在中国时为中国人,在美国时为美国人,在网上可以同时作中美两国人。在公众视线的显微镜下生活真不容易,一举一动被人审视,在Instagram上发个文都有人刁难,从这个Instagram的回复看,谷小姐真是很老实。不然她完全可以说:Everyone has access to instagram inside the closed loop. of the Beijing Winter Olypics.
The IOC confirmed that Gu acquired Chinese nationality in 2019.
"Due process has been followed and the necessary documentation, including a copy of her Chinese passport, was submitted by the Chinese National Olympic Committee. Consequently, Ms Gu is fully eligible, from a nationality perspective, to represent the People's Republic of China at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022," the IOC said in an emailed response to questions from NPR.
参照Olympic Charter 41。当然第二条说IOC可以决定。历史上IOC曾就美国运动员资格澄清代表资格必须是所在国公民。当然IOC这次也可以用种种理由改变决定,为经济政治形势所迫。但是情况好像是小谷交了中国护照复印件。想想这更合理。中国政府为小谷印一个护照是多么简单的事。小粉红们在金牌鸡血刺激下,也无所谓小谷同时还是美国籍。大家在这里讨论这事,反正闲着也是闲着,趁机研究研究各项法规,提高法制意识,咱们普通人可不敢犯法。
Olympic Charter Rule 41: Nationality of Competitors
1. Any competitor in the Olympic Games must be a national of the country of the NOC which is entering such competitor.
2. All matters relating to the determination of the country which a competitor may represent in the Olympic Games shall be resolved by the IOC Executive Board.
回复 'Fanreninus' 的评论 : 还要看下面的条款203.5.2 :“The FIS Council reserves the right in its absolute discretion”:
203.5.2 The FIS Council reserves the right in its absolute discretion, to grant or to decline to grant, a change of license notwithstanding the fulfilment of the aforementioned conditions where it deems it is contrary to the spirit of the rule and in the best interests of the International Ski Federation to do so (e.g. to decline to grant a change of license if a member National Ski
Association tries to “import” a competitor).
203.5 All applications to change licence registration from one member National
Ski Association to another are subject to consideration by the FIS Council
at its Meetings in the spring. In principle an application to change licence
registration will not be granted unless the competitor demonstrates their
personal association with the new nation.
Prior to submitting an application to change licence registration a
competitor must possess the citizenship and passport of the country for
which they wish to compete. In addition, the competitor must have had
their principal legal and effective place of residence in the new country for
a minimum of two (2) years immediately prior to the date of the request to
change registration to the new country/National Ski Association. An
exception to the two year residency rule may be waived if the competitor
was born in the territory of the new country, or whose mother or father is a
national of the new country. Applications will not be accepted if a parent
has obtained a passport for the new country, but is not resident, and/or
there is no family ancestry.
Furthermore the competitor is required to submit a detailed explanation
with the application about their personal circumstances and the reason for
requesting a change of licence registration.
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 :
203.3 A National Ski Association may only issue a FIS licence to participate in
FIS races when the competitor has proven their nationality and therefore
eligibility by submitting a copy of their passport and signed the Athletes
Declaration in the form approved by the FIS Council and returned it to their
National Ski Association. All forms from under-age applicants must be
counter signed by their legal guardians. Both the copy of the passport and
signed Athletes Declaration must be made available to FIS on request.
In 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Justice broadened rules for foreigners to obtain permanent residency such that those who has achieved international recognition in sport, science, culture and other fields would be eligible. The expansion would seem to apply to Ms Gu.