Saturday, Melbourne, Raining
I went to Wakin's concert with my gal to butter up our nostalgic emotions. Wakin is one of those pop singers that sufficiently affected the pop music senses during the university years of people in my age group.
Listening to him singing on the stage so easily brought me back to those years' memory. And once again, I realized how amazing music can affect people's recalling ability. To be more exact, I found a non scientifically-supporting theory which may only apply to me and a few other people. The theory is that the music you listen during a specific time period of your life, now matter how long it is, that music can be so deep-planted into one's memory part of the brain that it can so easily and automatically bring one back to the occupying emotions of that period, whenever you listen it again.
Luckily I found two pieces of proof to backup my little self-made-up theory.
One is Britney Spears "Oops I did it again!" Whenever I hear this song, I would immediately recall my days of teaching in Harbin. That is the song I and my friends always asked the DJ friend of our favorite bar to play for us especially again and again when we were dancing. And even one time, we were drinking rose tea at the Singapore Hotel in Harbin, I passed a little note to the band to let them play and sing the same song!
Another one is Nelly Ville's 2004 album. That is one foggy period time of our life in Australia. We were exploring opportunities for our business future. And as you can imagine how difficult it would be for tow young persons in a totally new strange land. So when I put that CD in the car sometimes, in the familiar rhythm, I can clearly feel the little traces of anxieties and miseries left from those days and weeks. Also I can remember vividly of one day when we drove to the beach on the hot day, playing the same music, trying to relax ourselves. Strangely enough, I can almost sense the sea smell again in the car!
And now, Wakin is singing right in front me. Thanks to my smart and naught gal friend, we crawled from our last row seat to the reserved VIP seats for those people who always carelessly dismiss their free privilege. A few of the old songs did the trick again and just drew me back to my old days in University like that!
A lot of memory pieces flashed back like movie footage. One of them is a boy singing one of Wakin's song by his dorm window, and he was trying so hard to reach the high pitch bit, that he practically lost his voice on the way! I remember I was passing his window at that time and heard his failed opera effort and laughed to myself.
Oh, those years! Only to be that young and innocent once again! Those are the days you can justify whatever we do, singing crazy, loving crazy, fighting crazy, only with one simple reason of being young!
Now when I look back all my "that young" years, I am lucky to feel a way without much regret. I lived my younger years as fully as I could. I had worked hard, I had made money and gave a lot to my mum and dad, I had lots of fun with fun friends, I met the man who cherishes me so much and married him................
And I am also lucky to be able to keep this wonderful lifestyle of mine in here too with a career to work for, good friends to spend time with, endless love from my family far away and from the man who holds my hand in the day and tucks me in at night. For all this, I feel very grateful!
Good concert! And good dancing with the cute naughty gal friend afterwards. But this time she WAS CAUGHT! She was stopped by the security for the ID check before we entered the club! Well, it is nobody's fault really. We all think she did make a mistake looking almost only half of her age!