Fannie Moves to Curb 'Buy-and-Bail' Schemes -- ZT

Fannie Mae has tightened its underwriting guidelines to

prevent homeowners who are preparing to default on their

mortgage from purchasing a more affordable home with

Fannie-guaranteed financing.

To prevent these buy-and-bail schemes, Fannie is requiring

the borrowers who are proposing to rent their home to show

they have 30% equity in the property, a copy of the lease

agreement, and a receipt for the security deposit.

Usually buy-and-bail transactions involve borrowers with

upside-down mortgages. If they don\'t have 30% equity, the

borrowers must show that they have the resources to service

both mortgages and reserves to cover six months of mortgage

payments (including insurance and taxes) for both properties.

These requirements go into effect Aug. 1.

The June 25 seller guide announcement also requires lenders

that sell loans seasoned six to 12 months to provide warranties

that the original value of the property has not declined.

Fannie also updated it policies on how long it takes borrowers

involved in bankruptcies and foreclosures to quality for a

new mortgage.