
西门庆因给高官敬献天价寿礼,“高价买下”山东司法要职。现是土豪兼法官,享升官进禄之荣, 请五个裁缝置办官带衣类, 每日开始上班,排军喝道,到庭院衙门,坐理公事,收礼接帖。时来谁不来,儿满月,  达官显赫帅樱枪队登门造访.  金莲嫉妒瓶儿生贵子, 金莲栽赃瓶儿偷”香壶”.

Ximen “buys high” for the position of jury officer through bribery with expensive gifts.  He is now rich and powerful. He invites five tailors to make his officer clothes.  Everyday, he goes to work, surrounded by his group of bodyguards, reviewing cases, and receiving gifts and invitations.  People are drawn to the power.  When Ximen’s son is just one month old, the high-ranking officers and their troops come to celebrate it.   Jin is so jealous of Ping’s son,  claiming that Ping steals the delicate house pot. 


宝尔 发表评论于
提到《金瓶梅》,人们想到的是男欢女爱的色情小说, 何止!西门庆从小本经营的药铺个体户发迹到土豪,到山东省级的司法官,提到《金瓶梅》,人们想到的是男欢女爱的色情小说, 何止!西门庆从小本经营的乡下药铺个体户发迹到土豪,到山东省级的司法官, 随着他的从商从政,他的社会圈子的人性世态也在随机应变。古往今来,中国美国,到处可见。