这第五本书是这个《对我影响最大的几本书》系列的最后一本。系列介绍的前四本都是免费得到的:《圣经》是热心的基督徒朋友送的。The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People是免费书车上拿的。《论语》是在网上读的。The Road Less Traveled是朋友送的。只有这第五本《人生中不可不想的事》是花钱买的:28元人民币,在当时约合4美元。大概是2006年前后,在北京五道口闲逛,看到一家“光合作用书房”,觉得名字有趣,便进去。这本书就在店中间显赫的位置摆着。书的作者是克里希那穆提 (Jiddu Krishnamurti),看名字是个印度人。那是我第一次听到这个名字,也第一次开始接触从印度来的思想(除佛教之外)。书的原文是英文,题目为Think on These Things. 中文版的译者是旅居美国的女作家叶文可。翻译水平很高。读了这本书,也记住了光合作用书房的名字。几年后再回北京,便直奔五道口而去,岂料书房原址已只剩下灰尘和垃圾了。问旁边一位中年人,说是已经收不抵支关门了。
想起一位母亲对她儿子上的私立高中的赞誉: “The school brought him out.” 我对这话印象很深:如果一个学校能做的只是让孩子发现自己身上已有的潜力,这就够了。这就是最成功的教育。Scott Peck 在The Road
Less Traveled中说到education的拉丁文原意就是to
bring out。中文里最接近education这个原意的说法是“启发式教育”:启发一词源自《论语》的“不愤不启,不悱不发”(朱熹的解释是:“愤者,心求通而未得之状也;悱者,口欲言而未能之貌也。启,谓开其意;发,谓达其辞。”)。
克氏的一个问题让我有这许多的观察和发现,这告诉我好书不在于搭建如何宏伟的理论大厦,而在于如何启发读者的思想。诗人W.H. Auden关于好书有一句有诗意的话:"真正的书不是给我们读的,而是读我们的 (A real book is not one that we read, but one
that reads us)." 从读者的角度来看,读书当然可以用来娱乐和长知识,但读书最重大的收获当是自己被触动、被改变。当然,娱乐的书最容易读,长知识的书其次,被书触动和改变是最难的。这可能解释了为什么对我影响最大的五本书中四本是免费得到的,而卖出第五本的书店也后来关门了。听说光合作用书房还有别的分店在营业,希望他们卖好书的初衷不改,也希望有越来越多愿意被书触动和改变的人来支持他们的生意。当然,希望只是希望而已。现实是不会一夜之间改变的。如果克氏能听到卖他的书的书店关门的消息,他一定会说:理解这个事实;观察你听到这个消息时的反应;了解你为什么会这样反应。
Krishnamurti is definitely a slow read. You piqued my interest; maybe one day I'll pick up his book again and see if it touches me deeply. If I have to guess now, I'm probably reading him with a too rational mind and can't resonate with him enough.
胡涣 发表评论于
no... The following paragraph was difficult to accurately translate, which deterred the progress and then it was put aside forever... I did find a version of translation on the web (I personally did not agree with the taste though) and posted below my partial translation.
7grizzly 发表评论于
Great chatting with you! I gave up the hope to communicate these thoughts with a fellow Chinese who would understand a long time ago ;-)
Are you still translating Self-Reliance? I sort of promised my Dad (back in China) to do a translation for him but never got around to it. I think you have been doing a good job.
胡涣 发表评论于
“Other nations might be just as fearful but their religions, opium or not, help.”
Religion's help to relieve fear is also through recognizing, facing, and understanding it.
"Emerson said that the wise man pray in a storm, not because God will deliver him from the disaster but from fear."
This sentence had a deep impression on me as well.
“a good book makes its reader live more intensely.”
well said. To live intensely is a way to cherish the finite life.
整全的教育 发表评论于
Nice. So the formal concepts of student and teacher are not really helpful for people searching for truth.
The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students together.
—— Eric Hoffer
Interesting angle. Other nations might be just as fearful but their religions, opium or not, help. Emerson said that the wise man pray in a storm, not because God will deliver him from the disaster but from fear.
胡涣 发表评论于
这可能也是一个心性是否相投的问题。Emerson is more of a pacifist, Thoreau is more like a warrior. Emerson seeks harmony while Thoreau delights in conflict (in a “civil” way). 我也是更喜欢Emerson. 但Thoreau似乎在国内拥有更多的读者。记得海子在山海关拿的其中一本书便是Walden.
7grizzly 发表评论于
> 在一个真正的教育过程中,学生被改变,老师也被改变。
Nice. So the formal concepts of student and teacher are not really helpful for people searching for truth.
Same here. Emerson's great. I think in his ``Divinity School Address,'' he said ``If you want to see God. See me. Or see you.'' something like that.
I tried to read Thoreau but gave up every time. I'm only aware of one big idea from him, i.e.,``Civil Disobedience'' which of course has such a great impact on the world.
> 人生的目的就是寻找真理,真理就在每个人自己那里。
From the Bible: ``And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.''
胡涣 发表评论于
很高兴你也喜欢Emerson. 他的Self Reliance, Nature, The American Scholar 和 Thoreau 等文章都是我的最爱。
7grizzly 发表评论于
> 这告诉我好书不在于搭建如何宏伟的理论大厦,而在于如何启发读者的思想。
Things seem related. In software programming, we have concepts such as mechanism and policy. A good piece of software provides a way to do things, i.e., the mechanism, and reveals what's possible, but does not dictate what to do, i.e., the policy.
As for books, I heard that a good book makes its reader live more intensely. I hope this is one of such.
7grizzly 发表评论于
Sounds like a good book. Amazon reviews reminds me of R. W. Emerson.
Will give it a try after finishing my current reading.