In order "how to be..": reading both Chinese and English, everything, but textbook (unless prepare for board); know all current news and LOCAL news; know popular idols (singers, bands, movies, sports teams), really doesn't matter you like it or nor, as long as you can chat with your colleagues or patients, that will facilitate communications.
riverside 发表评论于
Krishna wrote:
.I am Indian, our culture values self-promotion and positiveness, modesty is not a virtue valued in India, that is why most non-indians always feel Indian fellows brag way too much and talk a lot and do little. The truth is every ethnic group produce good people and bad people, the cultural difference is just too big. My Chinese friends tell me that: if you brag a lot in China, everybody (including your siblings) hates you except your mother.
Thanks to Riverside. We all have the deep think how to make happy life for ourselves and families. Chinese need to read more books other than text books. watch movies and sports, learn to be humorous and how to laugh out or ignore unpleasant comments... These help to release some of the tensions and pressure in our lives. I ma not suggesting AQ. Life is good and lif is short....
asan 发表评论于
I think Wang might have been mistreated initially, however his reaction might be quite typical for east asian: becoming emotional or angry with some agressive body guestures and facial expressions. Thus in this culture those might be perceived as violent and turned against him when judged by this system--they will not question who started but who behaved seemingly aggressive. The indian doctor might have framed him and was no saint, and Wang trapped into something cannot be justfully judged by law. He was pushed too hard back to the wall and lost all the hope of career and life. Sorry for him and his family. Lesson for us Chinese is to calm down when facing provocations. Warning for some evil indians is that don't push too hard, live and let live. I hope Wang will get justice this time, the label put on him at that time may work for him now.
回复riverside的评论:it's much better now .thank you and sorry to be rude to you .but is so dangous if anybody think that chineseamerican are like body bombs.
我知道很多西方发达国家,孩子越多,政府福利就越多,美国不同吗?----I think it is about the same. But if you want a high quality life for your children, you can not reply on 政府福利
riverside 发表评论于
Agree with you. 殖民意识贻害千年
They are going to pay the price in the long run if they continue to behave like that.
riverside 发表评论于
Great comment.
English language is especially a big challenge in Mental Health field. Guess how hard it is when I do psychotherapy with my patient. I am learning.
I like your attitute: Imrpove yourself, not to just hate other people.
riverside 发表评论于
Thank you for your support, but no, I can not turn the chair.
Thank you for your pat on my back. That makes me feel good.
riverside 发表评论于
thank you for your nice comment.
riverside 发表评论于
They should learn (but they will not, I know),
but "惟有牺牲多壮志,敢叫日月换新天" is not really the soluton from our part.
anniesky 发表评论于
riverside 发表评论于
Unfortunately, I don't think they will learn.
Trying to impress their boss and step on others (but they do help other Lao Yin), that is their way to become success. I don't know how many lessons they will need for them to rethink about it.
riverside 发表评论于
I am copying 落花飘零 's reply:
riverside 发表评论于
If you read carefully, I am actually against violent and bomb, which means I agree with you. but I took away the sentense any way, if that makes you feel more comfortable.
Thank you for participating in the discussion
Thank you for your comment.
My take is 印度人 does have issues, and they (not all, but a lot of them) hurt other people for their own interest.
But, I don't think they deserve to die according to law. I really hape they can learn from the lessons, but I doubt they will learn in the near future.
Thank yo for your discussion.
some 老印, they are mean, they are evil, I agree with you. But in this case, that guy he still does not deserve to die.
I am not trying to blame Dr. Wang, I am trying to figure out a way to avoid this type of tragedy from happening again.
camonster 发表评论于
riverside 发表评论于
Yes, some 老印, thanks God not all of them, do act like like, they really want to impress their boss but they don't do their work. And they will step on you even when they will not benefit from it, just so evil.
riverside 发表评论于
As I have pointed out in my first point. We have to know whether he really killed somebody or not first. I would not draw any conclusion before he is convicted.
I agree with you: Killing (not insane or self defense)=criminal, that is fair (in civilian life)
我在大学作科研,实验室里不是印度人就是中国人,看着新来的中国人老吃亏,我在学校主持了一个“跨文化交流” 的讲座,目的是帮助新来美国的(中国)人尽快适应美国文化。可笑的是来得都是美国人,当我问新来的中国人为什麽不参加讲座,千篇一律的回答都是:”我的英文够好的,用不着去。” 但语言 (language), 文化 (culture), 和交流(communication) 并不同等,而美国文化又非常注重交流,小孩子们从幼儿园就开始练(Show and Tell),所以我们这些大人们真应该加把劲才赶得上。
riverside 发表评论于
Those are just my personal view, thus more debatable than those 10 points.
toobusy 发表评论于
thanks for the good article.
last year an engineer who got laid off killed several of his former colleagues. He is a Caucasian. Was one of the people killed also Indian?
Hopefully the Indians learn something from these incidents.
非会员? 发表评论于
杏林香雪 发表评论于
分析得很到位, 个人觉得搞心理学的同行们是否该研究一下海外华人独有的心理特点.
个人在法国和英国也接触过不少印度医生,很难成为好朋友是事实,不过我还是有一两位印度医生好友); 但有一个不能否认的现实就是印度医生相对于华人医生来说,他们的普通西方文化知识比华人丰富,毕竟是托了做英国殖民地的福,他们和西方白人交流起来比华人要自如潇洒得多,我们华人在业务知识上稍为加把劲就能很好了,可是普通文化的缺陷造成交流上的困难是华人医生一个最大的遗憾(请注意不仅仅是语言问题,而是文化问题),个人提倡如果想做医生这行的话,在业务上下工夫以外,要在文化上下大工夫.医学界流行着一句二千年古训:成功的医生一半是knowing how to do,另一半是konwing how to be ,与其与印度人互相憎恨,不如先把自身的文化修养搞上去,学会"Being", 不要让对手总是处在伤害你的位置上,正视华人自己的不足,修改自己的缺陷,才能有能力把这种状况倒过来.