


我想告诉他我最想和他坐在小摊儿上, 一人一瓶啤酒,二斤包子。那是我最想做的事。 但我一想也许应该去见见世面。在美国我真的活得挺穷酸。除了上班,下班,就是买便宜菜,上网。真的没有什莫社会交流。 但是另一方面,我想见的世面也不是洋鬼子。其实我的表弟已经比95%的洋鬼子有钱了。 但是白人毕竟是白人。白人是社会地位的象征,是成功的最终尺度。不仅我朋友这莫想,张艺谋也这莫想。28 岁的翁帆(成就旷世之恋的杨振宁的夫人)这莫想。章子怡这莫想,我看看自己这身镀金的洋学历。原来我也这莫想。








Quarx 发表评论于
hmmm.... interesting subject! yea our '黄种人face' sometimes give us up/downs at life of USA. "烦恼" is not all the time, sometimes happy, am I right?

---> one factor could be the past 150 years China was weak and white people invade China, did bad things at our land.
善待生活 发表评论于
your raised a great question. to answer your question, I feel that culture plays a big role. It is generally accepted that western culture is more "advanced" than Chinese culture in the last two hundred years. There were more scientific and technological breakthroughs in the western world. military is more powerful in the western world. westerners are wealthier than chinese.

the same can be said about japanese. whether we like it or not, Japan is more "advanced" than China for the above reasons, wealth, science and technology, and military power. By the way, I feel that we should not take Japan's military power too lightly. Japan is still a big military power in the world.

Another reason is white people are on the average taller and stronger than asian people. That being said, I am still proud to be whatever I am.

Maybe asian people and white people will not be treated equally in the next one hundred years. But nobody knows beyond that.
bl 发表评论于
你说,白人是社会地位的象征,是成功的最终尺度。你问,为什么白种人和黄种人生来就不平等?我也想过这些问题, 可是至今百思不得其解,我想问一下,你认为什么是最原始的,最关键的原因使白种人和黄种人生来就不平等?这个原因是否能够改变?如果能够改变,是否白种人和黄种人就可以平等了,如果不能够改变,是否白种人和黄种人就只能永远不平等了。