Music: Stanley Myers
Lyrics: Cleo Laine
Chinese: LaoGe XD/>/>
她曾好美丽 She was beautiful
美丽尽收眼底 Beautiful to my eyes
从我见她霎那起 From the moment I saw her
太阳将天空占据 The sun filled the sky
她曾如此如此美丽 She was so so beautiful
美得令人唏嘘 Beautiful just to hold
她如春光洒进我梦里 In my dreams she was spring time
哪怕在严寒冬季 Winter was cold
我怎样向她表白 How could I tell her
如此明了的情怀 What I so clearly could see
纵然求她若渴 Though I longed for her
却未能对她抒怀 I never trusted her completely
我因而无从自在 So I never could be free
那曾是多么多么的惬意 It was so so beautiful
获知她此刻的心思 Knowing now that she cared
我将永远铭记 I will always remember
彼此共享过的瞬息 Moments that we shared
只因曾如此美丽,美丽 For it was beautiful, beautiful
美得令人爱惜...... Beautiful to be loved......