"Resveratrol" sure is a hot word right now--but I must be missing something...
As I'm sure you know, resveratrol is touted as the "great heart savior" found in red wine. But the media blitz is based on one study performed on mice--mice fed a high-calorie, high-fat diet and then stuffed with 22mg of resveratrol...and okay, those mice lived nearly as long as the mice fed a normal diet.
But folks, for an average 155lb male to get that equivalent of resveratrol, he'd have to take 1,568mg per day!
Can you swallow 78 pills a day?
Or drink over 146 bottles of wine a day!?
I certainly hope not, but when most pills only have 20mg of resveratrol and wine has at most 14mg, that's exactly what you'd have to do!
Obviously, it just doesn't work. You deserve heart protection that's cutting-edge but practical. Something proven but that won't put you in debt (or in rehab!). As it turns out, the media is on the right track but needs to look a little closer...
Unlock the TRUE SECRET of red wine
When I updated NorthStar Nutritionals' top heart health formula, my team and I poured over the latest research available. Study after study pointed to red wine, but not because of resveratrol. The real heart saviors in red wine are tiny compounds called procyanidins.
All grape seeds have them, and they are the magic behind what makes red wine the heart protector that we know it is today.
A research team at Queen Mary's School of Medicine in London recently set out to determine the compound in red wine that has the greatest effect on blood vessel dilation. Procyanidins went to the root and actually suppressed the constriction of blood vessels. So they may help to keep your blood moving freely and your passages wide open.
And boy, are they potent! Take it from Roger Corder, head of the research team at Queen Mary's, "with resveratrol you'd need to drink 1,000 liters of red wine to have any chance of affecting longevity," he goes on, "but procyanidins are so potent that drinking just one glass a day would have an effect."