那么我告诉你,你用不着对这个发现羞于启齿,其实很多人都和你一样,明白这个世界就是如此浅薄。伦敦大学教授Daniel Hamermesh 这近出版了一本书,书名是:有偿的美丽:为什么有吸引力的人会更成功?”("Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful.")
漂亮的外貌不仅仅是外观上的赏心悦目,还有着深刻的内在含义 - one picture one thousand words, 它是一个人所属的家族的进化程度的反映,是社会地位,经济状况的反映,外表美不仅仅是脸蛋,还有身材,服装,谈吐,举手投足,。。。是对一个人整体状况的综合反映。同等条件下,一个外表美的人,比一个外表一般的人,在家境,背景,地位,财富等项目上好的概率要大很多,在不好直接过问的情况下 - 定量,外表,就是一个供人判断的定性分析。简单的例子,选苹果,同一筐里,我们就会选形状好,颜色好的苹果,而不是歪瓜劣枣状的,我们并没有尝,我们是根据经验把外观和内部情况联系在一起。
回复 'coach1960' 的评论 : well, that's because he is one of those who became more confident and was apt at doing the right things after knowing this intriguing fact~~
coach1960 发表评论于
well, professor Daniel Hamermesh himself looks so so , not that great and he still is among of the successful people. Are we judging the professor by his looking ? Be confident, be yourself !
没出过村子,没有见识过好看的脸蛋就是出大米,还丰收呢。 Beauty is only skin
deep, but we just want that skin deep. Right?
good article, well said.
not only the British professor has this theory : beauty pays, there is a American professor( University of Texes , economy department) also wrote a book talked about the economic and marketing effect of beauty ( good looking), America as well as western country is deeply judge people with their looking, the deference is western country judge man and woman equally , not like china: this is a man controlling country, women are judged by their looking not only in the marriage market but also in the job market. it is sad for Chinese women.
we should admit the truth. indeed, we all like beautiful people.