Ultrasound 以后,迅速预约了oncologist. The oncologist ordered abdominal and chest CT. Abdominal CT once again showed a large 9.5 cm tumor. The only good news is that there is no evidence of metastasis. 本来做ultrasound的radiologist 说看不清到底是哪里的tumor, 因为太大,看不清。所以决定做CT scan, 结果C T还是说不清,到底是哪里来的,刚开始告诉我是有可能是肝脏的肿瘤,结果两天之后又改说有可能是adrenal gland. FNA cytology is non- diagnostic.
警花CT 后因为麻醉药品的作用,接回家后一直站不住。加上一天没吃饭,孩子饿坏了。我赶紧给冻牛肉,又煮了些蔬菜给她,还好胃口很好。但是半夜开始拉肚子,整整一晚上,每40 分钟就要去一次厕所。给oncologist 写emaIl, 回答说可能是stress colitis. Usually 2-3days. 狠狠心,第二天早上没给饭吃,又拉了一天,晚上煮了牛肉,剁的碎碎的,又做了土豆泥,混在一起,给了她。结果不拉了。day 3, diarrhea is gone.
after 2 weeks, several trips to the hospital, she lost 4 lbs.