还有另一种网上传播的捐款方法,那就是向某些基金会 (一般都是不太闻名的) 认捐。比如您捐五十美金给 A 基金会,A 基金会同时也拿出五十美金,一共有一百美金交予中国四川地震受难者。但是为了避免这是一个骗局,您这时候一定要问清楚,A 基金会是不是直接参与救灾,如果是的,那么有百分之几是直接用于受难者的身上。如果不是的,比如 A 基金会将这一百美金交予 B 慈善机构,那么这就很有问题了。如前所述,B 慈善机构可能只将募捐金额的百分之二十直接用在受难者身上。也就是说您那四十美金 (免税后),有二十是用在受难者身上了,还有三十美金和 A 基金会的五十美金一起,经过它们之间的转帐,最终可能会打到某些人的工资卡上。
If I may I would suggest that you travel to the region yourselves and have a first hand help if the amount of donation is large. But before you go please write to the local authorities and have them give you some suggestion for the things that you can do.
My company will match 4 times of each dollar we donate, 1 dollar from company, and 3 dollars from 3 founders. They suggest either choose red cross or Tzu Chi。 Do you think Tsu Chi will have lower expense ratio?
回下岗职工:确实不相信红十字会,管理费很高,举2 例,7年前我读研的老师,老美,白人,曾任斯丹福医院院长助理,为一科研费,跑去纽约红十字会总部多次,对他们的管理效率及体制深恶痛绝,管理层工资高过商业公司;2,我以前的同事,老美,住金门桥以北,97年暴雨,家被淹了,红十字会出面救灾,他们搬到旅馆,过了半年,收到bill for hotel charge...
It seems the web address cannot go through in the post. You can google the foundation name.
oceanblue07 发表评论于
I donated to this foundation: Overseas saving chinese children foundation.
This foundation is established by oversea Chinese, just like you and me. I talked with their contact person and was told that all the service people are volunteers, so no overhead in donation fund, 100% will be used in helping people. They had a specific program for China earthquake. According to their website, they have purchased medicine, etc and their volunteers in China (there is a branch in China) have reached earthquake area to distribute the goods to victims directly. So, I feel all my money will go to the earthquake victims, you don't even need to worry about China Red Cross.
Their website for China earthquake relief:
oceanblue07 发表评论于
Why I cannot post with details?
matz 发表评论于
Tzu Chi is a registered local charity foundation in China as of March 2008. Working closely with local government agencies, charity organizations, and local volunteers, Tzu Chi has setup a disaster command post to collect developing news and to initiate disaster assessment and relief operation. Tzu Chi volunteers is commencing with disaster assessment and relief aid distribution, including 42,000 blankets, food, and medicine.
Every penny is used directly to victims. No admin. fee and each volunteer has to use their own money to participate the disaster relief.
To donate:
Payable to:Tzu Chi
Address:Tzu Chi Foundation
1100 S. Valley Center Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773
Credit Card Donation Hotline(9 am – 6 pm):
Wire:A designated Sichuan Relief account has been set up.
Bank Name:Cathay Bank
Bank Address:777 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Bank Code(ABA):122203950
Account Number:01-130005
Beneficiary:Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, U.S.A.
Address:1100 S. Valley Center Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773
For more information, please call Tzu Chi Foundation at (909) 447-7799 or go on-line at www.us.tzuchi.org.
金笔 发表评论于
金笔 发表评论于
金笔 发表评论于
您说的第三个,在 NPR 上听到过他们做广告,好象有 matching fund 等,但我不知道他们的情况,您得自己去了解,再谢。
Here is the link to American Red Cross, I can get 公司的match, so it will 能够让我们的捐款番倍.
We can encourage americans to donate to Red Cross, which is more credible to them, and they can get tax benefits. Oversea chinese can use other routes.