【夏日 路易丝湖 】

一语浅译: "一斛珠" 两首, ( Lake Louis )

When ever I have time free, I oftenvisit an elite Website, where readersoften encounter with very nice poems composed with their life experiences and sentimental based on their observations. It's called "枫华"-Feng-Hua in spelling.

Those poems are creations with language skills and
beautiful images,rhymes, emotions in an ancient style, actually known as "Style ofDang-Poem" -an essential of Chinese literature, admired by many peoplenow and then, even including English speaking people.

But, how to put those poems of Ancient Style into English is always achallenge. However, only in doing so, can a person feel the beauty ofwhat i would like to call the "impressionism poems' from China, if incomparison with Japanese Four Sentences Philosophical Poems?

So, in trying to reverse what I call it, the unique 'impressionism' of 'Dang Style'into an English version has been my recent craziness, How does itapply English rule of poems making and read smoothly or not withoutlosing too much of its original taste and can Oriental aesthetic view beinterpreted in another language, also in a poetic way? I really don'tknow.
"一斛珠" as for the example;

Here are two poems composed by a Poet, as believed in East part ofCanada, also one of the activists, His name is "东部“ -dong-bu, means from orsimply located in the east part of Canada.

Hope you enjoy it too.

Note by:
John-lakeshore, A maple leaf O'er the lakes.
Summer 2008

By 东部 Westca. com


【东部古句 加西枫华 】

一斛珠. 夏日游湖滨





A summer stroll on the lakeside

Version A
Summer flowers colors Lakeside N grows near,
Drunken when smells poisoning fragrance is in the Lakeside air ,
Waves swells and dance in the warm breezes,

sighted in water, two mandarin ducks happily play;
A couple of harmonious companion.

A Man sitting in boat with gaze in amazement for the greenish fairy tale,
But only crystals shines on leaves-tips that clinking in morning hue

A tiny flower amidst, smiles with softness N loving zeal,
Crazily, they dances butterflies and bees into the pinkie tenderness.

Notes in everyday English:

Various flowers grow along the lakeside, people are drunken with the fragrance from the flowers in the air.
the lakes are wavy ,and shiny when there is breeze on the lakes
but when you see they playing in the water, two mandarin ducks,
A couple of harmonious companion.

Sitting in a boat, you may sighted the pure greenness that only you can see from the lake lotus,
the morning mist shines jewelry crystallised on top of the flower leaves,
then you might notice a tiny little flower so softly and charmingly smiles,
and the summer butterflies and bees are dancing, gathering into the buds.

【 Piano A Walk In The Forest 】

From 北美文学城 美语世界 Audio Mp3:

× Notes :This piece Piano-Romance by artist Brain Crain is chosen from two friends recomandations, Here is my hearty thanks to them. The music matches so well with the Poems.

Thanks Yu-gong @ 北美文学城, 美语世界

-Luis Lake Fall, By Author, Dong-bu

"一斛珠", 路易丝湖 ( Lake Louis )




Version A

A handsome peak stands in distance, smoky, N sexy,
D green green waves shines as if sky falls in pieces and peace,

Few fishes swimming in water, shallowly, sun looks marble colored N of ruby,
A boat flows aimlessly, when a white bird, flew, elegantly, out from the wild-
fields Wheat

The icy glaciers shines purely brightness, blurry mountains in clouds of misty,
thick grass grows green, and greens the lake-sides, in a day or in seasonal rally,

A place in between sky and earth that never dies, in morning hues and in setting sun rays.

Notes in everyday English:

A peak in distance looks smoky and sexy,
The lakes are wavy and the blue sky shines, quietness,
when the sun-rays shines through the water, fish is swimming in the shallow water of marble color,
let your boat stop without purpose, then there is white Bird (aigret) flying out of the fresh buck-weat in field wild.

The icy glaciers looks so pure and bright in background of far mountains and misty clouds,
there is green green grass that thickly grows along the dam, no mater a day or four seasons in a year,
a fairy place in human life, when always dies with the morning hues and setting sunlight

Version B

Scenery of Luis Lake, Original Photo By Dong-bu, ( Credit to Author, Dong-bu )

( Seeking Romantic Piano Music of any classics that matches the poems )


A Discussion, ( Between online-friends in China gate.com, A Website based in US.)
Eager to know your ideas, May this mail find you are doing well


笔, 零八年七月
Lake-Shore, Burlington Ca.

A piece of maple leaf O'er the lake that is foggy in the morning.

约翰 雷 K. Shaw Burlington, Ca. Summer, 2008 You can reach him at:
