答(大意):"我只管指出问题,不管给出答案。
When questioned, your answer is find your steep and thorny way to Heaven.
Good luck.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
bybybaby: 我们不抱怨了,要不楼主给大伙指条明路吧.
说到"明路", 让我想起同样是Hamlet 中的一段话,忍不住乐出声来。
Ophilia 是 Hamlet 的女朋友,Laertes 是 Ophelia 的哥哥。在即将远赴巴黎之前,Laertes 告诫 Ophelia, 面对Hamlet 的追求要保持矜持,不要随便交出自己的贞操。面对哥哥的尊尊告诫,Opelia 也给出对他的忠告:
But, good my brother,
Do not, as some ungracious pastors do,
Show me the steep and thorny way to Heaven
Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine,
Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads
And recks not his own rede.
I am no pastor, and you don't need my "rede" to find your steep and thorny way to Heaven.
Good luck.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
bybybaby: 我们不抱怨了,要不楼主给大伙指条明路吧
王剑/李承鹏的这类过度的批评,可以类比于"过度表演", 对此,借助哈姆雷特之口,莎士比亚给出这样的批评:
"...Now this overdone or come tardy off, though it makes the unskillful laugh,
cannot but make the judicious grieve, the censure of the which one must in your allowance o’erweigh a whole theater of others..."
(这些过度的表演,或愚蠢之作,或可以让剧院中那些愚公们大笑,却无法让智叟们悲哀,而后者的意见, 恰恰是你要关注的整个剧场的核心。)
ShalakoW 发表评论于
Methinks = it seems to me
ShalakoW 发表评论于
bybybaby: 我们不抱怨了,要不楼主给大伙指条明路吧
Read Shakespeare's works. Then you'll see the line like "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" in Hamlet.
"The phrase is used frequently in modern English discourse, usually in the form of a slight reversal: 'methinks the lady doth protest too much.' With the 'methinks' at the beginning. It’s a cynical, ironic, somewhat sarcastic comment about someone overdoing a denial, suggesting that they are, indeed, to some degree guilty."
王剑/李承鹏这些人做的,不是 overdoing denial --- 过度的否认,结果成为认罪, but overdoing criticism -- 而是过度的批判,(让人觉得不得不为习近平打抱不平),从而让批判失去了原本的意义。