Too busy the past 2 days. Only saw the comments now. Jiajia, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US. You are a wonderful reader/commentor. I enjoy you comments very much.
--Women's (also men's) jealousness are always causes for many stories.
jiajia07 发表评论于
-From the novel, not sure whether she had her killed or just because she somehow found out she had his cousin in her room (maybe clean) and directly led to the woman's suicidal. Not sure which way. If it is the first way, she should pay for her action. If it is the second way, her action should not lead to her death.
From chapter 35:
若说起来,谁也不能比过我的眼泪多,可是我已经不会掉泪了。She is not hopeless"
I think that is what she was, not now. Her final decision was not to obey or follow Shui Rong's request, she does not trust her husband, even when he begged her to leave.
But on the other hand, if she had done that, would she and Dai Yu share Shui Rong? "你舍的那些,我就会给你了。"--不敢往下想了。水溶也是多情的人,难怪和宝玉曾是好友。
yes i guess. just wait to see tomorrow li fei is punished by "软禁"or "自行了断".
tigergirltantan 发表评论于
From chapter 35:
She is not hopeless
tigergirltantan 发表评论于
yeah, I guess so. But if Yu Er and Shui Rong moved a far away city, such as Tong Wan, then there will be no problem.
datuzi 发表评论于
回复jiajia07, 虎妞娃娃的评论:
"你不是也在她房里看见她的什么表兄,后来逼的她悬梁自尽?"--Is it a rumor that LI FEI made up? It seems that Rui Rong did not believe it since Rui Rong indicated that Zhi Lan was murdered instead of suicide.
How did you know that? "李王妃笑道:“我只要那人出来一下,他出来了,我立刻就走。” She is still challenging Rui Rong.
jiajia07 发表评论于
Qing Tai heard everything Li Fei said earlier to Dai Yu, about Bao Yu. As King's son, he will have some power to punish Li Fei?
jiajia07 发表评论于
-However, how about Dai Yu? If she is still alive, Dai Yu will share with her the husband for the whole life?
jiajia07 发表评论于
Agree. Li Fei actually is pitiful. Sigh...if she is not competing with Dai Yu, probably I will have much more sympathy on her.
She acted very well in the first two years. Still Shui Rong had 2 other women. Even worse, both of them got kids (one already had and the other one pregnant). I guess after the second one got pregnant, she finally lost her patience. She is really jealous.
Seems that she is a modern woman, who cannot stand her husband to have other women. Moreover, it seems that she didn't really do something bad to kill someone. Like this time, she thought Dai Yu came to see Bao Yu. If that is really the case, it's not her fault. According to Shui Rong said, it was the same case as previously when she found another guy in Shui Rong's another woman's room. That being the case, even though the two persons didn't do anything, still according to those days' custom, it was not allowed. So from the ongoing story, it seems that Li Fei is just jealous, and supervises Shui Rong's women all the time, trying to find their faults and show to Shui Rong. Nothing specifically she did wrong.
Sigh...if it is not for Dai Yu, I guess I will be on her side, at some point. Actually, what she did is nothing too much than what Wang Xi Feng did. And see what, I guess not many people really hate Wang Xi Feng. As a matter of fact, I guess many people like her.
Part was my fault. Last night I only read the rules how to put the articles on the top instead of paying attention to possible regulations.
Me too noticed some other articles have "similar" situations but seemed to get out of it.
We can still move blog's discussions to wenxuecity.
The best way is to attract publisher's attention. let's keep in mind and maybe someday ideas will visit us.
we all hand by hand, 摸着石头过河.
My concern was that, I saw some novels in wenxuecity, which has numerous follow-ups every time. And everyone was talking about it and more and more people are attracted to the novel.
For Miao Miao's story, we all know that it is great. But since we all come here to discuss, people in wenxuecity may not know how many readers love this story. Considering from a new comer, saw Miao Miao's story title, with very limited empty follow-ups, I might think that the story was just so so. And I might even hesitate to even open it. In other words, the level of advertisement of Miao Miao's story is pretty low. That's what I concern about.
Like the recent popular stories, JIA JIE and ZHE TENG, there are tons of follow-ups every day, and more and more people are joining. That's why I was suggesting.
Caught the attention from the admin, that's out of my expectation. As a matter of fact, I guess if I didn't get that idea of categorization, nothing would have happened :-)
That idea came from my intension to be lazy. Since I volunteer to move all discussions back to Miao Miao's home tonight, I was thinking how much copy and paste I will have to do. Then I thought categorization may help me to move :-)
Unfortunately, that caught the attention of the admin and we will have to think out another way, seems like.
I wonder how we could let more people know about this good story?
datuzi 发表评论于
Support! The ultimate solution is to improve technology. BAN ZHU could compress the comments just like he used to do.
datuzi 发表评论于
Yeah, found out later. sorry, my eyes were tired these days.
有关清泰的讨论请放在此目录下 -jiajia07-
• 到底还是让清泰走出来了。过一伙儿在慢慢细看。有点象《雷雨》那一段,透不过气儿。 -datuzi-
• 清泰还没有说话呢...不过他听到水莹就出来,预计下面就要真情了 -明艳如我
• 有可能哦 -jiajia07-
• "水溶马上回首命门口的朱英把门上好关上"However, Li Fei have people in the garden, also other people. Many of them would see Qing Tai's appearance. How would Shui Rong to ensure that Qing Tai's being here will not be released? -jiajia07-
• 擒贼先擒王! -datuzi-
• 清泰一出来,从某种程度上说,水溶前功尽弃了。 -datuzi-
datuzi 发表评论于
有关水溶的讨论请放在此目录下 -jiajia07-
• 关于他给和舍的对话写得好,正中我下怀,点出了李妃的命脉 -明艳如我-
• Shui Rong's worry about Dai Yu Seeing Li Fei's holding the knife, Shui Rong is so nervous. He knows that it is unlikely that Li Fei would hurt him, but it is very likely that Li Fei will hurt Dai Yu.
I am really worrying...When Li Fei knows that she has no way out, she will try to find some victim. And Dai Yu will be her first target.—jiajia07
*agree.but shuirong, zhuying will take care. and it will be the end of Lifei. as I mentioned below. -明艳如我
• Will it be better if he sits "水溶看见宝刀,稍稍愣了一下,又望向黛玉,他的眼波温润地流动了一下,便走过去,没有去坐炕上的正座,却在黛玉旁边的椅子上坐了下来。"
-I understand that Shui Rong wanted to protect Dai Yu at her side when he saw Li Fei with the knife. But, will it be easier for him to sit close to Li Fei to stop her?. -jiajia07
• 水溶也是多情的,他对王妃已经仁至义尽,软硬兼施,没招了。不过话又说回来,如果王妃稍微收敛些,他的姬妾还在,恐怕没有多少林妹妹的戏。--datuzi
• Agree -jiajia07
• very smart men!水溶冷静地想了想,断然道:“你真的是为了我么?"In the beginning, 水溶 did not know the complete story, after LI FEI's statement, he quickly realized that LI FEI was thinking of BAO YU in stead of QING TAI(I don't think LI FEI's people would tell him such the detail)! The best way solution at that time was to persuade LI FEI leave in order to save her life(? or avoid more nasty consequences).
But LI FEI made her choice-- she wanted to see DAI YU's tragedy.
This part also explains SHUI RONG's previous emotion among LI FEI and two other JI QIE.--datuzi
• Yes, Dai Yu was very calm before Shui Ying showed up -datuzi-
• "但是面对的是这些,又何必显出那个怕字来"
Ding! Really nice deions. Really love such a Dai Yu. -jiajia07
• "果然大家都死了" Dai Yu thinks from the perspective from a woman who doesn't know martial arts. There is only one Li Fei, a woman, who supposely doesn't know martial arts either. Shui Rong is a man who knows martial arts. Qing Tai is a man too. So if there is anything bad happen, she herself will be the only one, most likely, who could not hurt or killed. -jiajia07
datuzi 发表评论于
That's true. New pairs. Thank you, granger!
granger 发表评论于
So there is a pair of chairs, not just one.
datuzi 发表评论于
Is this the door that fell down in last chapter? Did ZHU YING fix it?