今天天气好得令人心醉,我睡到下午1点,做了很多奇怪的梦,记不清内容,只记得在梦里不停的哭。昨晚看欧洲杯比赛,意大利对罗马尼亚,我和D打赌,他说2-1,意大利赢,我说1-1平。没什么意外,我赢了,女人的直觉很准,我可以考虑去赌球,lol. 欧洲杯很精彩,连对足球兴趣一般的我也看得津津有味。
周五早起,和D聊天,又是吵架,也不知道哪儿来那么多的不愉快。他说我给他压力,我说他自我中心,他说我like those barbie girls, 我说,“maybe I am a barbie girl, cos I need more caring and attention from the dumbass who supposed to be my bf!” 吵够了,还要去上班,早晨的办公室里,我火气十足,老板小心翼翼的看我的脸色。朋友们都说,算了,这事儿成不了;其实,不用他们说,我心里也很清楚,我和D不合适,虽然在一起的时候很开心,但性格上,he is kinda naive, after all, he is only 27, what I can say, and he is spoiled, 2 years living in Shanghai, well, everybody knows whats going on there for a cute white guy... 而我,没有耐心和“小朋友”相处,看以前德的例子就知道,而且,要我去spoil a guy,除非我脑子坏掉,这种事情我是想做也做不来的。还有那么远的距离,Takako说的对,我根本不适合远距离恋爱,其实我一直觉得long distance relationship is bullshit, if the one you love cant be standing by you when you need him/her, what the relationship for? 但是我就如同尝百草的神农,非要尝到“NND,这草有毒”,才算罢休,一个朋友就说过我,“你是不撞南墙不回头”,不过还好,至少我知道回头,总比撞了南墙仍旧不回头的人要好,满头大包的继续撞南墙,那得有多大的毅力,lol. 远距离恋爱的基础是互相信任,但要我去相信一个男人,这件事,很难,just check out all my male friends, how many little tricks they play behind their gfs/wives? 当然,正人君子总是有的,不过我不想去赌我的运气,if I say I trust him, probably means I dont care, if I dont care, trust or not, it doesnt matter at all, right? 人生的不快乐无非是担心得不到,或者害怕会失去已经得到的,如果什么都无所谓,自然就快乐了。从瑞士回来有一个月了,我的爱情fever也该过去了,step back a little, I would be much happier, 比起煎熬且甜蜜的爱着,我更喜欢冷淡且自由的无所谓着。
工作越来越忙,我现在每天早早到办公室,希望到年底公司会有好的成绩,这样我就可以和老板谈加薪。前几天和Dave吃饭,他帮我分析了一下,有希望把年薪提高一倍,这个想法让我对工作的热情开始有些恢复,毕竟是生存之本,money, career,对单身女人来说,比爱情要可靠很多,我喜欢可以握在自己手里的东西,感觉更踏实。而且,this year I gonna be 29 years old, 轶已经过了29岁生日,现在严禁我对她提“29”这个数字,怡的29岁生日很快就要到,天天对我发表她的感慨,F同学虽然是男生,但29岁生日一样也让他有些慌恐... 20s的最后一年,its time to get my life more organized, be a little more serious about stuff, maybe I dont have to settle down, get married, have kids... yet, but at least, should be able to offer myself some good quality life.
最近远离shopping,钱都花在吃饭,喝酒,出去玩上。夏天,the party season, 只要不下雨,就想出去玩,特别是温暖的夏日夜晚,不到处闲逛一番,实在是浪费。周三和Dave吃晚饭,然后他带我去了一个小pub,很是可爱,they have "shot hall of fame", 15 different shots, then you can get a free t-shirt and your name on the wall. 我慢慢读墙上的小铜牌,名字,日期,还有一句话留言,a guy said, "whats my name?" Well, after 15 shots, its not easy to remember your own name, lol. 有机会,我也想试一次,希望不会又醉得被送医院,慢慢喝,应该不会那么糟。和Dave闲扯,他说他上周又fool around, 然后说了一句,“I feel really empty, hollow, cos the woman I had sex with is not the woman I love.” 真是得了便宜还卖乖,我正想揶揄他几句,突然看到Dave的眼神,那种从没见过的悲哀... “I have been too selfish, maybe I should change, for her(means his ex-wife)...”我沉默,每个人都有自己的问题,不去想,不代表不存在。
昨晚又和Miho出去,晚饭,然后A971。比起Heartland,我现在更喜欢A971,人少些,空间又大,不用挤来挤去,bartenders越来越上道,DJ也不错。Miho还是继续寻找她的serious relationship, scanning all the guys there, I was enjoying my cold beer, good trance music, and watching people. 偶然和一个男人对上眼神,他微笑,我也礼貌的笑一笑,但没有什么特别的兴趣,he was on a date with a girl, at the same time flirting, lol. 后来,和那个男人一起的女孩去bar台买酒,他竟然径直走到我面前,把他的business card递给我,“Would you email or call me?”我笑,“Is that your gf?”他说,“Nah, just a friend, I would like to talk with you more than her.”LOL, Jesus, 我想如果那个女生听到他这么讲,估计会把整杯酒泼他脸上。我接过名片,笑笑,“Sure.”等Miho回来,我讲给她听,Miho立刻兴奋的开始scanning the guy and his date,然后不停的问我会不会联系他,我笑,说,“如果你对他有兴趣,我可以把名片给你。”Well, its the typical friday night in Tokyo, easy to have fun, but tough to find happiness, always.