道谛的目录 Catalog of Path Crux:16.0 序言 Preface;16.1 极喜地 Bliss Heartland;16.2 离垢地 Leave Filth Heartland;16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland;16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Heartland;16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland;16.6 现前地 Manifestation Heartland;16.7 远行地 Hike Heartland;16.8 不动地 Immovability Heartland;16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis Heartland;16.10 法云地 Juristic Cloud Heartland.

16.0 序言 Preface
Path Crux talks about the path to salvation. For a mortal to become a Buddha, he or she must go through three A Monk Index Catastrophes. Catastrophe means lame, and bumpy, ancients also considered it as Big Time.
The first “A Monk Index Catastrophe” is from beginningless time to when one understands the Four Victorious Cruxes, and arouses Bodhicitta, so aboard the first land of Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit word, meaning real human.
The second “A Monk Index Catastrophe” is from arousing Bodhi Heart, aboard the first land of bodhisattva to the seventh land. Migrators at this stage often think of themselves as a Pudgala. Pudgala is a Sanskrit word meaning a chunk of habits, translated in Chinese as Hobbyhorse (see Figs. 16.0-13, 36, 37, and 38), also used by Europeans as unicorn (see Fig. 35).
第三阿僧脂劫是从七地菩萨发起金钢喻定,出尘,登第八地成为摩诃萨,以至于第十地,尽未来际。金钢喻定,亦作金钢桥,金刚无间道;行者也可以通过阅读 “到达方舟” 来实现这一功能。摩诃萨是梵语,义为大菩萨,大真人。
The third “A Monk Index Catastrophe” is when the Bodhisattva on the seventh land arouses “Philosopher-Stone Metaphor Stillness”, ousting dusts completely, ascends to the eighth land, and becomes a Mahasattva, up to the tenth land, so on to the exhaustion of time. The “Philosopher-Stone Metaphor Stillness”, also known as the “Philosopher-Stone Bridge”, “Philosopher-Stone Non-Intermittent Path”, “The Big Flood”; readers also can do this by reading the “Arrival Ark". Mahasattva is a Sanskrit word meaning great bodhisattva, great real human.
To put it simply, Path Crux means that the bodhisattva uses these ten lands as the basis for holding, practicing the ten Arks, breaking the ten hindrances, testifying the ten true suchness, and achieving Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, which in Sanskrit is Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi.

16.0.2 菩提心诵 Bodhicitta Eulogy
1. 譬如大地,能生长万物;菩提心亦如是,于一切佛法能生长摄持故。
2. 譬如净金,色质不坏;菩提心亦如是,利益安乐一切有情永无退坏故。
3. 譬如新月,渐增圆明;菩提心亦如是,与勤相应,于一切善法渐渐增长故。
4. 譬如增火,火势炽盛;菩提心亦如是,以智火烧诸烦恼,愈修智力愈胜故。
5. 譬如大藏,取物无尽;菩提心亦如是,修行而施波罗蜜多,周济有情亦无尽故。
The study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism require the development of bodhicitta. Bodhicitta is “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception”, Sanskrit as Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. To develop bodhicitta is to make these four great vows: Sentient beings are edgeless, I vow: I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless, I vow I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless, I vow I study them all! Buddha’s path is non-upper, I vow I endeavour to succeed! This article briefly explains Bodhicitta in terms of the Bodhicitta Eulogy.
1. Such as the earth, which can grow all things, so is the bodhicitta, which can grow assimilating and holding all Buddha’s laws.
2. Such as pure gold, the color of which does not deteriorate, so is bodhicitta, which benefits comforts and pleases all sentient beings without deterioration.
3. Such as the new moon, which grows in brightness, so is bodhicitta, which grows in all benevolent laws in accordance with diligence.
4. Such as the fire that increases in intensity; so is bodhicitta that intelligence burns all annoyances, the more cultivations the intelligence more victorious.
5. Such as the great treasure, there is no exhaustion to what can be taken; so is bodhicitta, practicing Donation Ark, there is no end to helping sentient beings.

6. 譬如宝矿,出生种种珍宝;菩提心亦如是,修持净戒波罗蜜多(如图16.0.2-6;参见16.2节),出生种种功德故。
7. 譬如大海,能容受一切;菩提心亦如是,修习忍辱波罗蜜多,虽遭遇违逆众缘,皆能忍受,心不动故。
8. 譬如金刚,坚不可坏;菩提心亦如是,修习精进波罗蜜多(参见16.4节),勇猛坚牢,他不能坏故。
9. 譬如山王,无物能动;菩提心亦如是,修习静虑波罗蜜多,于诸境相,心不散乱故。
10. 譬如药王,能治诸病;菩提心亦如是,修习般若波罗蜜多(如图16.0.2-10;参见16.6节),能对治烦恼所知二种障故。
6. Such as a treasure mine that produces all kinds of jewels; so is bodhicitta, practicing and holding immaculate Precept Ark (see fig. 16.0.2-6; cf. 16.2), giving birth to all kinds of fortune and virtues.
7. Such as the great sea, can accommodate all things; Bodhicitta is also like that, to study and cultivate Countenance Ark, even encountering crowds of besiegement and adversities, all can be countenanced and tolerated, because mind does not move.
8. Such as the Philosopher’s Stone, is indestructible; Bodhicitta is also like that, to study and cultivate Effort Ark (see fig. 16.0.2-8), brave and adamant because others can not damage.
9. Such as the mountain king, nothing can move it; Bodhicitta is also like that, to study and cultivate Meditation Ark, in all winds of changing environments, because heart is not agitated.
10. Such as the medicine king, which can cure all diseases, the bodhicitta is also like that, studying and practicing Gnosis Ark (see fig. 16.0.2-10; cf. 16.6), can cure Know and Annoyance, the two kinds of hindrances.

11. 譬如善友,不舍友人;菩提心亦如是,修习四无量心(即慈悲喜舍),一切时候不舍众生故。
12. 譬如如意珠,随所欲求皆能满足;菩提心亦如是,修习四摄法(如图16.0.2-12;即布施、爱語、利行、和同事)成熟众生故。
13. 譬如盛日,摄相应发心亦如是,如白熟谷,成熟众生故。
14. 譬如美乐,能吸引听者;菩提心亦如是,与四无碍辩(参见16.9节)相应,说法教化,能摄引众生故。
15. 譬如国王,能制定国法;菩提心亦如是,演说现量(参见11.4.5节),能为正道不坏因故。
16. 譬如仓库,是财物聚积处;菩提心亦如是,修习福智二种资粮,能聚积无量财法故。
11. Such as benevolent friend, which never abandons friends; bodhicitta is also like that, studying and cultivating four infinite hearts (i.e., mercifulness, sorrowfulness, delightfulness, and renunciation), because of never giving up on all sentient beings.
12. Such as As-Wish Pearl, which can fulfill all desires; bodhicitta is also like that, practicing the four assimilative laws (see fig. 16.0.2-12; i.e., donation, lovable language, benefiting behavior, and comrade) to mature all sentient beings.
13. Such as great sun, assimilating-correspondence arousing-bodhicitta is also like that, like blazing sun ripens all crops, all capable bodhicitta matures crowds of sentient beings.
14. Such as beautiful music that attracts listeners; bodhicitta is also like that, corresponding to the Four Non-Hindrance Interpretations (cf. section 16.9), speaking laws to teach can attracts crowds of sentient beings.
15. Such as a king who enacts the laws of the nation, bodhicitta is also like that, preaching Present Quantity (see section 11.4.5), can be the cause of all correct paths undamageable.
16. Such as a storehouse, is a place of accumulation of wealth; so is the bodhicitta, which is capable of accumulating fortune and intelligence, the two kinds of capital and food, can aggregate and accumulate limitless juristic assets.

17. 譬如王路,王者先行,余人随行;菩提心亦如是,修习三十七菩提分法(参见16.4节),是大圣世尊先所行道,余人随行故。
18. 譬如车乘,二轮具足,能到处去;菩提心亦如是,止观相应,能往安乐处故。
19. 譬如涌泉,取水无尽;菩提心亦如是,总持门相应,闻法者虽多,说法无尽故。
20. 譬如喜声,众生爱乐听闻;菩提心亦如是,说佛法印(无常,无我,涅槃),希求解脱的众生爱乐听闻故。
21. 譬如河流,其水自然;菩提心亦如是,自性相应,不起作意,无生法忍智自然流出。
22. 譬如大云(如图16.0.2.12-2,3),能变现多种形相,注雨润泽万物;菩提心亦如是,能示八相成道(参见17.3忍渡),化度众生故。
17. Such as the king's road, the king is pioneer, others follow; so is the bodhicitta, practicing 37 Enlightenment Branch Laws (cf. 16.4), which is the path migrated by Great Sage Social Honor first, others follow.
18. Such as a chariot ride, with two wheels, can go anywhere; so is the bodhicitta, corresponding to Still View (i.e., Samatha Vipassana in Sanskrit), can arrive at easefully laughable place.
19. Such as a springing fountain, inexhaustible water can be fetched; so is the bodhicitta, corresponding to generally hold door, even though many people come to listen the laws, the juristic speaking has no end.
20. Such as the delightful sounds, crowds of sentient beings love to hear; so is the bodhicitta, speaking of Buddha’s Juristic Seals (i.e., impermanence, no-I, nirvana), sentient beings pursuing liberations love to hear.
21. Such as a river, the water flows naturally; so is the bodhicitta, corresponding to self-nature, no need to make attention, “Non-Birth Juristic Countenance Intelligence” (i.e., Buddha’s intelligence) flows out naturally.
22. Such as a great auspicious cloud (see fig., 3) that can transform into many forms, rain to nurture all living things; the bodhicitta is also like that, revealing the “Eight Phenomena of Established Paths” (cf. 17.3 Countenance Ark), to convert and transcendingly ferry crowds of sentient beings.
16.1 极喜地 Bliss Heartland
In "Treatise of Establishing Sense-Only", Tang Tripitaka said: “Having proved the two emptiness-es (2), initially attained the holy nature (3), aroused bodhicitta, can benefit oneself and others, so give rise to great joy, hence the Bliss Heartland (1).
Annotation 16.1-1, What are the ten lands? Mahayana teachings use these ten lands to generally assimilate have-as law and none-as law (see section 11.6.4 Off-is Fruit) fortune virtues as self nature, to be victorious dependence and base for study and cultivation, to have them to be born and grow, hence name lands.
Annotation 16.1-2, what the two emptiness? The two emptiness is human emptiness and law emptiness. Human being has no I, then human being is empty; law has no I, then law is empty. I mean ego, executive, lord, also known as Seth view, translocation body view (see section Law means track, rail (see section 11.1).
Annotation 16.1-3, what is the holy nature? That is, the nature of a sage, God, Buddha, is reason of all sentients’ equality, is nirvana talked in section 15.1, also known as Correct Equality Light, Empty After All.
16.1.1 施渡 Donation Ark
The first land bodhisattva studies and practices Donation Ark. Ark, Paramita in Sanskrit, is called Ark by Europeans, Chinese calls it Ferry. There are six Arks or ten Arks in total. The six Arks are Donation Ark, Precept Ark, Countenance Ark, Diligently Advance Ark, Meditation Ark, and Gnosis Ark. The ten Arks are unfolding Gnosis Ark into five: Gnosis Ark, Convenience Ark, Will Ark, Strength Ark, Intelligence Ark. These ten Arks are in sequence, and the former can lead to, trigger to the latter.
The practice of Donation Ark begins with donation because the unconscious (God-sense) only corresponds to Renunciative Acceptance. Renunciative Acceptance is nature of equality, that is, holy nature. There are three types of donations: asset donation, fearlessness donation, and law donation. Fearlessness donation means encouraging others with loving words to face difficulties and adversities bravely. Law donation is to preach Tree of Life and the Four Victorious Cruxes, etc. principles and arts of life.
16.1.2 断异生性障 Severance of Mutant Nature Hindrance
First land Bodhisattva breaks off the hindrances of mutant nature. Mutant nature is a synonym for mortal nature, is established by its seeds of annoyances and knows. Annoyances and knows hinder mortals from departing from their own natures, so the two are also called the annoyance hindrance and know hindrance.
Annoyance hindrances are mean annoyances, also known as mean muddles, such as greed, irritation, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, precept fetch, and so on. Know hindrances are view annoyances, also known as view muddles, such as Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, precept fetch, greed, irritation, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, etc. Annoyance and know hindrances are interdependent and pairs; Annoyance is recognized by know and know is felt by annoyance, so the two have the same numbers and names. Annoyance hindrances are foolishness, ignorance, which can hinder quietness and nirvana. The know hindrance is like intelligence but not intelligence, and can obstruct intelligence and enlightenment, so it is also called the intelligence hindrance.
First land Bodhisattva proved human empty and law empty in person. Seeing path breaks the darkness of ignorance. The darkness of ignorance is the ignorance (aka. non-light) in fundamental annoyances (see section, means fool, unknowing which should be known. When a bodhisattva understands Seth views, edge views, and heresies, these Know Hindrances are eliminated. Know Hindrances and Annoyance Hindrances are interdependent, and when the 112 positions fundamental View Muddles (i.e., Know Hindrances; see section 13.3.2) are annihilated, the Annoyance Hindrances are also annihilated or weakened. Thus, it is said that the first land Bodhisattvas break off hindrances of mutant nature and gain the real human nature or holy nature.
The ten folds of Annoyance Hindrances in the Path Crux are the ten types of human’s ignorance, fools, idiocies. Although after Bodhisattvas see path, they also severed those ferocious interests, now we say that what cause annoyances are the fundamental annoyances, therefore we say, the first land Bodhisattva has cut off the following two kinds of fools and their Rough and Heavy. (1) Fool of I obsession, that is the said Mutant Nature Hindrances. (2) Fool of ferocious interests miscellaneously dyed, such as hell interest, livestock interest, and hungry ghost interest, etc. ferocious interests, and karmic fruits.
Readers should know that all idiocies, ignorance, non-light are generally called fool. After seeing path, idiot fool’s head is cut off, but its roots or seeds are still there. Those are not qualified to perform their duties, seeds that are not presently in performances, but those still cause the heart and body rough heavy, therefore names of Rough and Heavy. For example, entering the second meditation (see section 12.2), bitter roots are cutting off; the broken bitter roots are not presently in performance, not present seeds, hence Rough Heavy.
16.1.3 遍行真如 Omnipresent True Suchness
First land Bodhisattva testifies and gains Omnipresent True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka says, “Omnipresent True Suchness manifests when I and Law are empty. No one law does not exist”.
What is the Omnipresent True Suchness? Buddha means perception, and Buddhism studies the contemporary mind (heart). Readers can understand from the fact that the body and the external world are both projections of the heart, so the heart is the support of everything. Laws and illegalities coexist with the heart, and so are the past, present and future. Thus, why does Tang Tripitaka still say, "Omnipresent True Suchness manifests when I and Law are empty "? Because the world that mundane people see is a world in which quality and quantity are rendered by the preconscious, and it is not the true suchness.
16.2 离垢地 Leaving-Filth Heartland
桫椤一词源于意大利语桫鲁·法索椤,是一种棕榈树(如图35、37),亦作断头树。据说,如果这种棕榈树的头被砍掉了,就死了,它不能从根部或枝干上发出新枝芽。佛教用此树比喻若人违犯了根本十戒(参见第13.1节),就断送了慧命,得不到解脱了。所以 “俱净桫椤” 义为具有了全部戒法。唐三藏是从离垢的原因来定义离垢地的;而且说明了离垢的原因是具足净戒。
Leaving Filth means leaving the filthy soil (see Fig. 16.2-34 Maculate Soil), going to the middle earth (see fig. 33, Immaculate Soil). Soil means bodily soil, means flesh body feelings. Tang Tripitaka said, “fully possessing immaculate Sal Fasullo, leaving afar from delicate annoyances of transgressions, hence the Leaving Filth Land is named”.
Sal Fasullo comes from the Italian, is a kind of palm tree (Figures 35 and 37), also called Guillotine Tree. It is said that if the head of this palm tree is cut off, it will die, it can not develop new shoots from the roots or trunk. Buddhism uses this tree as a metaphor that if a person violates the Ten Fundamental Precepts (cf. section 13.1), his or her gnostic life is ruined, can not achieve liberation for his whole life. Therefore, “fully possessing immaculate Sal Fasullo” means possessing all the precepts. Tang Tripitaka defined the Leaving Filth Heartland based on the cause of Leaving Filth is “fully possessing the whole set of immaculate precepts”.

16.2.1 戒渡 Precept Ark
1. 男戒,亦作黄金甲(如图28是身着黄金甲的特拉洛克),共有250条,乘以4威仪,结果是1000。威仪,亦作威仪路,是心神之所履,其本义是整齐细密格式。如插图39中埃及夏娃身穿的黄金铠甲。四威仪:立如松、坐如钟、卧如弓、走路一阵风。
The second land of Bodhisattva is the perfect fulfilment position for fully possessing the whole set of immaculate precepts. The complete precepts are Precept Ark, also known as the contract between humans and God, Covenant Ark (see Figures 37, 40, 41, and 42), commonly known as the Heavenly Clauses, which can be divided into three parts, as shown in Figures 35 and 37, the three branches of the palm tree: man’s precepts, woman’s precepts, and the 18 God Buddha Uncommon Laws (cf. section 15.1.3). A man's “Fully Possessing Immaculate Precepts” are called “3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments”. The calculation method is as follows:
1. Man’s precepts, also known as golden armor (fig. 28 shows Tlaloc wearing golden armor), have 250 clauses in total, multiplied by 4 Majesties, the result is 1,000. Majesty, also known as the Majesty Road, is “heart God” travelling on; its original meaning is motif, is the neat pattern. Such as the golden armor worn by Eve in Egypt in Illustration 39. The sayings of four majesties are such as, standing like a pine tree, sitting like a bell, lying down like a bow, and walking like a breeze.
2. 上面的结果在经历3世,过去、现在、和未来,就得出了3000威仪。怎么把过去和未来都算在了一起?无意识唯是现量,没有顺序性或时间性;或说无意识(即神识)超时空。
3. 再经历身口七枝,结果是21000。这七枝是根本十戒(参见第13.1节)中的前七条,杀、盗、淫、妄语、恶口、绮语、两舌,不包括后面的三条 “意戒” ,因为无意识(神识)只处理现量,前意识唯是非量。
2. The above results after experiencing 3 generations, past, present, and future, the results are 3,000 Majesties. How does it include the past and the future together? Unconsciousness (God-sense) only processes present quantity, without sequence or time nature; in other words, Unconsciousness transcends time and space.
3. After experiencing the seven branches of body and mouth, the result is 21,000. These seven branches are the first seven of the ten fundamental precepts (see Section 13.1), including killing, stealing, sexual conduction, delusional speech, flowery speech, ferocious speech, and two-tongue. It does not include the three “intentional precepts”, because unconsciousness (i.e., God-sense) only processes present quantities (cf. section 11.4.5), and preconsciousness is only non-quantities.
4. 再经历贪、嗔、痴、和等分,就有了84000细行。什么是等分?是法四分(参见11.1节)中的第四分,是纯净的无意识。无意识是自主的神经系统,它以自有的方式,在现实生活中提取出了 “净戒” ,比如,当一个人遇见女神的时候,无意识自己会很快地从女神学到很多。另外,法的第四分不断地核实第三分。
4. Again, passing through greed, irritation, ignorance, and equality quadrant, the result is 84,000 Enchantments. What is the equality quadrant? It is the fourth quadrant of the four juristic quadrants (cf. section 11.1), is immaculate unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is an autonomous nervous system. In its own way, it extracts the "immaculate precepts" in real life. For example, when a person meets a goddess, his or her unconsciousness can quickly learn a lot from the goddess. In addition, the fourth quadrant constantly verifies the third quadrant.
A woman's “fully possessing immaculate precepts” are also known as golden armor, woman's skins, 500 Majesties 108,000 Charms, have 350 clauses in total, round in as 500 Majesties. The calculation method of its 108,000 charms is the same as that of men's precepts, so the number is 117,600. After discarding the inapplicable parts, it is rounded out as 108,000 Charms.
In addition, the extra part of a woman’s precepts than a man’s precepts are called Precept Incense. Symbols of the “Fully Possessing Immaculate Precepts” are the Sal Fasullo tree (palm tree), and rings, such as a finger ring, as shown in Figure 36.
16.2.2 断邪行障 Severance of Heretical Behavior Hindrance
1. 微细误犯愚,即是此中俱生一分。
2. 种种业趣愚,即彼所起误犯三业,或唯起业不了业愚。
Second land Bodhisattvas cut off heretical behavior hindrance. Saying that among Know Hindrances, the aggregately born First Juristic Quadrants (i.e., Companions) cause people mistakenly transgress three karmas (i.e., bodily habits, orally habits, and intentionally habits); those hinder the “fully possessing immaculate precepts”. When a Bodhisattva enters the second land, he or she will be able to eliminate them forever. Basing on that, we say that the second land Bodhisattvas sever the two fools and their roughs and heavies:
1. Fool of subtly delicate transgressions, those are the aggregately born first juristic quadrants.
2. Fool of many kinds of karmic interests, those are the sponsors for three karmic transgressions. Or fool of creating karmas and not cleaning them off.
1. 摄律仪戒,谓远离所应离法,与菩提心誓言的 “烦恼无尽誓愿断” 一句相应。
2. 摄善法戒,谓正修证应修证法,与菩提心戒的 “法门无量誓愿学,佛道无上誓愿成” 二句相应。
3. 饶益有情戒,亦名摄众生戒,谓利乐一切有情,与菩提心戒的 “众生无边誓愿度” 一句相应。
Why is it said that when a Bodhisattva enters the second land, he or can permanently put an end to evil behaviors and “fully possessed immaculate precepts”? Because Bodhicitta can assimilate all immaculate precepts, the one ring controls all other rings. Generally, to say all Buddhist precepts, are the Three Assimilating Immaculate Precepts:
1. Assimilating Disciplines and Rituals Precepts, that leaving all laws should be left. This clause corresponds to the sentence “Annoyances are endless, I vow I sever them all” in Bodhicitta Oath.
2. Assimilating Benevolent Laws Precepts, that to correctly cultivate and testify all laws should be cultivated and testified. This clause corresponds to two sentences “Juristic doors are limitless; I vow I study them all”, and “Buddha’s path is non-upper; I vow I endeavour to succeed” in Bodhicitta Oath.
3. Prosperously Benefit Sentients Precepts, also known as Assimilating Crowds Sentients Precepts, that is to benefit and please all sentients. This clause corresponds to the sentence “sentient beings are edgeless, I vow, I ferry them all” in Bodhicitta Oath.
Thus, Bodhicitta can assimilate all precepts.
16.2.3 最胜真如 Upmost Victorious True Suchness
Tang Tripitaka said, "The second land Bodhisattvas testify and gain the Upmost Victorious True Suchness, which is the most superior among all laws".
16.2.4 开约柜 Opening Covenant Ark.
Author When I was a teenager, I read a report on the Chinese government’s censorship of Buddhism. In the 1950s, when New China was founded, the government commissioned the Buddhist Society of China to censor Buddhism. The monk who wrote the report said: "We asked comrades from the Palace Museum in Beijing to help us open the Ark of the Covenant. It contains all the records of previous openings, recording the time, who opened the chest, and what they did."

报告说,我们发现男戒250条和女戒的350条都在里面,并不像古代佛经中说的那样, “由于保管不善,一些戒条丢失了” 。还发现了两条有争议的戒律, “皇(王)室成员是从虱卵虮子出生的,秽血;富有而吝啬的家庭成员是从湿气出生的,泥血” 。后来蒙藏工作委员会的同志们,他们负责蒙古、青海、和西藏地区的300位男女转世活佛的灵魂转世工作,说, “这两条与挑选转世灵童相关,人们不喜欢那两种人,若从那两种家庭选取转世灵童,那活佛造不出来,肯定失败!”
The report said that we found that 250 male precepts and 350 female precepts were all inside. It was not like what the ancient Buddhist scriptures said, "some of the precepts were lost due to poor storage”. Two controversial precepts were also discovered: "Members of the royal family are born from lice eggs, filthy blood; members of the rich and stingy family are born from moisture, mud blood”. Later, comrades of the Mongolian and Tibetan Working Committee, who were responsible for the soul reincarnation works of 300 male and female reincarnated living Buddhas in Mongolia, Qinghai, and Tibet, said, "These two clauses are related to the selection of Gold Boys (reincarnated soul boys; baby Adam). People do not like those two kinds of people. If you choose a reincarnated soul boy from those two families, you will not be able to create a living Buddha, fail!"
The report concluded by stating that they had not changed any of the commandments. Shakyamuni said: It is not allowed to show Buddhist precepts to non-Buddhists. They decided to still follow this tradition and lock the dozen precepts back to the Ark of the Covenant. The precepts were already widely circulated in society and could be displayed to anyone.
16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
唐三藏说:“成就胜定大法总持,能发无边妙慧光,故名发光地。” 本小节讨论定。在佛教的百法(参见第11章)中,只有念、定、和慧(智)可以持心,所以大部分佛的教导以此三法中的一法结束。定义为主观和客观相应而动的身心稳定状态,亦名一心。基于从见道到成佛的过程,玄奘法师把所有胜定归类成了四种:贤守定,集福王定,健行定,和大乘光明定。
Tang Tripitaka said: “Establishment of victorious-stillness great-law generally-hold, can emit edge-less wonderful gnostic light, hence the Glory Heartland.” The section discusses Stillness. Among all 100 laws of Buddhism (cf. chapter 11), only Spell, Stillness, and Gnosis (a type of intelligence) can hold heart (i.e., mind), so most of the Buddha's teachings end with one of these three laws. Stillness means a stable state of heart and body, in which the subjective and the objective change correspondingly, also known as One Heart. Based on the process from seeing path to Buddhahood, Tang Tripitaka categorized all the victorious stillness into four: Sagely Hold Stillness, Aggregate Fortune King Stillness, Vigorously Practice Stillness, and Mahayana Light Stillness.

1. 贤守定,谓此能守世间出世间贤善法故。插图16.3是古埃及的浮雕,用五幅图表达了 “贤守定” 的概念。图1和5是众生之母夏娃,头顶的三朵莲花象征着上帝三合和(上帝、亚当、和夏娃)。中间的三幅图表示她从见道到成佛的过程。多数的雕塑中,古埃及人用 “给孩子孩子亚伯喂奶” 来表示她是夏娃,但这浮雕中用乳房长在了胳肢窝来表示她是夏娃,因为古埃及人要用夏娃的双手来向观众展示一个重要的概念, “贤守” 。如图1至5,五位夏娃都是一个 “持着” 的姿势。
1. Sagely Hold Stillness, saying that this can hold mundane and transcending mundaneness all sagely benevolent laws. Illustration 16.3 is an ancient Egyptian bas-relief that expresses the concept of "Sagely Hold Stillness" in five panels. Figures 1 and 5 show enlightened Eve, with the three lotus flowers above her head symbolizing the godly trinity (God, Adam, and Eve). The three figures in the center represent her journey from Seeing Path to becoming a Buddha. In most sculptures, the ancient Egyptians by “breast feeding child Abel” to show that she is Eve, but this relief uses a breast growing in the armpit to show that she is Eve, because the ancient Egyptians wanted to use her hands to show viewers an important concept: "Sagely Hold Stillness". As shown in Figures 1 through 5, all five Eve's are in a "holding" gesture.
What was Eve carrying all the time? The containers above show the contents of the bottles, the bottle on the left contains all the knowledge of the Book of Life written by Eve, and the bottle on the right contains all the knowledge of the Book of Death written by Adam. These two books are the entire teachings of ancient Egyptian religion. Combining the five reliefs, the ancient Egyptians expressed: Knowledge is like water, and “Sagely Hold Stillness” is like a vessel, which can hold all the water of knowledge.
For Buddhists, “Sagely Hold Stillness” requires practitioners, whether they understand it or not, to remember all the contents of the Four Victorious Cruxes, which are the entire teachings of Buddhism.
2. 集福王定,谓此自在集无边福,如王势力无等双。由于夏娃持有四胜谛,总是遇到好运,随着生活,有意无意地就收到了觉悟,获得了知识;如是她收集了许多瓶上进的膏粮(如图4所示)。她头顶有两只箭,代表她仍有贪和嗔,这两个思惑;这也表示她此时已经懂得了四胜谛,已经消灭了八万四千魔军中的见惑(参见14.3节《烦恼的数》),仍有多品思惑需要消除。
2. Aggregate Fortune King Stillness, saying that this can gather edge-less fortune, like a king with unparalleled power. Because Eve held the Four Victorious Cruxes, she always encountered good luck. As she lived, she gained enlightenment and knowledge intentionally or unintentionally. In this way, she collected many bottles of nourishing food (as shown in Figure 4). There are two arrows on her head, which means that she still has greed and irritation, the two Mean Muddles; it also means that she had understood the Four Victorious Cruxes at this time and had eliminated all the View Muddles in the 84,000 demon armies (see Section 14.3 Number of Annoyances), there are still many grades Mean Muddles that need to be eliminated.
3. 健行定,谓菩萨大健有情之所行。埃及夏娃勇敢地挑战四胜谛,但她常常发现自己错了,向四胜谛投降了,但与此同时,她的头里孕育了一个巨大的莲花蕾,已经被大洪水淹没了(即已经被洗礼了; 如图3中,她的头顶所示)。图2中的莲花代表觉悟。夏娃全身开花,表示她觉悟不断,正处于 “金刚无间道” 。金刚无间道,亦作金刚喻定,大洪水,洗礼、割礼,升天,和出尘,都是对修习大般若舟(即十渡;如图2夏娃的头顶所示)的不同描述。图2中,夏娃口吐莲花,正在与众同修分享修习大般若舟的心得体会。教学相长,夏娃的修习愈发精进。
3. Vigorously Practice Stillness, saying that due to aggregate more and more fortune, Boddhisatva becomes healthy and healthier, which boosted his or her advancement on Boddhisattva’s path. The Egyptian Eve bravely challenged the Four Victorious Cruxes, but she often found that she was wrong and surrendered to the Four Victorious Cruxes. However, at the same time, a huge lotus bud was conceived in her head, which had been submerged by the great flood (i.e., Eve had been baptized; shown above her head in Figure 3). The lotus in Figure 2 represents enlightenment. Eve's whole body blossomed, indicating that she was in “Philosopher’s Stone Non-Intermit Path”. “Philosopher’s Stone Non-Intermit Path”, also known as Philosopher’s Stone Metaphor Stillness, the big flood, baptism, circumcision, escalating to heaven, going out body, and ousting dusts, all are different descriptions of practicing the Greater Arks (i.e., ten Arks; shown on the top of Eve's head in Figure 2). In Figure 2, Eve spits out lotus flowers and is sharing her experience of practicing the Greater Ark with fellow practitioners. The teaching and study were mutual, so Eve's study and practice became more and more advanced.
4. 大乘光明定,谓此能发照了大乘理教行果智光明。图1和5显示夏娃不开花了,全身的皮肤都变得光滑了,修习觉悟的热忱已经褪去了。这时的她已经处于大乘光明定中;乳房从胸前被移到了胳肢窝表示她已经是众生之母了。
4. Mahayana Light Stillness, saying that this can completely illuminate Mahayana’s principles, practices, fruits, and intelligence. Pictures 1 and 5 show that Eve has stopped blooming, her skin has become smooth, and her enthusiasm for practicing Greater Ark has faded. At this time, she was already in the Mahayana light Stillness; her breast was moved from her chest to her armpit, indicating that she was already the mother of all living beings.
16.3.1 忍渡 Countenance Ark
Third land Bodhisattvas study and practice Countenance Ark. Learning is a process of becoming, and without countenance one cannot attain, so Countenance Ark is established. There are three types of countenance: countenance with resentment and harm, countenance with accepting bitter, and countenance with observing law. Nature of countenance non-irritation, diligently advance, prudent gnosis, and their aroused three karmas. Countenance Ark, also known as Eight Countenance Lands, Eight Middle Continents, Eight Great Philosopher-Stones, Eight Great Humans, for details, please refer to Section 17.3-9 through 18.
16.3.2 暗钝障 Severance of Gloomily Dullness Hindrance
1. 欲贪愚,即是此中能障胜定及修慧者。彼昔多与欲贪俱故名欲贪愚。今得胜定及修所成,彼既永断,欲贪随伏。
2. 圆满闻持总持愚,即是此中能障总持闻思慧者。
Third land Bodhisattvas break off Hindrance of Gloomily Dullness. The saying is that there are First Quadrants aggregately born that cause the people to forget what gnosis they have heard, meant, and cultivated. Those obstacles hinder “Victorious-Stillness Generally-Hold”, will be permanently eliminated when Bodhisattvas enter the Third Land. Hearer Gnosis is gnosis gained from hearing and reading, such as listening to legends, and understanding the meaning of Buddhist scriptures. Mean Gnosis is gnosis gained from thinking, feeling, and summarizing, such as insights. Cultivation Gnosis is gnosis gained from one’s own experiences, from results of one's own practice. Such as observing the precepts, practitioners soon feel that with the selfless as heart, the sky is higher, and the earth is broader. Thus, we say that third land Bodhisattvas cut off the two fools and their roughs and heavies.
1. Fool of Desirably Greed, that is the hindrance, which hinders the Victorious Stillness and cultivated gnosis. In the past, they were often with Desirably Greed as companion, hence Fool of Desirably Greed. Now, Bodhisattvas gained the Victorious Stillness and achievements of cultivations, those are cut off, and Desirably Greed is tamed along.
2. Fool of Perfect Hearer-Hold and Generally-Hold, those are the capable of hindering the general hold on hearer gnosis, mean gnosis, and cultivation gnosis.
16.3.3 胜流真如 Victorious Stream True Suchness
Third land Bodhisattvas prove and gain Victorious Stream True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said: “Teachings flowed out from this True Suchness are extremely victorious to other teachings.” Unconsciousness is God-sense, is juristic sense, also known as True Suchness Sense, therefore, Victorious Stream True Suchness means that teachings of God-sense are the upmost victorious among religions including modern philosophy, psychology, and sociology; the teaching of studying God-sense is the worthiest of learning and is the Holy Path Stream.
On the other hand, when Intent (i.e. preconsciousness) encounters right and wrong, purity and pollution, it automatically migrates on the right path and stays away from pollution. If practitioners can prove that this teaching is the most victorious among all teachings, their confidence will increase to 100%, their practice will be twice the result with half the effort, and success will be just around the corner.
16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Heartland
唐三藏说:“安住最胜菩提分法,烧烦恼薪,慧焰增故名焰慧地。” 菩提分法,又名37品道:四念住、四正勤、四神足、五根、五力、七觉枝、和八正道枝。
16.4.0-1 四念住。念,于曾习境,令心明记不忘为性,可以持心,定依为业。(一)身念处,观身(即集谛)不净。(二)受念处,观受(即观苦谛)是苦。(三)心念处,观灭谛无常,观念念生灭,世事流转,无有长久。(四)法念处,观道谛无我。我谓主宰;法谓轨持。
Tang Tripitaka said: “easefully dwelling in the most victorious Enlightenment-Branches laws, burning faggots of annoyances, gnostic flames escalate, hence the name of Flaming Gnosis Heartland.” Enlightenment-Branches Law, also known as 37 grades of path: Four Spells Dwell, Four Correct Diligence, Four God Feet, Five Roots, Five Strengths, Seven Perception Branches, Eight Correct Paths.
16.4.0-1 Four Spell Dwells. Spell, on the once-acquired environment, its nature is to make the heart clearly remember and not forget; its karma is the being depended for Stillness. (1) Body Spell Place, to view body (that is Aggregate Crux, chapter 14) is maculate. Aggregate Crux is heretical behavior true suchness. (2) Acceptance Spell Place, to view acceptance (that is Bitter Crux, chapter 13) is bitter. (3) Heart Spell Place, to view heart (that is Salvation Crux, chapter 15) is impermanence, to view spell and spells are birth and deaths, affair and affairs are circulating, nothing lasts forever. (4) Law Spell Place, to view Path Crux has no “I”. “I” means lord, Seth View (cf. section Law means rail, track (cf. section 11.1).

16.4.0-2 四正勤:(一)未生恶法令不生;(2)已生恶法恒令灭;(三)未生善法令出生;(四)已生善法令增长。
16.4.0-3 四神足,亦名四如意足,谓欲、精进、心、和慧观,此四法像似上帝的四只脚,能通达目的地,无往不至。又,足有基础、根基义。
16.4.0-2 Four Correct Diligence: (1) Ferocious laws that have not been born will not be born; (2) Ferocious laws that have been born will be terminated; (3) Benevolent laws that have not been born will be born; (4) Benevolent laws that have been born will grow prosperously.
16.4.0-3 Four Godly Feet, also known as Four As-Wish Feet, that desire, diligently effort, heart, and view, the four are like God’s four feet, which can reach any destinations. Moreover, feet also mean footings, foundations, roots.
1. 欲如意足,欲于所乐境相,希望为性,勤依为业。欲通于善恶和中性这三种伦理道德性,若对善法起欲,能发正勤,由精进助成善事,如有神助。
2. 精进神足,精进于所修之法,专注一心,不懈地努力,而能如愿满足,如有神助。
3. 心神足,此心义指无所有天(参见插图16.4-2),亦名微妙本心,常寂光天,涅槃,拯救,毕竟空,正定。而且此心具有无数无量福德。一心一意地做事能引发正定持心。
4. 观神足,此观即慧观,即运用集起的四缘(参见14.1节)来看待事物。结合前心神足,把 “毕竟空” ,即∅,放入集起,集起就变成了 “等起” 。等起就是佛智、神智、佛的世界观、佛教哲学。
1. Desire God Foot, desire is by “arousing hope on laughable environment” as nature, is by “being depended by diligence” as karma. Desire affiliates to benevolent neutral and ferocious moralities, if aroused desire to benevolent laws, can arouse correct diligence. Thus, diligently effort can promote to achieve benevolent affair, like helped by God.
2. Diligently-Effort God Foot, diligently to put efforts to the cultivated law, concentrate with one heart, non-relaxingly endeavour, thus, one can fulfill hope to satisfaction, like helped by God.
3. Heart God Foot, the heart means “No Objectively Have Sky” (see fig. 16.4-2), also known as “Delicately Wonderful Original Heart”, “Constant Silent Light Sky”, Nirvana, Salvation, Empty After All, Correct Stillness. And the heart has innumerable and inexhaustible fortune and virtue. Doing thing with concentrated one heart and one intention can trigger the Correct Stillness to hold heart.
4. View God Foot, the view means gnostic view, means using the four elements of Aggregate Arousal (cf. section 14.1) to view. Combining with the above clause, putting the “Empty After All”, "∅", into the Aggregate Arousal, then the Aggregate Arousal becomes “Equality Arousal”, which is Buddha Intelligence, God Intelligence, Buddha’s world view, and Buddhist philosophy.
16.4.0-4 五根,是信根、精进根(亦作勤根)、念根、定根、慧根。
1. 信,于实德能,深忍乐欲,心净为性;乐善为业。胜解即是忍,是信的因;乐欲是信的果。信略有三种。(甲)信实有,即于一切实事和道理,深信忍耐可为有。(乙)信有德,即信四胜谛(参见第13至16章)为实,信可为有,信即是有。(丙)信有能,即对于一切世间及出世间的善法,深信自己及他人,只要肯学习,都能获得那些成就。
2. 精进或勤,于善恶的修断事中,勇悍为性;满善为业。精进有五种:(甲)被甲精进,即有势;(乙)加行精进,即有勤;(丙)无下精进,即有勇;(丁)无退精进,即坚猛;(戊)无足精进,即不舍善轭。
16.4.0-4 Five Roots are faith root, diligently effort root, spell root, still root, and gnosis root.
1. Faith, it is ardently tolerant with and desire to factual fortunes and virtues, its nature is heart’s immaculateness, its karma is laughingly to do goods. Resolution is tolerance, is reason for faith; laughingly desire is faith’s fruit. There are three kinds of faith. (A) Faith to factually haves, that is to deeply believe all actualities and principles, and to deeply believe in that tolerances can be haves. (B) Faith to Virtues, that is to believe in that the Four Victorious Cruxes (cf. chapter 13 to 16) are factuality; beliefs can be haves, faith is have. (C) Faith to able, that is to all mundane and transcending mundane benevolent laws, deeply believe in that oneself and other, if willing to study, all can gain those achievements.
2. Diligently Effort Root, on affairs of cultivating benevolent laws and severing ferocious laws, its nature is valiant effort, its karma is to fulfill benevolence. There are five kinds of diligently advances: (A) armored diligently advance, i.e., having potency; (B) extra effort advance, i.e., having diligence; (C) non-inferior advance, i.e., having bravery; (D) no-retreating advance, i.e., valiant; and (E) unsatiable advance, i.e., not giving up on benevolent juristic traces.
3. 念,即读、咒,于曾习境,令心明记不忘为性,定依为业。
4. 定,于所观境,令心专注不散为性,智依为业。定是身心稳定,主客观相应而动的状态,亦作一心。
5. 慧,于所观境简择为性,断疑为业。慧是解知之心,是一种智;但在某些方面,两者相反,成事之智是智,了事之智是慧。佛教中常用金刚来比喻慧;在英语中,金刚义为哲学家之石。
3. Spell Root, that is, read, curse, on the once-acquired environment, its nature is to make the mind clearly remember and not forget, its karma is the being depended for Stillness.
4. Stillness Root, on being observed environment, its nature is to let heart focus, not be dispersed; its karma is the being depended for Intelligence. Stillness is bodily and mentally stable state, in which subjective and objective change correspondingly; also known as One Heart.
5. Gnosis Root, on being observed environment, its nature is selection, its karma is severing suspicion. Gnosis is the heart of interpreting know, is a kind of intelligence; but in some ways, the two are opposites, the intelligence of establishing affair is intelligence, the intelligence of terminating affair is gnosis. In Buddhism, Vajra is often used as a metaphor for gnosis; in English, Vajra means philosopher's stone.
16.4.0-5 五力,得到了上面的五根之后,就有了这五种力量。(一)信力,信念增长,能破诸疑惑。(二)精进力,精进念增长,能破身心懈怠。(三)念力,念力增长,能破诸邪念,成就出世正念功德。(四)定力,定念增长,能破诸乱想,发诸定。(五)慧力,慧念增长,能遮止三界(参见插图16.4)见思二惑(参见第14.3节)。
16.4.0-5 Five Strengths, after obtaining the above five roots, one has the five powers. (1) Faith Power, the growth of faith, and the ability to break all doubts. (2) Diligent-Effort Power, spell of diligently-effort grows, can break the slackness of body and heart. (3) Spell Power, Spell Power grows, can break heretical thoughts, and to achieve the correct spells’ fortune and virtue of ousting mundaneness. (4) Still Power grows, can break chaotic thoughts and, and to rouse stillness. (5) Gnostic Power, gnosis grows, can cover up and stop View Muddles and Mean Muddles (cf. section 14.3) of three boundaries (see fig. 16.4).
16.4.0-6 七觉枝,是修习佛法获得的七种证悟:念觉枝、择法觉枝、精进觉枝、喜觉枝、轻安觉枝、定觉枝、舍觉枝。
1. 念觉枝,此觉悟就是修习者发现了念对人生活的影响很大。意随念行,遂由等流果(参见11.6.2 《等流果》)的聚集而形成人的内心环境,从而形成观待因(即能做因,参见11.6.3 《士用果》)。完备的心境出现了,即定境出现了。其中的念起到了关键的引导作用。
2. 择法觉枝,此觉悟是,智和慧都以拣择为性。
3. 精进觉枝,要获得成功,许多时候精进是必要的,比如钻木取火,关键的时候需要附加额外的工作,否则火不可得。
16.4.0-6 Seven Perception Branches are seven kinds of enlightenment obtained by practicing Buddhism: spell perception branch, Selective-law perception branch, diligently-effort perception branch, light-ease perception branch, stillness perception branch, and renunciation perception branch.
1. Spell Perception Branch, this enlightenment is saying that the person found that intention follows spell, Equal Stream Fruits (cf. 11.6.2 Equal Stream Fruit) flow to intention, and the inner environment of the person is formed. Therefore, “View and treatment” reason (i.e. Able as Reason”; cf. section 11.6.3 Warrior Usage Fruit) is formed. Then a complete state of mind forms, i.e., a Still Environment appears. Among which, spell functions as a key guiding role.
2. Selective-law Perception Branch, the enlightenment is that intelligence and gnosis both have choosing as their nature.
3. Diligently-Effort Perception Branch, to achieve success, diligence and effort is often necessary, such as drilling wood to make fire, at critical times, additional work is required, otherwise fire cannot be obtained.
4. 喜觉枝,喜具有强大力量;同样的,四无量心,即慈、悲、喜、舍,都具有强大的力量。另外,学法修道至于获得利乐处,才算有真正的成就。
5. 轻安觉枝,身体没有粗重的感觉,心情舒畅。轻安以堪任为性,转依为业。
6. 定觉枝,定是一位别境心所有法;于所观境,令心专注不散为性,智依为业。如图16.4.1-1至22都可以看作是不同的定境,有那样心与境互动的状态,才有那样的智慧。
7. 舍觉枝,此觉悟义为,因为无意识,亦作神识,只与舍受相应,所以基于毕竟空(即插图16.4-2)的无为法诞生了,而且修习者体证了无为法是取得幸福和美德的正确道路。尘世之法是有为法,是基于有而建立的法,是基于帝释天(如图16.4-14)的法,是集法。尘世之人基于有为法,执着于颠倒妄想,沉迷于生老病死的苦海,不得解脱。
4. Delightful Perception Branch, delightfulness has great power; similarly, the four infinite hearts, namely mercifulness, sorrowfulness, delightfulness, and renunciation, all have great power. In addition, when studying laws and cultivating path, true achievement is at benefit and laugh place.
5. Light-Ease Perception Branch, the body does not feel rough and heavy, and heart are easily pleasant; its nature is trustworthy to carry duty, its karma is conversion.
6. Stillness Perception Branch, stillness is a circumstantial heartland law, is by having heart not loose on being observed environment as nature, being depended by intelligence is its karma. As shown in Figure 16.4.1-1 to 22, they all can be regarded as different states of stillness. Only with such states of interaction between heart and environment can there be such intelligence and gnosis.
7. Renunciation Perception Branch, this enlightenment is that, because unconsciousness, also known as God-sense, only corresponds to renunciative acceptance, so the None-As Law based on Empty After All (I.e. fig. 16.4-2) is born, and the practitioner experiences Proving the None-As Law is the correct path to fortune and virtue. Mundane laws are Have-As Laws established on haves, based on Seth-Sky (see Fig. 16.4-14), and are aggregative laws. Mundane people based on have-as laws, obsessed with upside-down delusions, and indulged in the bitter sea of birth, old age, illness, and death, from which they cannot be liberated.
16.4.0-7 八正道,是基于前面的七种觉悟,悟出的八种人生的正确道路:正见、正思维、正语、正业、正命、正精进、正念、正定。
1. 正见,区别于邪执倒见:苦谛(参见第13章)是安立真如,集谛(参见第14章)是邪行真如,灭谛(参见第15章)是清净真如,道谛(第16章)是正行真如。
2. 正思维,依四谛的因果理进行思维,参见13.4.3节《十趣因果》。
16.4.0-7 Eight Correct Paths are findings from the previous seven enlightenments: Correct View, Correct Thinking, Correct Speech, Correct Karma, Correct Life, Correct Diligently Advancement, Correct Spell, Correct Stillness.
1. Correct View is different from heretical obsessions and upside-down views: Bitter Crux (cf. chapter 13) is establishment true suchness, Aggregate Crux (cf. chapter 14) is heretical behavior true suchness, Salvation Crux (cf. chapter 15) is quiet true suchness, and the Path Crux (cf. chapter 16) is correct behavior true suchness.
2. Correct Thinking, thinking according to the theories of cause and effect of the Four Victorious Cruxes, see Section 13.4.3 Ten Interests’ Causes and Effects.
3. 正语,(甲)不妄语,或不唯不行诳惑,更能言说真实语;(乙)不绮语,或不唯不行魅惑之语,更能作利益语;(丙)不恶口,或不唯不行粗犷,更能善言安慰;(丁)不两舌,或不唯不行离间,更能从中调和。
4. 正业,对于一个男人来说是 “三千威仪,八万四千细行” ,对于一个女人来说正业是 “五百威仪,十万八千魅力” (参见16.2节)。业,亦作身口意业,身业即此身、口业即此口中所说的、意业即此心所想的。
5. 正命,从事正当的职业,尊老爱幼。
3. Correct Speech, (A) Not to speak delusionally, or not only not to muddle and deceive, but also to speak truthfully; (B) Not to use flowery speech, or not only not to charm, but also to speak for the benefit of others; (C) Not to speak of coarse ferocious language, or not only not to speak ferociously, but also to speak kindly to console; (D) Not to two-tongue, not only not to sow discord among people, but also to conciliate and harmonize.
4. Correct Karma is the “3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments” for a man, and the “500 Majesties 108,000 Charms” for a woman discussed in Section 16.2 above. Karma is also known as bodily orally and intentionally karma, bodily karma is the flesh body, orally karma is the mouth speaking, intentionally karma is the heart thinking.
5. Correct Life, engaging in a proper profession, respecting the elderly, and caring for the young.
6. 正精进,如插图16.4-35和36所示,图22下面的地狱是最不幸的地方,上面图2的无所有天是最幸福的地方,以此两极为导向,正精进就是 “好好学习,天天向上” 。
7. 正念:(甲)不悭贪,或不唯不行悭吝,更能进行施舍;(乙)不嗔恚,或不唯不行愤恚,更能恒生慈念;(丙)不邪见,或不唯不行邪见,更能信行四谛因果理。
8. 正定,菩提分法以三种胜定统摄一切胜定,亦名三解脱门:(甲)在秽土(如图34),少欲是正定;(乙)在净土(如图33),无相是正定;(丙)在遍净天(如图32),空是正定。
6. Correct Diligently Advance, as shown in Illustration 16.4-35and 36, the hell below in Figure 22 is the most unhappy place, and the “No Objectively Have Sky” in Figure 2 above is the quietest place. Orientated by these two extremes, Correct Diligently Advancement means "study and practice hard, moving up every day”.
7. Correct Spell: (A) Not to be stingily greed, or not only not to be stingily greed, but also to perform donation; (B) Not to be resentfully irritated, or not only not to be angry, but also to be able to bear merciful spell; (C) Not to be heretical, or not only not to be heretical, but also be able to believe and implement the causes and fruits of the Four Victorious Cruxes.
8. Correct Stillness, Samadhi in Sanskrit, the Enlightenment Branches Laws use three victorious stillness to assimilate all victorious stillness, also known as “Three Liberation Doors”: (A) In Filth Soils (see fig. 34), “Less Desire” is correct stillness; (B) In Immaculate Soils (see fig. 33), “No Phenomena” is correct stillness; (C) In “Pervasively Immaculate Sky” (see fig. 32), “Empty” is correct stillness.
16.4.1 精进渡 Diligently-Advancement Ark
Fourth land Bodhisattvas study and practice “Diligently-Advancement Ark”, which has three types, namely, Armored Diligently-Advancement, Assimilating-Benevolences Diligently-Advancement, and Benefitting-Laugh Diligently-Advancement. Armored Diligently-Advancement means that the Bodhisattva studies and practices the most victorious “Enlightenment Branches Laws” diligently, like the ancient soldiers who entered the battlefield wearing armor, fearlessly marching forward. Benefitting-Laugh Diligently-Advancement means that the Bodhisattva is pleasing and maturing sentient beings, never satiated. Diligently-Advancement Ark is by “diligence and it aroused three karmas” as nature.
Illustration 35 is Mount Mexico (also known as Tlaloc, around 1325 CE) in Chapter 18 "The Sun Stone" of this book showing how to “Diligently-Advancement”: like drilling wood to make fire, a dragon crossing a river, being dedicated and relentless, and moving forward courageously. Picture 36 shows southerners of China racing dragon boats.
16.4.2 微细烦恼现行障 Hindrance of Subtle-Annoyance Presentness
Fourth land Bodhisattvas break off Hindrance of Subtle-Annoyance Presentness. This is said the First Juristic Quadrant aggregately born, that body-view belongs to the sixth sense (i.e. consciousness); it is named as “subtle”, because it is the lowest, because it is not aggregated from attention, and because its following lags far behind. It is preferable that this body-view affiliates to sixth sense, since the aggregately born body-view belonging to the seventh sense (i.e. preconsciousness) is thick, comparatively this belonging to sixth sense is “subtle”. That “thick aggregately born body view” is contrary to the nature of the holy path, will be tamed at the eighth land and upper.
The said aggregately born body-view belonging to sixth sense also includes Stillness-Love and Law-Love belonging to along-life know hindrance. The “Subtle-Annoyance” hinders “Enlightenment-Branches Laws” since “Enlightenment-Branches Laws” particularly besiege it. Thus, we say that fourth land Bodhisattvas break off the two fools and their roughs and heavies: (1) Equality-Arrival Love Fool, which is the love of stillness among this; (2) Law Love Fool, which is the love of law among this. The two fools belonging to Know Hindrance are severed, therefore the Still Love and Law Love will never present again.
16.4.3 无摄受真如 No-Assimilated-Acceptance True Suchness
Fourth land Bodhisattvas prove and gain “No-Assimilated-Acceptance True Suchness” (i.e., being free from incorporation). Tang Tripitaka said: “This True Suchness has no affiliation and cannot be fetched by I-Obsession, etc.” This says that unconsciousness (aka God-sense) has no self, and belongings, many of its nature remain unchanged throughout life, and cannot be tamed, subdued, seduced, or bribed. Living beings can only act according to its nature (juristic nature).
16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
唐三藏说:“难胜地者,真俗两智行相互违,合令相应极难胜故。” 真智和俗智即无为法和有为法。无为法是无我法,是基于无所有天(即涅槃,如图16.5-2)的法,如佛教百法中的最后六位是无为法。有为法是我法,是基于转移身见(亦作帝释天,如图16.5-14;参见11.节)的法,如佛教百法中的前94位都是有为法。
Tang Tripitaka said: “It is Onerous Heartland that true and mundane the two intelligences are in conflict with each other, merging of them makes them correspond to each other extremely difficult to win." The true intelligence and mundane intelligence are None-As Law and Have-As Law. None-As Law is no I law, which is based on the No Objectively Have Sky (i.e. Nirvana, as shown in Fig. 16.5-2). For example, the last six of the hundred laws in Buddhism (cf. Chapter 11) are the law of None-As. Have-As Law is I law, which is law based on Seth-view (see Fig. 14; cf. section, such as the first 94 of the Buddhist Hundred Laws, all are Have-as laws.
Have-As Law is based on haves, which has the nature of aggregate and fetch. Have is such as have memories, have habits. Causes and fruits not forgotten are haves, such as the 25 haves in Bitter Crux (cf. section 13.4.4). None-As Law is based on nirvana and is based on Empty After All, which has the nature of equality and renunciation, and it is not combinable with haves.

16.5.1 禅渡 Meditation Ark
Fifth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Meditation Ark. Meditation is also known as Pacification, commonly known as Breath Method (see fig. 16.5 and chapter 12), Indian call Yoga, only by Equality-Hold as nature, has three types: Easily Dwell Pacification, Inspiration Pacification, and Working Pacification.
(1) Easily Dwell Pacification, is commonly known as “close eyes to nurture god”, cross-legged sitting, counting breath view, maculate view, four spells dwell, etc.
(2) Inspiration Pacification is to induce hallucinations in meditation, from which Meditator can gain actual experiences of Celestial Eye (Clairvoyance), Celestial Ear (Clairaudience), Celestial Leg (Teleportation), Reading Other Mind (Clairsentience), and “Intellectual Testament Through of Birth and Death”, to understand the principles of Mind Mechanism. Common practice methods of this kind of meditation include Ten Pervasively Places, Lotus Flower View and Thinking, etc.
(3) Working Pacification, this kind of meditation is to use meditation to solve practical problems in life. Such as Meditator uses True Air to heal his or her own body, such as getting rid of rheumatism. And such as confession to eliminate sin, cure mental illness, and practicing Arrival Ark to oust dusts.
16.5.2 于下乘般涅槃障 Hindrance of “Entering Salvation from Lower Lands”.
Fifth land Bodhisattvas break off Hindrances of “Entering Nirvana from Lower Lands”. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, the first quadrant aggregately born have them hate annoyances of births and deaths, and enjoy nirvana, which is like the second Bodhisattvas who are dislike bitter enjoy extinction. This hindrance hinders non-discrimination path of the fifth land. When they enter the fifth land, those hindrances are severed off. Thus, we say fifth land Bodhisattvas cut off the two fools and their roughs and heavies: (1) Fool of making intention against birth and death, which is the one disgusts with births and deaths among this; (2) Fool of making intention to nirvana, which is the one enjoys Nirvana among this.
16.5.3 类无别真如 Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness
Fifth land Bodhisattvas testify Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said that the true suchness treats categories not differently, not like eye ear etc. have preferences, treat things differently. Categories, such as we say that there are 18 boundaries in unconsciousness: 6 Root Boundaries, namely eye-root, ear-root, nose-root, tongue-root, body-root, intent-root (i.e., preconsciousness); 6 Dust Boundaries, namely, color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law; and 6 Sense Boundaries, namely eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, body-sense, and intent-sense (i.e. consciousness). Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness shows that unconsciousness treats all 18 categories or boundaries equally, without favoring one over another.
To put it another way, Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness treats all sentient beings equally. This equality is absolute. All beings with two legs are equal, equal to those with four legs, equal to those with six legs, equal to those with many legs, equal to those without legs, equal to ghosts, Gods, and Buddhas, equal to birds, beasts, fishes, and insects, equal to flowers, grasses, trees, woods, and equal to mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas.
16.6 现前地 Manifestation Heartland
什么是最胜般若?就是等起,就集起(参见14.1节)的四缘和空集(∅)。其中的空集(∅)代表正等明(参见15.1节)。对于尘世之人,因为集起集合中的空集(∅)不空,集起具有聚合性,收集性,所以称作集起。对于圣人来说,由于证得了涅槃,清除了污染,集起集合的空集(∅)空了,此空集(即涅槃)是等性,所以称作等起。那为什么古人把 “等起” 称作最胜般若?因为此空集(∅)是涅槃, “净识害有” ,此 “空集” 能杀死一切烦恼,具有无量无边的福德,就是 “拯救” 。
Tang Tripitaka said, it is Manifestation Heartland that, dwelling in intelligence of four-factor arousal (1), to induce non-discriminative upmost victorious arrival ark (2) manifests at front. What is the intelligence of four-factor origination? It is to see the world through the four-factor of Aggregate Arousal (the cause, the object, the equal stream factor, and the escalatory factor, see Section 14.1).
What is the upmost victorious arrival ark? It is the Four Factors of the Aggregate Arousal (cf. section 14.1) and the Empty Set (∅). The Empty Set (∅) represents the Correct Equality Light (see Section 15.1). For mundane people, because the Empty Set (∅) in the Aggregate Arousal is not empty, has the nature of aggregation and fetch, so it is called the Aggregate Arousal. For the sages, because they have realized Nirvana and cleared the pollution, the Empty Set (∅) of Aggregate Arousal is empty, and this Empty Set (∅) (i.e. Nirvana) is the equal nature, so it is called the Equality Arousal. Why did the ancients call the Equality Arousal the upmost victorious arrival ark? Because this Empty Set (∅) is Nirvana, and "pure senses harming haves", this Empty Set (∅) can kill all annoyances, has infinite fortune and virtue, which is salvation.
16.6.1 慧渡 Gnostic Ark
1. 生空无分别慧。从无到有为生。参见14.1节的集起,四缘合和,就有了;此从空而生就是 “生空” 。我们把这个概念拓展到万事万物,从出生来说,都是一样,没有差别。你、我、他、她、和它,从出生来说,都是一样的,没有差别。
Sixth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Gnostic Ark. Gnosis is heart of interpreting know, is a kind of intelligence; but in some respects, Gnosis is the opposite of Intelligence, the Intelligence to accomplish affair is Intelligence, and the Intelligence to end affair is Gnosis. Gnosis is by selection, picking as nature, has three types: non-discriminative gnosis of birth empty, non-discriminative gnosis of law empty, non-discriminative gnosis of aggregate empty.
1. Non-Discriminative Gnosis of Birth Empty. Birth means from none to have. See section 14.1 Aggregate Arousal, the four elements gather up, have comes to exist, which newborn has not self nature, is the Birth Empty. We extend this concept to everything. From birth, everything is the same and there is no difference. You, me, him, her, and it are all the same from birth, there is no difference.
2. 法空无分别慧。此中有两个关键概念,我空和法空。口语中的 “我” 就是 “转移身见” ,参见11.节。无意识,古作神识,是法识。本书讨论了许多无意识的特性,但无意识唯是现量,我们不能直接表达无意识的特性。无意识最大的特性是 “不障性” ,它不障碍任何事物,如同虚空,而且无意识与虚空相应,所以我们说无意识是 “胜义空” 。因为我空和法空,你、我、他、她、和它,从法来说,都是一样的,没有差别。
3. 俱空无分别慧。俱空义为集起的整个集合是空的,就涉及到了物质是空的。佛教是从眼识所对的 “色” 来定义物质的,所以佛法中,色即是物质。读者可参见11.4.1节《 色蕴》,那篇文章已经究竟了色的本质,是空的。
2. Non-Discriminative Gnosis of Law Empty. There are two key concepts in this, I Emptiness and Law Emptiness. The "I" in oral language means "translocation body view", see Section Unconsciousness, ancient time as God-sense, is Law Sense. This book discusses many characteristics of unconsciousness, but unconsciousness is present quantity only, we cannot directly express its characteristics. The greatest characteristic of unconsciousness is "non-hindrance", it is not hindering anything, just like emptiness, and it corresponds to emptiness, so we say that unconsciousness is "emptiness of victorious significance". Thus, because I Empty and Law Empty, you, me, him, her, and it are all the same from the juristic point of view, there is no difference.
3. Non-Discriminative Gnosis of Aggregate Empty. The Aggregate Empty means that the entire collection in Aggregate Arousal is empty, which involves the fact that matter is empty. Buddhism defines matter in terms of “color” that is perceived by the eye, so in Buddhism, color is matter. Readers can refer to Section 11.4.1 "Color Node". That article has already explained the essence of color, which is empty.
16.6.2 粗相现行障 Hindrance of Thick Phenomena Presentness
Sixth land Bodhisattvas break the hindrance of thick phenomena presentness. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, a First Quadrant aggregately born obsesses the thick phenomena of contamination and immaculateness, which hinders the “non-contamination non-immaculateness path” of the sixth land. When Boddhisatva enters the sixth land, that hindrance is severed for ever. Thus, we say that sixth land Bodhisattva cuts off the two fools and their roughs and heavies. (1) Fool of Observing Migrators’ (the laws in section 11.4.4 Migration Node) Circulations, which is the one among this obsesses the existence of contamination, because contamination branch assimilates migrators’ circulations. (2) Fool of Many Phenomenal Presents, which is the one among this obsesses the existence of immaculateness, is fetching immaculate phenomena. Many phenomenal views present because practitioner did not dwell in non-phenomenal view long.
16.6.3 无染净真如 Non-Contamination Non-Immaculateness True Suchness
Sixth land Bodhisattvas testify Non-Contamination Non-Immaculateness True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said that nature of this true suchness has no contaminations, and it cannot be said that it can become immaculate in the future. This true suchness shows that unconsciousness is very mechanical and self-resulting. It extracts information from people's actual behaviors in its own way and establishes itself without distinguishing between good and evil. Like black and white, people feel anxious about black and peaceful about white. Unconsciously, black, and white are neither good nor evil, so black is not pollution, and white is neither good nor evil.
16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
Tang Tripitaka said, it is Hike heartland that arriving behind the function “Non-Phenomena Dwell”, the Bodhisattva has transcended mundane second vehicle path. Practitioners at this stage feel as if they are entering a new world every day, just like those who travel long distances, with fresh scenery and new stories every day. Even if practitioners are always at home, they always feel like they have returned from a long trip, everything in their home is fresh and inviting, and the past and future have become far away, as if time has slowed down.
什么是 “无相住”?参见11.节的恶见,总列了人生的全部见惑,尘世是基于那些错误观点而建立的虚假世界。尘世人所做的许多事没有意义的,没功能,无用。
修习者用这种世界观看待尘世的,就是在修习 “无相住” ,会摧毁尘世 。怎么修习无相住?就是运用前节谈的 “等起智” ,亦作神佛智,来观察看待世界。这种修习被梵语称作奢摩他-毗婆舍那(Samatha Vipassana),汉语称作止观。梵语奢摩他,汉译做止,就相当于等起的空集(∅)。梵语毗婆舍那就是用等起的四缘来看待世界。
What is the “Non-Phenomena Dwell”? See the Ferocious Views in Section, which summarizes all the misconceptions in life. The world is a false world based on those wrong views. Many things that people do in mundane world are meaningless, functionless, and useless.
Practitioners who view the world with this kind of worldview are practicing “Non-Phenomena Dwell”, which will destroy the mundane world. How to practice “Non-Phenomena Dwell”? It is to use the "intelligence of four-factor arousal” in the previous section, also known as God Buddha Intelligence, to observe and view the world. This practice is called Samatha Vipassana in Sanskrit and Still View (止观) in Chinese. The Sanskrit word Samatha is translated into Chinese as Sill, which is equivalent to the empty set (∅) of Equality Arousal. The Sanskrit word Vipassana is to view the world with the four factors of Aggregate Arousal (cf. section 14.1).
另外,本书的17.2节《金刚经》是专讲如何修习 “无相住” 的,即讲述如何发起金刚喻定,发起大洪水,消灭尘世的。“无相住” 的修习有很多别名,如无功用行,金刚喻定,金刚无间道,出尘,出体,洗礼,割礼,大洪水等。
In addition, section 17.2 of the book, "Diamond Sutra", is dedicated to how to practice “Non-Phenomena Dwell”, that is, how to arouse the Philosopher-Stone Metaphor Stillness to destroy the mundane world. The practice of “Non-Phenomena Dwell” has many aliases, such as Migration of No Function and No Use, Philosopher-Stone Metaphor Stillness, Philosopher-Stone Non-Intermittent Path, Ousting Dusts, Ousting Body, Baptism, Circumcision, and the Big Flood, etc.
What is the mundane second vehicle path? From the beginning of learning Buddhism to cultivating the Path and becoming a Buddha, practitioner need to go through three “A Monk Index Catastrophes”. Before aboard the first Bodhisattva’s land is the first “A Monk Index Catastrophe”. From the first land to the seventh land is the second “A Monk Index Catastrophe”. From the eighth land to the tenth land, and up to the exhaustion of time, is the third “A Monk Index Catastrophe”. This article is about the seventh land; the Bodhisattva destroyed the mundane world, so Tang Tripitaka said that the Bodhisattva at this time has transcended the mundane second vehicle path.
16.7.1 方便渡 Convenience Ark
Seventh land Bodhisattvas study and practice Convenience Ark. Convenience Ark is by selective laws as nature, and has two types, Returning-to Convenience, and Benevolently Smartly Helping Convenience. Returning-to Convenience means that Bodhisattvas return everything gained to Bodhicitta (i.e. the four great vows at the beginning of this chapter). Benevolently Smartly Helping Convenience means that Bodhisattvas should be methodical in benefiting and maturing sentient beings, should be focused on solving specific problems. How to operate the Convenience Ark? Let me give you an example:
In the spring of 1996, when my uncle was in the terminal stage of lung cancer, I went to ask my girlfriend, Eve Liu, for advice on how I should send my uncle to his death (see section 7.5 Transcendent Ferry). Afterwards, she said to me, "When you arrive at your uncle's house, as soon as you enter the courtyard gate, you should keep an eye on things like shrines and whatnot; when you enter the house, you should look at the decorations of his house, the paintings on the walls and whatnot. Understand his beliefs first, and in conversation you should speak along with his beliefs, so as not to transcendingly ferry people to the wrong destination!"
I felt strange and asked; she replied: "You went to pay your uncle's death because you were doing something for him. His satisfaction is the only business. It doesn't mean that you tell him everything you want to say, and you are satisfied yourself."
I think this statement makes sense and asked: "How can it be sent to the wrong place?"
She replied: "Yes! It happened once in our hospital. The old lady had a special belief. She wanted to go to some nunnery after death and be a maid. After the Juristic Teacher told her and left, she became confused. Later, her family members Ask the Juristic Teacher if he sent her to the wrong destination?"
I was surprised: "Oh my God! How can this Juristic Teacher answer?"
Eve Liu replied: "The Juristic Teacher said that the place is definitely right! All 64 religions in China go to that one place. We just change the term and say it in another way."
16.7.2 细相现行障 Hindrance of Slim Phenomenal Present
1. 细相现行愚,即是此中执有生者,犹取流转细生相故。
2. 纯作意求无相愚,即是此中执有灭者,尚取还灭细灭相故。纯于无相作意,勤求未能空中起有胜行。
Seventh land Bodhisattvas break off the Hindrance of Slim Phenomenal Presentness. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, a First Quadrant aggregately born obsesses the Slim Phenomenal Present, which hinders the “Wonderful Non-Phenomena Path” of the seventh land. When Boddhisatva enters the seventh land, that hindrance is severed for ever. Thus, we say that seventh land Bodhisattva cuts off the two fools and their roughs and heavies.
1. Fool of Slim Phenomenal Present, which is the one among this obsesses the existence of aliveness, and it is fetching slim alive phenomena.
2. Fool of Pure Intention to Seek Non-Phenomena, that is the one among this obsesses the existence of extinction, and it is fetching the slim extinction among extinction. The practitioner diligently pursues non-phenomena, makes pure intention to non-phenomena, but has not achieved victorious migration in the air.
16.7.3 法无别真如 Law Nonvariation True Suchness
Seventh land Bodhisattvas testified and gained Law Nonvariation True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said that although there are many teachings of many religions, the true suchness has no difference. It is said that there are various teachings established such as Chinese Buddhism, Islam, and Mexican Shamanism, etc. but this true suchness has not changed for thousands of years and remains the same.
This text was read by the author from a Buddhist magazine when I was a child. After the establishment of the new Chinese government in 1949, the Chinese Buddhist Society was commissioned to verify and validate Buddhism. A monk who participated in the verification wrote this. He said, "We don't know how the ancients extracted the full precepts from the unconscious (anciently known as God-sense) and obtained the 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments. But we considered that children do not have this, which is learned by the unconscious itself with life. Therefore, we found some monks and nuns who were good at precepts and went to various religious cultures in the world to perform them, and we sent out a survey questionnaire. From the statistics of the results of the survey, we concluded that surprised even us: human civilization is quite stable, and there has been little change in the precepts over the past 2,000 to 3,000 years.
16.8 不动地 Immovability Heartland
Tang Tripitaka said, non-discriminative intelligence is in operation at will continually, so phenomenal annoyances cannot move, hence name of Immovability Heartland. Another saying, pre-consciousness can discriminate between good and evil, beautiful, and ugly, which triggers a lot of annoyances, whereas the great Bodhisattvas here are in the empty, and the pre-consciousness stops when it encounters empty, which is called immobility, so the annoyances are not active.
Readers may have questions, if the preconscious does not move, then the person has no intent-sense (i.e. consciousness), then this state has only value of liberation? When the Buddha spoke, he had already emerged from nirvana and became conscious. It is said that the Nirvana of Buddha is established in the preconscious, is called Non-Dwelling Nirvana, and is always functioning and peaceful.
16.8.1 愿渡 Will Ark
After the Bodhisattva ascends to the eighth land, he or she becomes a Mahasattva, that is, a great Bodhisattva, and continues to practice Will Ark. Will Ark is the four great vows that the Bodhisattva made when he or she entered the first land: Sentient beings are edgeless, I vow: I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless, I vow I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless, I vow I study them all! Buddha’s path is non-upper, I vow I endeavour to succeed! Will Ark is by desire, victorious interpretation, and faith as nature, and can be divided into two types: the wish to pursue enlightenment, and the wish to benefit please others. Also having the saying that Will Ark is by selective law as nature.
16.8.2 无相中作加行障 Hindrance of Extra Effort on Non-Phenomena
Eighth land Bodhisattvas break off the Hindrance of Extra Effort on Non-Phenomena. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, a First Quadrant aggregately born has the “non-phenomenal view” not operated at will. On the fifth land, non-phenomenal views are less than phenomenal views. On the sixth land, non-phenomenal views are more than phenomenal views. On the seventh land, even though the pure non-phenomenal views are constantly succeeding, with extra efforts. Because of extra effort among non-phenomena, so presenting phenomena and bodily soil (i.e. bodily feeling) are not operated at will. Thus, extra effort hinders “Non-Function Non-Usage Path” of the eighth land. Therefore, when Bodhisattvas enter the eighth land, can sever that hindrance off, hence self-sufficiencies on presentations of phenomena and bodily soil.
Thus, we say that eighth land Bodhisattvas severs the two fools and their roughs and heavies. (1) Fool of Making Function and Usage among Non-Phenomena, (2) Fool of Self-Sufficient on Phenomena, because those have people insufficient among phenomena, and those also assimilate the first quadrant of phenomena and soils. On the eighth land and above, pure non-defilement path is in operation at will, three boundaries (i.e. desire, color, and colorless) annoyances will never present again.
16.8.3 不增减真如 Neither Increase nor Decrease True Suchness
Eighth land Bodhisattvas testify and gain Neither Increase nor Decrease True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said, this true suchness is free from obsessions of increment and decrement, does not increase or decrease along purification and contamination. Furthermore, this true suchness is also called the “True Suchness Depended by Self-Sufficient Phenomena and Soils”; the saying is that, upon testifying and gain of this true suchness, bodhisattva is self-sufficient on both presenting phenomena and presenting bodily soils. On the one hand, this true suchness shows that unconsciousness has no attachment to more, less, you, me, him, her, it, life, and death; on the other hand, it shows that the necessary functions of the eliminated inferior seeds will be replaced by immaculate seeds. So, what are the immaculate seeds?
人脑思维在处理客观事物的过程中,总是自主地简化客观对象,抽取各类默认模特,如人、蝴蝶、树等。此默认模特,人、蝴蝶、树等都是净种;然后以此默认模特来认知其它同类个体。比如女人,我们看见个体女人会描述大眼睛,高鼻梁,高个子,有点儿瘦等。这些描述都是人脑通过把对方和自己思维机制里的默认女人模特进行比较而采集出的特征,以此来认知对向,乃至所有的女人。此中,默认的女人模特就是女人的定义,即女神。人脑通过女神这个模特来建立其它的女人,也就是说所有的个体女人都是从女神派生出来的,即女神是女人的种子, 能生出其它女人。同理,我们可以得出男神是男人的种子,能派生出所有类似的男人;蛇神是蛇的种子,能派生出其它的蛇;树神是树的种子,可以生出很多树,等。这就有了大洪水之后,许多动植物没有绝种的画面(如图16.8右)。
In the process of dealing with objective things, human brain always simplifies the objective objects autonomously, and extracts all kinds of default models, such as woman, man, butterfly, tree, and so on. The default models are “immaculate seeds”, then used to recognize other individuals of the same kind. For example, when we see an individual woman, we might describe her as having big eyes, a high nose beam, tall, and a bit thin. These descriptions are the characteristics that human brain picks up by comparing the objective person with the default woman model in its own thinking mechanism, to recognize the objective individual woman, or even all women. In this case, the default woman model is the definition of woman, i.e., Goddess. Human brain creates other women through adding traits to the default woman model, and so on, all individual women are derived from Goddess, which is saying Goddess is the seed of woman, give birth to other women. Similarly, we can conclude that the male god is the seed of the man, which can give birth to all similar men; the snake god is the seed of snake, which can give rise to other snakes; tree god is the seed of tree, which can generate many trees, and so on. This shows that after the great flood, many animals and plants did not become extinct (right in Figure 16.8).
16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis Heartland
Tang Tripitaka said, achieving delicately wonderful Four Victorious Interpretations, aka four non-hindrance interpretations can preach prevailingly in ten directions, hence the name of Benevolent Gnosis Heartland.
16.9.1 利他中不欲行障 Hindrance of Unwilling to Benefit Others
Ninth land Bodhisattvas sever the Hindrances of Unwilling to Benefit Others. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, First Quadrants aggregately born have Bodhisattvas not desired to diligently cultivate benefits on affairs pleasing and maturing sentient beings. Those hindrances hinder the Four Non-Hindrance Interpretations. When Bodhisattvas enter the ninth land, those hindrances are terminated for ever. Thus, we say that the ninth land Bodhisattvas sever the two fools and their roughs and heavies.
(1) Fool of Gnostic-Debate Generally-Hold Spell Insufficiency. The Sufficient Generally-Hold Spell on Innumerable Teachings is the said “Significance Non-Hindrance Interpretation”, which is generally-hold sufficiency on the being interpreted, because on one significance shows all significances. So, what is the one significance? Answer: Victorious Significance. Bitter Victorious Crux and Aggregate Victorious Crux are mundane victorious significances; Salvation Victorious Crux and Path Victorious Crux are victorious significances of transcending mundaneness. The four victorious cruxes are all teachings of Buddhism.

于无量名句字总持咒自在者谓法无碍解,即于能诠总持自在。于一名句字中现一切名句字故。那么,这一名句字是什么?答:名色(如图16.9-35,37)。名即是四无色蕴(参见11.4节《五蕴》),包括佛教百法中的83法。色即是色蕴,包括11法。名色能生一切法,即是一切法。那6位无为法怎么说?无为法是基于 “无、空” 的法,是对前面94位法中缺乏某些法的称呼。
On limitless names, sentences, and words, the Generally-Hold Spell Self-Sufficiency is the Laws Non-Hindrance Interpretation, which is Generally-Hold Self-Sufficiency on the able to denote, on one name sentence word shows all names sentences and words. So, what is this one name sentence word? Answer: Name-Color (see fig. 16.9-35, 37). Name is the four colorless nodes (cf. section 11.4 Five Nodes), which include 83 of all Buddhist 100 laws. Color is the color node, which includes 11 laws. Name-Color can give rise to all laws, that is, all laws. What about the 6 none-as laws? The 6 none-as laws are based on "none, empty”, are names given to the absentness of certain laws in the previous 94 laws.
On the rear side of latter gnostic debate, the General-Hold Spell Self-Sufficiency is the Word Non-Hindrance Interpretation, which one sound shows all sounds. Then, what is the one sound word? Answer: Empty. Listen, reader, the Buddha always talks about emptiness, and Buddhism is also known as Empty Door.
(2) Fool of Debate Eloquence Insufficiency, the eloquence self-sufficiency is the said Eloquence Non-Hindrance Interpretation, is just benevolently finding opportunity, smartly making a speech.
16.9.2 力渡 Strength Ark
(一)知是处非处智力,此说于一切地、一切时、一切事,九地菩萨都知道对错。世界上的事虽多,但就所发生的处所而言,就只有22处,亦作二十二增上根(参见11.6.5 增上果)。
Ninth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Strength Ark, which is by selective law as nature, has two types: Strength of Mean Selection, Strength of Study and Cultivation. Ninth land Bodhisattvas have proved “all-knowing all-seeing root”, gained Factual-Phenomena Intelligence, can completely understand all phenomena, are Great Strength Real Humans. Here is a brief introduction to the ten godly powers of the ninth land Bodhisattva.
(1) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Correct Place or Wrong Place, the statement is that on all places all times and all affairs, ninth land Bodhisattva knows right and wrong. Although there are many affairs in the world, in terms of the places where they occur, there are only 22 places, which are also known as 22 Escalatory Roots (cf. section 11.6.5 Escalatory Fruits).
(2) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Past Present and Future Karmic Recompense, the statement is saying that on all sentients past present and future, the three generations’ karmas, fruit recompenses, and rebirth places, ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all.
注16.9-2,界是种子义,如说金童(即亚当)是图像思维行人,神经质的特质强;再如说玉女(即夏娃)是文字思维型人,觉悟的特质很强,具有女神的外貌(更多信息参见10.9 节《上帝的三位一体》)。
(3) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Meditation and Stillness (i.e., Samadhi) liberations, the statement is saying that to those self-sufficiency on meditation and stillness, and to those shallowness, depth, and sequence (1), ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all.
(4) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Superior and Inferior Roots, the statement is saying that to all sentient roots are superior or inferior, and to all fruits gained are small or big, ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all.
(5) Intellectual Strength of Knowing All Kinds of Interpretations, the statement is saying that to all kinds of desires, laughs, and victorious interpretations, benevolent or ferocious, ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all.
(6) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Kinds of Boundaries (boundaries mean seeds), the statement is saying that to those kinds of boundaries (2), i.e., the differences in caste, and the greed, irritation, etc. Mean Muddles, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those generally.
Annotation 16.9-2, boundary means seed. For example, the Gold Boy (i.e. Adam) is a person who thinks in images and has strong neurotic trait; another example is the Jade Girl (i.e. Eve) is a person who thinks in words, has strong conscientiousness trait, has the appearance of a goddess. (see Section 10.9 Godly Trinity for more information).
(7) Intellectual Strength of Knowing All Paths and Arrival-Places, the statement is saying that to those all migrations of have-as laws and none-as laws, and their places arrived, i.e., to those defilement paths of mundaneness and non-defilement paths to nirvana, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those all.
(8) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Celestial Eye without Hindrance, the statement is saying that ninth land Bodhisattva has proved and knows immaculate Celestial Eye, has seen that when sentients are in life and dying, their decent and ugly appearances along their benevolent and ferocious karmas.
(9) Immaculately Intellectual Strength of Knowing Fate, the statement is saying that kinds of sentient fates (4), from one generation up to a hundred thousand generations, from one catastrophe up to a hundred thousand of catastrophes, death there and rebirth here, death here and rebirth there, their names foods bitter laugh and life-expectancy, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those all.
(10) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Permanently Eradicating Habitual Tendencies, the statement is saying that all the residual muddles and habits will never arise again, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those all.
16.9.3 智自在所依真如 True Suchness Depended by Self-sufficient Intelligence
Ninth land Bodhisattvas testify and gain the “True Suchness Depended by Self-sufficient Intelligence”, have achieved self-sufficiency on Victorious Interpretations. So, what is this true suchness? Of course, the Four Victorious Cruxes. Among the Four Cruxes, Bitter Crux is the biggest and can assimilate the other three cruxes, therefore, the Bitter Crux, that is, the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds” (Figure 16.9-36), is the True Suchness Depended by Self-Sufficient Intelligence.
16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds Heartland
Tang Tripitaka said, great juristic intellectual clouds containing crowds’ virtuous waters, like empty roughs and heavies, fulfill the juristic body, hence the name of Juristic Clouds Heartland. What are the great juristic intellectual clouds? As shown in Figure 16.10-35, it is the characteristic portrait of the Golden Boy (i.e. Adam). He is full of the water of wisdom, but he cannot make it rain because he is an image thinker, has poor language skills, and no one can understand what he says. Figure 36 is the characteristic portrait of the Jade Girl (i.e. Eve). She is a voice thinker, good at speaking, but lacks the great juristic intellectual clouds. So, God brought them together to become a couple, the Twin-bodied God (or Twin-bodied Buddha), to save the world together. The combination of the two of them constitutes the great juristic intellectual clouds.
16.10.1 智渡 Intelligence Ark
Tenth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Intelligence Ark. Intelligence Ark is by selective law as nature, has two types: Intelligence of Accepting and Enjoying Laws, Intelligence of Maturing Sentients. So, what is the Intelligent Ark? The intelligence that establishes affairs is intelligence, and the intelligence that empties affairs is gnosis. The six stories of God's creation of man in chapter 15 are six Intelligent Arks. Among them, the intelligence of the godfather (i.e., God) who succeeded in making the Gold boy (i.e. Adam) and the Jade Girl (i.e. Eve) and made the two of them husband and wife is the Intelligent Ark. The intelligence of the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl in successfully comprehending the will of the godfather to the “Empty After All” (i.e., No Objective Have Sky, as in Figure 2) is the Gnostic Ark.

From the perspective of the Book-making Sky, the final product of God’s creation of man is Sky Book, also known as Codex. For example, each story in Chapter 16 is a Sky Book. Figure 41 is the Mexican Codex, also known as a Painted Book. The story clues of the Sky Book are the thread twisted by the lifelines of the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl, as shown on the right side of Figure 15. Figure 37 is a net woven by the lifelines of the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl.
从四食谛(参见11.5节)来说,上帝造人造出来的是 “意思食”,如图44,欧洲人在捡上帝扔在地上的 “意思食”。图39是墨西哥的夏娃,翠玉女,正在向尘世抛撒玉米(即意思食)。墨西哥人把《墨西哥法典》称作玉米,认为众生吃了可以变成人(如图38,40所示)。
In terms of Four Foods Crux (Cf. V. 11.5), God created man to make “Mana” (i.e. Mean Food), as in Figure 44, where Europeans are picking up Mana that God threw on the ground. Figure 39 shows Mexican Eve, Chalchiuhtlicue, throwing Maize (i.e., Mana, mean food) to the earth. The Mexicans called the Mexican Codex as Maize and believed that sentients could become human if they ate it (as shown in Figs. 38, 40).
修习法典可以成就 “三花聚顶”,如图42和45所示。图43中,头顶大方舟(即智渡)的埃及夏娃正在口吐莲花,表明她正在讲她和亚当的故事。教学相长,图42中夏娃练成了 “三花聚顶” ,成为了众生之母。三花代表上帝三人组:(1)神父,即上帝;(2)金童,即亚当:(3)玉女,即夏娃(如图16-10所示,参见10.9节)。图45是墨西哥的重生之母,蔻特鹠鸺(Coatlicue)。那时,她刚生出玉女(即夏娃),正在鄙夷不屑地想象着 “三花聚顶” 。
Studying and Practicing codex can achieve "Three Flowers Gathering at Top of Head", as shown in Figures 42 and 45. In Figure 43, the Egyptian Eve, with a Greater Ark (i.e., Intelligent Ark) on her head, is spitting out lotus flowers, indicating that she is telling the story of her and Adam. Through mutual improving from learning and teaching, Eve in Figure 42 has achieved the "Three Flowers Gathering at Top of Head" and has become the mother of all sentients. The three flowers represent godly trinity: (1) Godfather i.e., God; (2) Gold Boy, i.e., Adam; and (3) Jade Girl, i.e., Eve (as shown in Figure 16-10, see Section 10.9). Figure 45 is the Mexican Mother of Rebirth, Coatlicue. At that time, she had just given birth to the Jade Girl (i.e., Eve, Chalchiuhtlicue) and was imagining the "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top of Head" with disdain.
16.10.2 诸法中未得自在 Hindrances of Insufficient Laws
Tenth land Bodhisattvas break off the Hindrance of Insufficient Laws. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, a First Quadrant aggregately born has the Bodhisattva not self-sufficient among laws. That hindrance hinders “Great Juristic Intelligence-Clouds, and their contents and arousing affairs. When Boddhisatva enters the tenth land, that hindrance is severed for ever. Thus, we say that the tenth land Bodhisattva cuts off the two fools and their roughs and heavies.
(1) Fool of Great Divine Power, that is the one hinders arousing careers and undertakings in this.
(2) Fool of perceiving into the Subtle Secrets, that is the one in this hinders the great juristic intelligence-clouds and it contains.
16.10.3 业自在等所依真如 True Suchness Equally depended by Sufficient Karma
Tenth land Bodhisattvas have testified and gained “True Suchness Equally Depended by Sufficient Karma”, have been self-sufficient on “all generally-hold still-doors” of all godly works. So, what is this true suchness? Of course, it is unconsciousness, which collects, stores, and initiates various karmas. However, all karmas need to be testified by the practitioner himself. For example, in Figures 1 to 22, the practitioner needs to testify them himself or herself. Only then will the unconsciousness be the True Suchness Equally depended by Sufficient Karma.