Keep Vancouver clean------throw your trash in Richmond. 保持温哥华的清洁--------把垃圾扔到列治文去。 A good wife always forgives her husband when she is wrong. 好妻子总是在自己犯错时原谅老公。 Our next speaker will not bore you with a long speech-------he can do it with a short one. 下一位发言嘉宾不会用长篇大论来烦大家--------他用简短发言就能让你烦。 All I want is a husband who’s good looking, kind, and sensitive. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for a millionaire. 我想找的老公不外就是长得帅,心地好,善解人意。我这么要求一个百万富翁不会过份吧? I can do anything at 80 that I could do at 18------which just goes to show you how pathetic I was at 18. 我到了八十岁还能干我十八岁时干的事--------由此可见我十八岁那年是多么没用! He made his father a millionaire------of course his father used to be a multi-millionaire. 他使他爹成为百万富翁-------不过他爹原来可是个千万富翁哦。