Indy 500 Car Race

I took these photos at yesterday\'s Indy 500 prequalifications. The top 11 cars were prequalified. The minimum average speed to prequalify is over 220 mph.

Due to this high speed, the angular speed from the spectator\'s point of view is also high and varying fast, which presents a lot of challenge in panning.

The race track is seperated from the spectators by a steel fence, so that if an accident occurs (and they do occur), the car will not fly into the spectators. This means that all photos of the cars on the race track taken by spectators will be looking through this fence.

Here are a few of the cars at the prequalification:




4 When this car goes to the pit area, it is not blocked by the fence if you are sitting high enough.





9 This one was taken at high shutter speed, so that the vertical cables in the fence is clearly visible.

10 Old race cars
