今日行医或者理想的行医,是循证医学(Evidence Based Medicine EBM), 根据证据行医。什么是行医的证据? 1:医学杂志特别是一流杂志如JAMA, NEJM, Annals of Internal medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal (BMJ) 上发表的随机临床试验和大型综述(meta analysis)文章。 2: 各个医学协会的指南(Guideline)。 3: 网络医学指导UpToDaTe。假设UpToDaTe推荐的依据都来自1和2。
作者John Abramson 当了20年的家庭医生;作过两年fellowship, 学习统计,流行病学和科研设计。他是哈佛医学院讲师,先后教授家庭医学和医疗政策。2001年,他发现制药公司发表在一流医学杂志上的证据与报给FDA的资料不符合。2004年,Dr. John Abramson 出版《Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine》,从家庭医生的角度描述了日益增长的商业侵扰对医疗保健的破坏程度。在几个起诉制药公司的全国性诉讼中,Dr. John Abramson被邀请作为原告的专家证人。作为专家证人,他查阅了上百万内部文件,包括原始研究资料、电邮、商业和推销计划。他据此分析鉴定,医生们接触的证据,是否真正反映了这些药物的疗效和危险。
2000年11月23日,新英格兰医学杂志(New England Journal of Medicine NEJM)发表了一篇Vioxx 的临床研究文章: Comparison of Upper Gastrointestinal Toxicity of Rofecoxib and Naproxen in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. 文章的结论是:Vioxx 比老的消炎镇痛药萘普生比较,胃肠道副作用明显减少。
Merck作的上述临床试验叫VIGOR(Vioxx Gastrointestinal Outcomes Research 的缩写) 。Dr. John Abramson 研究了未发表的VIGOR 资料。2000年3月9日,VIGOR研究资料首次送给Merck 的科学家。Merck当时的研究主管Dr. Edward Scolnick在一个内部的email说:Vioxx 的心血管危险显而易见。但是他又说:这类药物会作的很好,我们也会。
2005年2月,柳叶刀发表了一篇关于Vioxx的文章,作者是FDA的David Graham,Kaiser 的6个MD、PhD, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 的1个教授。他们估计,Vioxx 在5年上市期间,在美国导致了8.8-14万心肌梗塞 ,4-6万死亡。死于Vioxx 和死于越南战争的美国人,几乎一样多。
It's 2001. Not 2021. FDA issued a warning letter to Merck.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning letter to Merck in 2001 for misrepresenting the safety of their drug Vioxx (rofecoxib). The FDA also met with its Arthritis Advisory Committee in February 2001 to discuss concerns about the drug's potential cardiovascular risks.
并州客 发表评论于
回复 'alpha123' 的评论 : 错误的医疗体系来自错误的社会体系。 这本书有一章讲到这个问题: As American Society Goes, So Goes American Health Care.
For sure, some newly approved drugs — one out of eight — provide heretofore unavailable medical benefits. These can be genuinely lifesaving or quality-of-life-improving, like the drugs that transformed HIV/AIDS from a death sentence into a chronic disease compatible with a normal life, drugs to treat hepatitis C, and drugs to treat (but not cure) cystic fibrosis. But unlike other wealthy countries, the United States lets drug companies charge as much as they want, so the drugs that offer unique benefits are generally priced at ransom like levels. Moreover, because the industry controls much of the scientific evidence that reaches health-care professionals and the public, the seven out of eight newly approved drugs that do not provide previously unavailable benefits can be promoted as if they do. The business environment for prescription drugs in the United States is so different from that of other wealthy countries that an estimated two-thirds to three-quarters of global pharmaceutical profits come from the United States.
回复 'passerby2016' 的评论 : 也许你是假设clinicaltrials.gov的资料可信而且完整。Sickening 书中有段话:Readers interested in the transparency of clinical trial data may be aware of the AllTrials campaign, the goal of which is to ensure that all clinical trials are registered prior to enrollment of the first patient and that a summary of study results is posted on an online registry (like clinicaltrials.gov) within one year of a study’s completion. This campaign, however, risks being counterproductive by creating the illusion that compliance with its requirements would adequately remedy the current lack of transparency in clinical trial reporting. This assumption fails in two ways. First, a 2020 article published in The Lancet found that compliance with the requirement to post study results within one year of completion “is poor, and not improving.”* Second, even if studies were registered and results posted as required by law, drug companies’ posting of unaudited summary results on internet registries is hardly a substitute for genuine transparency and independent analysis of clinical trial data. ? Currently, efforts by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (discussed in chapter 8) and the AllTrials campaign risk standing in the way of data transparency by creating the false impression that progress is being made when it is not.
Get the info from clinicaltrials.gov, Check for phase 4 reports.
野彪 发表评论于
在临床研究的设计方面,对于安全性的验证是非常困难的。ICH在1994年10月27日颁布了E1:THE EXTENT OF POPULATION EXPOSURE TO ASSESS CLINICAL SAFETY FOR DRUGS INTENDED FOR LONG-TERM TREATMENT OF NON-LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS,但这个指导原则仅仅是针对长期用药的患者,并非针对罕见的不良反应。例如该指导原则中也提到: The safety evaluation during clinical drug development is not expected to characterise rare adverse events,for example, those occurring in less than 1 in 1000 patients.也就是很难捕捉到千分之一一下的不良反应。但一旦药品上市,千分之一的不良反应其实就是很庞大的数量了。