Step 1: Purchase the Kit
There are many kinds of mushroom kits available. In addition to offering numerous types of mushrooms, there are kits for both outdoor and indoor growing. This article deals specifically with indoor shiitake mushroom kits. Shiitakes have a unique flavor that intensifies as they cook, making them excellent additions to stir-fries.
Step 2: Soak the Package
After opening the bag according to the directions, submerge the whole package in a large bucket of de-chlorinated water (chlorine kills the mushroom spores). Allow to soak overnight and then remove the log from the bucket and drain off the excess water.
Step 3: Position the Mushroom Log
Set the log where it will receive indirect natural light and where temperatures will stay between 60 and 75 degrees F. Stick skewers or bamboo stakes into the log and then drape the humidity tent over the entire package.
Step 4: Maintain the Moisture
Mist the bag with de-chlorinated water three or four times a day until the mushrooms begin to sprout. When the mushrooms reach about 3" wide, remove the humidity tent and let them continue to grow.