鬼椒, 吃了是否会“鬼叫”?

居美国华盛顿, 就职政府部门, 花甲年岁, 天天等下班, 月月等薪水, 年年等退休.
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The Bhut jolokia, also known as ghost pepper, ghost chili pepper, ghost chili and ghost jolokia, is an interspecific hybrid chili pepper cultivated in the Northeast Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur

种了一棵, 收了一些,没敢试吃, 有一朋友, 老家湖南, 吃了一口,辣到痛哭

有人将这种辣椒煮水做杀虫剂, 有否老少爷们试过?
