还有一点值得一提的是,美国医院的教学气氛确实非常好。我和tabby是校友,工作在上 海屈指可数的教学医院,但是我的大部分经验是从进修医生那里学来的,医生们都为了自己的事情忙碌着。我做住院的时候也没有概念要去教下面的医生。但是在现在我工作的医院,即使在忙,我的住院医生也会抓紧每个机会跟我解释他为什么要这么做,他挂在嘴上的一句话就是:does that make sense to you?如果我不懂,就立即问,在走路的时候,在电梯的时候,在吃东西的时候,都不断地接受着新的知识,这种感觉压力很大,但是很充实。
我的attending更加是dedicated to teaching,他给我布置了十个topic,我要在 morning report上present,有时候是powerpoint的正式讲座,有的时候就是拿着marker 笔在黑板上做一个短的讲课。从消化道出血,到药物中毒,等等。他不喜欢照本宣科,要 我脱稿,像交谈一样,把知识点一条条地讲出来,开始我很不适应,因为在国内我没有受 过这样的training,但是几次以后,我就习惯了,而且喜欢这样的方式,因为只有这样主 动地说,我才真正地记住了我说的内容,而不是被动地把纸上的东西读出来。
maybe i know him, xixi.:P
it's really a personal choice, i have been RJ for many years, to be honest, basically everybody will be in that position as long as you keep working there. we were short of residents badly when i worked there, because a lot docs are old enough to be 副主任医师. the whole system just didn't make a lot sense to me. that's the part of reason i decided to leave there.
like i said, everybody has different perspective, for me, the waiting for being promoted years by years is not attractive. but RJ is always a special place to me, my first step to medical career started there. i miss there but i won't go back there.
yeah, ER shouldn't be too bad, i am looking forward to it, especially the shift, no over working, hehe.thank you for the tips, i will remember that.
time for precious sleep now, talk to you later.
wuximm 发表评论于
I think at least, we can go back to China to give free ACLS, ATLS classes and I think it is urgently needed. It is hard to speculate if one will return to China three yrs down the line. I felt the same way before, but my families are here and I love American more than ever ( please don't hit me with brick-just plain truth). Life here is much easier and simpler than in China.
Next month, you will be in ER, and it is a fun place to work, all you have to concentrate is triage pts, make decision if pt is stable enough to go home to f/u with PCP,or need 24 hrs observation or admitting. etc. You will encount true emergency or homeless personal need a shower or drug seekers. Off the shift, you don't even need to carry the pager -what a relieve and freedom.
落花飘零 发表评论于
fortunately i have green card so i don't have to worry about visa issue, but from what i experienced during my interviews, the weight of visa issue is getting less and less important, your step1/2 scores, your background and your clinical experience are more critical.
furthermore, whether other people match with gc or h1 should not be a discouragement for you, everybody has own weakness and strength, don't make your decision solely upon others' stories, you should clearly understand where you stand and where you should go. that's why i always hesitated to reply such post.
wuximm,sorry i haven't replied your post for quite long time. when i came to US, i always know i will go back to china, my parents, my family, my whole culture root is there, i will not feel settle down until go back there. sometimes i do feel maybe stay here i will get better life, or maybe someday i will change my mind, but currently, i know i will bring all my experience and my knowledge back to china.
Great job! I am so happy for your achievement. 1st month is the hardest and you survived beautifully. As time goes by and I believe you will enjoy more. I have a co-worker, a ABC doctor, he takes two yrs off and went to Kueng Ming for volunteering, and he brought his wife and two young daughters with him as well. Recently he returns to our clinic moonlighting for 2 months so they can afford to stay in China for another a year, we had long talk about the medical care system in China. I am so impressed by his dedication and sacrifice. He is trying so hard to learn Chinese language. I often wonder what I can do to help my country. I had the best education there and I need to do my part.