Single serve Dannon “All Natural Nonfat Yogurt, Plain, referred to the pictures
Add 100~200g sugar to the milk and mixed well.
Microwave the mixed milk in a glassware container for 10~20 minutes, or until the temperature reaches ~80℃ or a little more. Be sure the sugar is completely dissolved.
Let the milk cool for ~2 hours at room temperature to below ~45℃.
Option: milk skin can be discarded but it is not absolutely necessary.
Seed the Yogurt [Good with 1 can DANNON OIKOS/All Natural Nonfat Yogurt, Plain, for a half gallon milk, or 2 cans for a quick maturation] into the milk and mix it gently and thoroughly.
The container is covered with either container cover or simply with plastic film to prevent irrelevant microbe dropping.
For best result, stir the mixed milk once an hour for the first 2 hours, and then let it stand at room temperature for overnight [ambient temperature best between 30~43 ℃], or a little longer time while the temperature is low.
When ready, it can be stored in a refrigerator or freezer for longer period of time (it might also be used as a seed for approximately another 2 runs if it is not stored for a longer period of time).