To me, only when it's healthy for body then it's yummy for tummy.
Only eating Chinese style, minimum-processed,and self-prepared-home-made foodstuff for the past 40 some years makes myself a healthy and happy person.
Whenever I see a white lady/guy shopping in a Chinese grocery store I always think hey this person knows what a healthy eating is... s/he is admirable.
Yeah, they say it right, you are what you eat!
I tried Greek, Germany, French, Italian, Mexican, and Indian, I like them too, especially Mexican and Italian, but I guess my tastebuds are already made in China, hehehe!
Note that 中国菜太油腻 is only a modern thing in the past 20 years. Generally speaking.
No doubt, Chinese-style foods are a beauty, tasty, chewy, yummy, and very healthy ...
Yes, preparing Chinese-style foods takes time. But it takes time to live. Why in a rush?
So, from health and energy conservation points of view, it goes without saying that 中国饭是世界上最好的是一个放之四海而皆准的真理。
Chinese foods may not be "hao3chi1" (tasty, yummy for tummy) but definitely "jian4kang1"(healthy).
This is mainly because Chinese food preparation is mainly all about steaming and boiling, instead of baking, and frying. Scientific studies show that high temperature of treatment of foodstuff produce carcinogens.
Japanese foods are commonly recognized in the world as healthiest. However, remember that Japanese foods origininated from China. Healthy because of not only the treatment and preparation, but also a focus of eating lot of fruit and vegetables.
Nowadays the so-called "modern" China quickly adopted the western fast-food life style and as a result, the heart deseases, diabetes, over weight and many others all become big national health problems so quickly.
People have different taste budds for foods. If I live a second life again, I still prefer Chinese foods.