说一说美国麻州的一个老人中心 2



D讲课了,他先征求我的意见,讲一讲拉斯卫加斯的枪击惨案,这个是目前全世界的焦点!美国老师很客气,和他们在一起公事很舒服,D开始问了:美国有个很有名的地方叫拉斯卫加斯,听说过的请举手?What's happened there? how many people died? injured? who is the killer? why does he kill?.........................

中国学员们很活跃的问问题,回答问题,有的人说把什么什么字写在白板上吧,于是白板上陆续出现了terror, killer, tradedy, motivation......我用中文解释,美国老师领着大家朗读.



Dear All:
Just wondering if possible, can we read  local English newspapers like T&G to our senior Chinese every Friday (or whenever possible), especially those news related to China?
In doing so we can learn English and know what's going on in China and World as well.


See you this morning!


I will be on vacation and not able to be with the class on Friday, July 14th. 

Using our new curriculum, I will prepare the materials for the class to use and hope that C and E will be available to work with the groups on that day.  I will bring the materials with me this Friday so that they will have time to prepare.

Please let me know if you have questions.  Sorry for any inconvenience.




