我人生的第一个打击是转到沈阳念初中。从全校第一名到全班第四十名,因为进度不同。从井井有条的爷爷奶奶家,到乱七八糟的双职工父母家。同学笑我没有沈阳口音,校长让我回家换掉奇装异服的绣花边裤子。我问妈妈邻居的女孩在哪里上学,妈妈说:育才中学,你就别想了,如果你能考上第x中学,我就心满意足。就着一句话,让我奋起直追,一个学期追到全班第二名。妈妈的讽刺一直也没有停顿。后来,我放弃第x中学保送名额,报考一所很好的高中。又让妈妈一顿臭骂。现在回想十四五岁的我还是很成熟的,有主见的。后来如愿以偿,考上那所全市最好的高中,妈妈就说,到那儿垫底吧。Can you believe it? I thought I was an adopted kid by then. I accidentally missed a famous university I wanted for years in college entrance exam, she said:” I always knew you don’t deserve it.” When I began to study TOFEL she commented:” Don’t even think about it.” I got my visa, she said:” You will starve in United States, and we couldn’t help you.” I got my first job her in US and she was afraid I would be fired the second day. etc….. 如此讽刺就一直跟在我身边。However as i said she supported me financially for all my educations.
She asked me to have baby earlier, and she said: 趁着我们没太老,能帮就帮你,把孩子生好送回来养,就象没生一样。It sounded like a bad joke to me. She knows the gaps between us and she didn’t send my younger brother to my grandparents for the same reason. She said she would only help me for 3 years to avoid the same mistake she made. I refused without any hesitation.
She never gets along with my grandparents. I asked her if you didn’t know your in-laws and you didn’t like them, how could you send your first-born kid away to strangers? She said something I didn’t remember. 在他们之间,我永远是三明治中间的那片肉。Very sad and painful.
Our relationship improved dramatically when they came to visit us after my son was born. They tried so hard. They spoiled my son. My mom always kisses him, hugs him, and spends time with him. And they did all chores without any complaints. When we got home, everything is in order. It was amazing that the third generation brought us together first time in my life. My mom finally praised me that I produced a perfect baby. After they left, I cried when I was doing laundry first time in six months.