你再这样对我当心我有外遇哦!老公如是对我吼。哼,冷笑,你也会有外遇,想当初选择你这样一个没有皮囊的愣头青不知道被多少人嘲笑。你不就是我的老公吗,big deal!
短暂的夏日四处美丽,被冬季压抑很久的性情终于可以得到释放,该出门四处看看了。 对不起,老婆,最近台里很多培训需要参加;我正在构思小说呢,请勿打扰;不好意思,我得去图书馆借些专业书。怎么听都像是警报器,女友说,还是小心提防一下,现在的女孩子,个个都很厉害。
傍晚,住在20楼的朋友买了大件需要帮忙,老公急急忙忙的离开。我正在客厅上网。 叮叮叮,哪里来的呼叫声,喇叭没有打开呀。书房那一头笔记本的灯正在闪个不停,心底一动,此时的行动是否太过于黑暗。犹豫中,可是,机不可失时不再来呀,算了,为了维护我们的婚姻堡垒卑鄙一次。
果然,MSN的窗口里有条消息,点击一看,原来是一个大眼长发美眉,打出的信息居然都是英文。管他呢,来个狸猫换太子吧。Shawn,I Miss you so much today. What are you doing at home? 嗯,还挺热情大方,Hi, my wife cooked me a wonderful meal tonight, I am just wanna go outside taking a walk with her. 哼,让她知道本老婆大人的存在。 Wow, I am glad you are having great time with her. Did you talk to her already? 有什么好谈的,难道找我离婚,想的美。 No, sweetie, I really don't know how to talk to her and what to say, would you give me a hand? 到底两人在背后说我什么呀? Be honest with her. Tell her your feelings and tell her you need more attention from her. You deserve better than this. 倒,难不成老公变为了怨夫?我哪里亏待他啦。 Wow, I don't know. She is doing a lot at home and it's so hard to explain those feelings to her.还是表扬一下自己先。Remeber what we were talking during lunch break. If I were you, I would sit down with her and tell her every single thing you don't like about her: being bossy at home, pay less attention to your emotions, picky about your living habits, ignoring your achievements at work... I mean, I thought you wanted to talk to her about those problems for a long time. 天拉,这么多罪状,不过想想好象都也不是全无根据, 还有,原来是同事。 But I am afraid that if I put it so directly, she would get hurt, bottom line, I still feel I love her. 那边漂亮MM有片刻的沉默,可能没有想到“老公”还在爱着那个“恶婆娘”。 Shawn, I am happy for you that you can still tolerate her. So why can you talk with her, tell her you love her and you want her change a little bit and cherish your marriage. I wish I could be someone else now. 哇,这么强的暗示,不行了,要发飙。Sweetie, I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but I really value our friendship above everything else in the world, and I do believe that my wife and I could work out our own way. 嘿嘿,这下你得死心了吧。 Alright, Shawn, I just want you be happy. I love you as a friend. Talk to you tomorrow. 大眼MM要撤了,还是礼貌些吧。 Thanks, I'll grab you a coffee tomorrow.下线。
深思中,原来很久没有和老公好好说过话了,看看镜中,6年前的大眼长发MM现在已经是披头散发腰身慵懒的黄脸婆了。赶紧拾落一番,等待老公。亲爱的,累了吧,刚刚泡的咖啡,你休息一下吧。 满头大汗的老公有些惊讶的看着我,哦!老公,我们最近有空去看看电影节好吗,听说今年参赛的大片都不错。好呀好呀,我以为你不喜欢呢。老公有些受宠若惊...
某一日,在外散步。 老公,你们台里有很多大眼长发美女吧, 嗯,不少,意大利和葡萄牙的比较多。 那,中国女孩呢。 嗯,那个嘛,也有吧,比较少。 那你和她们谈的来吗? 还好啦,都是CBC香蕉人,不一样的。那万一她们喜欢你怎么办?不会啦,她们喜欢谁都是一阵子的,别看她们都长得像个中国人,其实,老外一个。