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In a large enchanted garden

Suddenly I found myself

A harp and violins were playing

Angels in the sky were smiling to me

The wind was making sing the summer

I was walking with a so light tread

On a roses petals carpet

A dove on my shoulder

A swallow in each hand

Pastel colors butterflies

It was only a dream

It was only a dream

But so beautiful that it was true

Like a day which is rising

It was only a dream

A smile on my lips

A smile that I have kept

After my dream is over

The sun and its golden rays

Flowers were dancing at the same rhythm

White horses with wings

Were wanting to touch the sky

I was truly in fairyland

After a Dream

Violin: Joshua Bell

箫笛 2007-10-15

寒江雪~ 发表评论于
cnlady 发表评论于

醉人的琴声就像一只彩蝶翩翩起舞,让你的心跟著它一块儿翱翔! 乃至旋律已然淡去,而余香却仿佛依旧...

Blackorchid 发表评论于
Drive your dream. nice the violin.
箫笛 发表评论于
薛伟海归了,之前他在洛杉矶教琴;而Joshua Bell则一直在世界各地巡回演出他的独奏音乐会。俩人在世界音乐界的地位因此可看得分明--当然要去掉一些所谓的其它因素,但艺术水平还是作比较的主要标准。 :-))
皆因有缘 发表评论于
你这里的东西我懒的搬了,反正随时可以过来听。喜欢叙事曲的旋律,只是总是感觉薛伟在快速拉奏部分处理的不太舒服,不知道如果是Joshua Bell拉奏会是什么感觉~~~