华人在美国生死存亡的关头到了!California 的 SCA-5 已经在参议院通过,正在众议院审议。这个法案将允许加州政府在大学招生上以种族做为录取手段之一。现在,亚裔在大学里的比例远高于人口比例,因此,这个法案实质上就是一个新世纪的“排华(亚)法案”。
目前的多种抗议手段中,实践已经证明,最有用的就是和议员直接联系,以及白宫和 change.org 的请愿书。已经在政界造成巨大影响!SCA-5 正迅速升级为巨大政治丑闻。这个请愿书才出来不到一个星期,已经有超过一万一千签名。就因为这个请愿书,已经有媒体通过某些管道发来邀约,好几位加州的参议员要求与发起人进行面对面的辩论。这个请愿书条理清晰,叙述简洁,直接切中要害:美国宪法第14修正案的“平等保护”条款,以及对亚裔的恣无忌惮的歧视和迫害。如果加州口子一开,其他州的华(亚)裔必将顺势受辱。
- 希望大家组织起来,首先自己签,然后发给你所有认识的人。朋友,同事,家人,邻居,等等。
- 上论坛贴呼吁书,各各论坛都要!要让所有的人都知道,尽到你的力!
- 组织中学生上网联署!白宫的连署年龄限制是13岁以上。这是爱国教育课!
- 打印好传单,到公共场所(公园,人行道等)外散发给所有族裔。对于加州的朋友,这点尤其重要。
让我们展示人民的力量!! United we stand! God bless America!
以下是纸质传单格式 。
For Change.org petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/california-state-assembly-vote-no-to-sca-5
(or search at change.org website)
以下是纸质传单格式 。
United We Stand
SCA-5 Discriminates Asian-Americans !
SCA = Skin Color Act
Please help us!
SCA-5 Discriminates Asian-Americans !
SCA = Skin Color Act
Please help us!
California's SCA-5 is against the "equal protection" clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution
On 1/30/2014, the California Senate passed SCA-5 , which would repeal some provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California to discriminate an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. In the 17 years that Prop 209 has been in effect, California has become the most diversified and prosperous state in the US and Asian-Americans are proudly one of the essential pieces. Comprehensive initiatives have then been implemented to help students from disadvantaged families to obtain high educations. Currently, Asian-Americans often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Now SCA-5 seeks to unfairly punish Asian-Americans simply based on race.
Expiring: March 18, 2014
Go to http://petitions.whitehouse.gov/
click “View Petitions” or “Open Petitions”, scroll down to this item.
Or, direct website: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/californias-sca-5-against-equal-protection-clause-14th-amendment-us-constitution/TlHCfZJY
For reading: www.saynosca5.comFor Change.org petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/california-state-assembly-vote-no-to-sca-5
(or search at change.org website)
God Bless America