【英译】 Confucius said: “Learn something and then review and practise it frequently. it a pleasure? Have friends coming from afar. Isn’t it a joy? Not being well understood, but I neither complain nor get angry. Isn’t it a gentleman bearing?”
【译解】 (1) 子:我直译成“孔子”,即Confucius. 也可不点名道姓地译成the Master. 点名道姓较正式,不点名道姓较亲切。因为这里是在记述孔子的伦理道德观,是学术问题,是在为孔子著书立说,采取正式的称谓较好。 (2) 学而时习之,不亦说乎?如果按照原文分成两句的句式,可以像我这样译成两句话,第一句不妨像我这样用无主句。如果灵活掌握,还可以译成一句话:Is it not a pleasure to learn and review and pracitse?或 Is it not pleasant to learn and review and pracitse?
(3) 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?与上一句相同,既可译成一句话,也还可译成两句话。译成一句话:Is is not a joy to have friends coming from afar? 或Is it not joyful to have friends coming from afar? (4)乐:就是快活,有许多种表达法,其中包括:happy, cheerful, joyful, joyous, merry, gay. 请看例词例句。祝您新年快乐!I wish you a happy New Year. / 非常快乐very happy, in high delight, as merry as a cricket, as gay as a lark / 他虽然有病,但仍旧是快快活活的。He is cheerful in spite of his illness. / 快乐的场合a joyful occasion, a joyous occasion / 快乐地唱sing with joy, sing of joy. / 上周六我们玩得很快活。We had a pleasant (or good) time last Sunday. / 快乐的假日a delightful holiday, a pleasant holiday. 请注意:happy表示一般的愉快和满意的感情;cheerful表示愉快和乐观的情绪;merry和gay着重指欢乐之情见于形色。 (5)习:有两种理解。一是“温习”;二是“实习、练习。既可以任选其一,也可以二者兼而有之。我采取兼而有之的译法。其实“实习、练习”强调的就是“实践”, 也就是“运用”(apply, application)。不过,写到此处,我还想对包括我自己在内的传统理解做一次质疑。提到“时习之”,人们最先想到的意思就是“温习”,但是“习”究竟是否有“温习”之义呢?如根据孔子以后“温故而知新”的说法,似乎没有“温习”的意思,否则他不是可以说“习故而知新”吗? (6) 风范:即“风度”,means, bearing. 军人风度,soldierly bearing.
【英译】 You Tzu said: “There are seldom persons who show filial devoution to their parants and obedience to their brothers but offend their superiors at once. And there are abosolute no persons who are not insubordinate to their superiors but like to rebel against their superiors. Gentlemen give all their minds to foundamental affairs. So long as a solid foundation is laid, the principles will come into being which help one administer a country and conduct himself. Showing filial devoution to parants and obedience to borthers is the foundation for a person to conduct himself.”
【译解】 (1)孝、悌、道这类的概念在《论语》中比比皆是。这里是开头,因此如何翻译成英语,这在全篇来讲实际上是个定调问题,随后的翻译都应以此为标准,一般不再改动,所以事关重大。这几个概念词的英译,我参照的是江苏人民出版社《实用汉英词典》的解释。 (2)孝:filial devoution, piety. (3)悌:fraternal devotion. fraternal, 兄弟的,友好的。请看相关词语。孝顺:show filial devotion and obedience / 孝子:1.指孝顺的儿子devoted son, dutiful son 2. 为父母戴孝的儿子son in mourning / 孝子贤孙:worthy progeny, 其中的progeny是子孙、后裔 / 孝服、丧服:mourning (dress) / 戴孝:in mourning. (4)道:我在此处采用“原则”的意思来译,即principle. (5)犯上作乱:触犯上级继而造反,叫做“犯上作乱”,即insubordination and rebellion.
【英译】 Confucius said: “Talking plausibly with feign amialble looks, people of this sort are scarely benevolent.”
【英译】 (1)仁:又是一个满篇俯拾皆是的概念。基本意思是“仁爱,仁慈”,即benevolence, kindness, humanity. 我在这段话中选用了benevolence, 但随后的段落中,则大量采用humanity. 另请看一些参考例词例句,不过请注意,其中的“仁”之英译五花八门,并非都是benevolence, kindness, humanity. 核桃仁walnut kernel, walnut meat / 仁人志士people with high ideals, man of integrity / 仁兄 my dear friend / 仁义道德 humanity, justice and virtue / 仁者见仁,智者见智Different people look at a thing in different ways. / 仁政policy of benevolence, good government / 仁至义尽with the utmost patience and magnanimity, with the utmost tolerance and magnanimity, be extremely magnanimous towards a person.
【英译】 Zeng Tzu said: “Everyday I examine myself many times. Do I do my best when doing things for others? Am I honest and reliable when associating with friends? Whether do I review and practise what my teachers teach me?
【译解】 (1)三省:三省有几种解释:一是三次检查;二是从三个方面检查;三是多次检查。其实,古代在有动作性的动词前加上数字,表示动作频率多,不必认定为三次。如果从后面一句话看,正好包括三点,因此才有理由认为“三省”的“三”指的是“三方面”。不过我采取的是“多次检查”的意思,因此翻译成:Everyday I examine myself many times. 或者 I daily examine myself many times. 如果是从三方面自我检查,则可以翻译成:Everyday I examine myself on three points. (3)忠:对人应当尽心竭力。 (2) 传不习乎:对“传”,我采取“复习”和“实践”二者并用的方法,翻译成:Whether do I review and practise what my teachers teach me?
【英译】 Confucius said: “When administering a country in possession of a thousand military chariots, you should strictly and cautiously handle the major national affairs, keep your promises, cut down expenses and highly value talented people, and remind farmers not to miss the farming season.”
【译解】 (1)恪守:scrupulously abide by, adhere faithfully to. 比如:恪守协议scrupulously abide by the agreement / 恪守不渝scrupulously and consistently abide by something, faithfully adhere to something to the end. (2)信用:credit. 失去信用lose one’s credit / 有信用keep one’s word. 与此相近的如:信义 (good) faith / 讲信义in good faith / 不讲信义in bad faith, faithless, perficious / 信誉reputation, credit / 有信誉的人a person of reputation / 信誉卓著enjoy high reputation.
【英译】 Confucius said: “Together with your parants, you should show filial devotion and obedience to them; while out of home, you should obey your teachers. Words and deeds should be cautious. Keep honest and reliable and taciturn. Show universal love to the broad masses and be close to the noble-minded persons. If still having some leeway after earnestly practising what you advocate like this, you should study historical documents and try to learn some knowledge.”
【英译】 Tzu Xia said: “If a person pays much attention to his morality but not to feminine charms, does his best to show filial devotion and ovedience to his parants, serves his lord sparing no sacrifice, keeps honest and reliable when associating with friends, I should definitely say that he has once studied the historical documents even if he himself says he has never touched them.
【英译】 Confucius said: “As far as a gentleman is concerned, he cannot become a man of high prestige if he does not behave solemnly. Study can help one avoid ill-imformedness. Do everything according to principle of keeping honest and reliable. Do not make friends with anyone who does not cherish the same ideals and take the same course as you do. So long as there is a mistake, you should not be afraid of correcting it.”
【译解】 (1)君子:从本节开始,“君子”一词便极其频繁地亮相。究竟该用哪个英文词给它一个确定的说法呢?有几种选择,其中包括gentleman, man of noble character, man of integrity. 考虑到行文的简练,我选择了gentleman. 请看相关例词例句。正人君子man of moral integrity / 君子动口不动手。A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists. 或A man of honor reasons things out, and does not resort to force. / 君子协定gentlemen’s agreement
【英译】 Zeng Ztu said: “Be cautious to deal with the death of your parants and remember to mourn for your age-old ancestors frequently. If so, you can certainly make people behave honestly.”
【英译】 Tzu Qin asked Tzu Gong: “Whenever our teacher visits a country, he always asks something about its government affairs. Is this sort of privilege aked for by himself or is it given to him by the lord of the country?” Ztu Gong said: “Our teacher is gentle, kind, respectful, simple, frugal and modest, so he can get this sort of privilege. Yet, his way to get this privilege is maybe different with that of others, isn’t it?”
【译解】 (1) 国家:在本书的翻译中,“国家”一词我基本使用的是country, 此词多从地理概念而言,如从行政概念而言,则为state. (2) 政事:即政务,government affairs. (3)温、良、恭、俭、让:这五个词,需要多说几句的是“温”。这里的“温”指性格的温顺平和,英语中不仅可以用gentle, 还可以用kindly. 再请看例词例句。性情温和gentle-natured / 他对老弱的人温和而又亲切。He is kind and gentle to the old and the weak. / 说话语气温和speak in a kind tone, skeak in a mild tone / 态度温和 (have) a kindly manner.