
Dxxxx  has produced good work this year, The formation of his letters and number is good. He is an active oral participant. He works independently but needs to concentrate to complete written tasks. He is a sociable class member but must observe boundaries in playpround and classroom games.
Social development 在群体里的发展 very good  good fair  
    非常好 一般 不及格
listens attentively 注意听讲   *    
contributes to class discussions 参与课堂讨论   *    
works well independently 独立完成课堂作业   *    
works carefully and neatly 作业仔细与整洁   *    
mixes well with other children 与别的孩子相处   *    
behaviour in class 课堂守纪律   *    
behaviour on the playground 操场玩耍守纪律   *    
punctuallity 准时完成各项任务 *      
Curriculum 各项课程成绩        
religious education 信仰教育 *      
gaeilge 爱尔兰语   *    
oral language 口语   *    
reading  阅读   *    
writing 手写   *    
mathematics 数学   *    
S.E.S.E 科学历史地理    *    
S.P.H.E 世界观及家庭观   *    
arts education  艺术教育   *    
physical education 体育课   *    