9/10 星期一

上周连着3天做恶梦, the first, my key broken; the second, someone trying to break in from my windows; the 3rd, I had some tattoos done on my both forearms, on the right, its the grim reaper, on the left, his scythe. Damn! Thats quite ugly tattoo, which scared me up, and I checked out my forearms right away, thank god, its just a nightmare. I have thought to get a new tattoo, but the grim reaper and his scythe, they just way too cool for me.

周四Robert来接我吃午饭, 因为我说觉得"a little bored", 回来的路上, 他告诉我下周他要去CALI看他女儿, 然后会在HAWAII停留几天, "if I cant reply emails right way, dont get mad, I am not disappearing." 这让我想起另一个总是"disappearing"的人, mario, I never know when he will disappear, when he will show up again. George said, "banker and sailor, you cant compare them together." Nah, I am not compareing.

周末又是"家里蹲", 因为周日要加班. 看了电影[S.W.A.T.], 我非常喜欢, 虽然是很商业化的Hollywood style movie, 还有另一部[the replacement] by Keanu Reeves, 也是同样类型的, both about men looking for a second chance, I guess that is the theme I like. 我喜欢tough guys, 落魄的时候也不潦倒, 忍耐, 养精蓄锐, 等待第二次机会, 这种性格很有魅力. Colin Farrell在[S.W.A.T.]里很帅, 第一次觉得他很COOL是看[TIGERLAND]的时候, 当时他还是Hollywood新人, 非常叛逆的味道. 最近Colin Farrell是一路向大叔的形象发展, 在[Alexander]里就开始发福, 到[Miami Vice]的时候已经成了略显啤酒肚的中年大叔, 被浑身肌肉的Jamie Foxx一下子比下去. Keanu Reeves到是一如既往的帅, 想当年他在[SPEED]里, 一出场, 绝对的"惊艳" (男生好象不应该用这个词来形容...)

周日我订的BAG被送来, 一直很想要的BAG, 拿到了也不觉很兴奋. 好多东西都是这样, 得不到的时候费尽心机的追求, 得到了, 也不过如此, 于是扔在一边. 加班后, 大家又一起去了新办公室, 这回有钥匙, 可以进去看. 外面看起来破破烂烂, 里面看起来... 也好不到哪里去, 我很是扫兴. 周围的气派的政府大楼更显出这个新办公室的"寒酸", 我对Jeff抱怨, Jeff说, 在那些漂亮办公室里干上5年, 10年的人仍旧是salaryman, 我们这个小办公室几年下来, could be something different. 我笑, Jeff的话makes sense, the point is not where we are, but what we will achieve.

jgey 发表评论于

clee 发表评论于
回頭看 2/12/2007:
難到這一次橫了心,咬著牙,就認了 ??? 哈哈哈!! 等著看好戲上場啦 !!
jgey 发表评论于
elpher 发表评论于
紫色沸点 发表评论于
jgey 发表评论于



love who I am, not whom he wants me to be, that is the principle here.
sony008 发表评论于
11Roses 发表评论于

the point is not where we are, but what we will achieve
