我现在还能每周参加一次50分钟的 group class。有时偶尔参加一些舞会。这个运动量是远远不足以维持水平和锻炼的。
在家里是很难练习 standard 的,有时可以练练 latin。记得多年前有一个夏天我还在学校时,我的舞伴(也是学生)到别的州打工去了。我一边在校内打工,一边每天到舞蹈室去自己练一两个小时。当时自我感觉不错。但秋天来了,我们再去找老师上课时,老师说我一点“舞伴感”(sense of partner)都没有了,做什么动作都是自己做自己的,完全不考虑舞伴。后来我就有点不太敢自己练这么多了。 :(
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Yes 海鸥, leading follow is authentic, and is the best way to achieve harmony. I'm not very comfortable yet, though getting better comparing to the first competition.
For Standard dancing, strong center is very important, and with hip area as flexible as latin dancers. Lots to work on.
Hope you still have chance to do something, even by yourself. I practice by myself as well, also take ballet lessons. I feel body conditioning is even more important than ballroom techniques, more so in higher level.
海鸥飞处 发表评论于
OMG! 居然大言不惭地评论如此“好同学”,真不好意思。 :P 幸亏他看不懂中文。哈哈!
原来你们是做没有 routine 的 lead and follow。这可是真的不容易,尤其是在 open level 上。估计那就是我说的那几点的主要原因了。
记得以前我们老头(team 里的总教练)老是不肯给我 routines (for Standard),要我一个 group 接一个 group 地 lead。 还真是挺折磨人的。有一次比赛后我们问一位德国来的裁判,他指出我的首要问题就是躯干的运动量不足,跳得太平。所以我后来一直很留意这个问题。
真羡慕你有 amateur partner。希望什么时候看到你们做 amateur 的比赛。
Good luck for the USDC!
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Thank you very much 海鸥 for the detailed comments. You made good points. I need to improve my range of motion in hip area. I think I've made progress since then.
This is Pro/Am Open Scholarship A competition. My pro partner is Linas Koreiva, BlackPool professional semi-finalist, of cause a "好同学" :-) He is quite conservative regarding to dancing, but stresses basic foundation very much. We ware doing true leading-follow on competition floor, no routine, which may be why he was conservative, so to make sure I can follow. This could also be a reason for lacking of emotion.
I'm still practicing with my amateure parter, but not scheduled for competition yet.
Thank you dancefan for the message. I'm glad to know that you are enjoying dancing as well. Lots fun and work, isn't it?
Nice to know you here.
dancefan 发表评论于
you are amazing! so glad to see the update. i have followed your blog for years and started ballroom dance two years ago inspired by your articles and videos. i owe you 'thank you very much'.
keep dancing.
flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
On and off about 10 years now. Nice to see you here 灵狐.
灵狐 发表评论于
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Hi Melly, thanks for nice comments. Yes, I've improved with the efforts I've put in. We placed 7th, one off final. It's quite competitive in this highest division of Pro/Am. There are one couple from Hong Kong (a regular finalist in International events), two couples from Canada (include one previous Canadian Pro/Am champion), one couple from Australia (they are professional actually), none of them made to the final.
melly 发表评论于
Hi Girl,
You are amazing, your shape, dress and performance. So is your partner :-) Practice makes perfect, obviously. Very beautiful and enjoyable. I wish I could have been watching your dance on site.
I bet you enjoyed the entire event too. What's the result?