秋天阅读捷克,A prayer of Marta

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《A prayer for Marta》,像流云从天空缓缓而过,俯瞰广场上发生的一切。



让自由留在这个国家!Let peace still remain with this country!

歌词从Jan Amos Comenius的名言获得灵感:the people will one day once again decide on their own fates!他曾经是宗教难民,摩拉維亞人,17世纪里致力公共教育的教育家。

Marta玛尔塔·库碧索娃,上个世纪六十年代的捷克女歌手。她用捷克语翻唱的披头士《Hey Jude》在布拉格之春中成为示威游行的歌曲。“嗨,Jude,让你的心自己做主,这就开始吧。你一直等人来帮忙你,但是你不知道,那个人就是你自己。”

布拉格之春后玛尔塔被禁唱,为了生存她成为打字员,丈夫屈从政府和她离婚并移居国外。1989年天鹅绒革命爆发,禁声二十多年的玛尔塔被请回广场,向集会人群再次演唱《Hey Jude》。《A prayer for Marta》玛尔塔1968年演唱过一次,再次演唱也是在天鹅绒革命爆发后。

Let my prayer speak。你懂的。

链接: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8czMdtR7CyQ

The song was originally intended to be the finale to episode seven of the TV series A Song For Rudolf III, which was about a Prague butcher's life. However, the episode featuring the song wasn't shown on TV until early 1969.

再一次谢谢网友diaoerlang 推荐这首歌。

==  《A prayer of Marta》lyrics 的分割线 ==============

Let peace still remain with this country!

Let hatred, envy, grudge, fear, and strife cease!

Let them cease!

Now when your formerly lost rule over your things returns back to

Cloud flows slowly away from sky

and everybody reaps what he has sown,

let my prayer speak

to hearts not burnt by the time of wrath,

like flowers by frost, like frost.

Let peace still remain with this country!

Let hatred, envy, grudge, fear, and strife cease!

Let them cease!

Now when your formerly lost rule over your things returns back to you,

people, it returns back to you!
