我对这些背景信息可以说是如数家珍,中午吃饭时15分钟写就的,完全不误事。刘实看后认为应该是:“不去中南海了,改为故宫”,他可能想到川普在北京受到的皇帝般的待遇。我的想象力是有限的,因为另一位校友建议写成:习大大"已经邀请他到中科院担任院长并享受副国级待遇”。我随后去听每周五的博士和博士后的进展报告(“Work in progress"), 两位受训学者分别汇报肿瘤免疫治疗和肠道菌群的研究进展,非常精彩。回来后发现情况有点不对头,首先校友会现任主席在群里问我是否为笑话,另外好几位校友会理事或校友私人微信联系我,要求核实我这消息的真实性,看来这微信群的调侃已经被人误会当真了,传遍世界后开始有人祝贺刘实了,所以我马上解释道:“这个确是应景的玩笑,在天涯同济人群聊天时随手写出的,我应该在愚人节时帖出的,刘实加油!”。我的这则澄清留言发出后,新任同济校友会主席松了口气,写道:“差点写祝贺贴了”。
回复 'alsoRun' 的评论 : thank you for your interest and the scientific information which I knew very little:). I wrote it as a satire line of stories.
alsoRun 发表评论于
I checked scholar.google.com. His paper "Tracking bacterial growth in liquid media and a new bacterial life model" in Science in China in 1999 has only been cited 5 times by anybody other than himself.
alsoRun 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : Thanks. 刘实 is no stranger to me. We need somebody like him to make life interesting. I only wondered if his bubble will ever burst.
alsoRun 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : Unfortunately, one needs to have a sense of humor him/her-self to appreciate other's sense of humor. To have a sense of humor ultimately requires the person to have a certain level of imagination.
I love your sense of humor. 刘实 is a character, very entertaining.
Is 同济 Medical College located in Wuhan? Another character similar to is 杜立智 from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, who insists that he has solved the top P versus NP problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem). Read on and you will enjoy it.