2022-04-16 22:03:43
我们应该问自己,为什么在眼下的情形是,世界媒体会突然重新发现在 Covid期间广泛抛弃的智识上的诚实和对道德准则的尊重。
如果世界媒体迄今为止在严谨科学相关事情上散布谎言隐藏现实,无耻地撒谎,我们应该问问自己,为什么在目前的情况下,他们会突然重新发现在 Covid中期间广泛抛弃的智识上的诚实和对道德准则的尊重。
即使只将调查限于经济层面,我们也知道新闻机构、政治和公共机构本身依赖于属于政治寡头的少数金融集团。更要紧的事,这些寡头集团不仅以金钱和权力联手,而且用意识形态联盟,这些联盟指导针对国家和整个世界的政治行动和干预。这个寡头政治在联合国、北约、世界经济论坛、欧盟、以及像乔治 ·索罗斯的 “开放社会” 和 “比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会” 等“慈善” 机构中,都展示其触角。
这是官方的说辞,没人都随俗。在战争中,持不同政见者立即被当成开小差的,那些持不同政见是叛国罪,该受到或多或少的严重制裁,首先是公开谴责和排斥,在 Covid种 对付那些“未受感染”的人俨然经验丰富。但是,如果您想知道真相,让我们以不同的方式看待事物,并根据事实的本质而不是如何呈现给我们来判断事实。正如希腊词 ?λ?θεια 的词源所表明的那样,这是一个真实而恰当的揭示。或者,也许,带着一种末世的凝视,一种启示,一种揭示,一种 ?ποκ?λυψις。
首先,有必要记住事实,事实不会说谎,也不会敏感摇摆的改变。无论对那些试图封杀它们的人来说多么令人恼火,事实都告诉我们,自从柏林墙倒塌以来,美国的政治和军事影响范围已扩大到几乎所有前苏联的卫星国联盟。甚至最近,波兰、捷克共和国和匈牙利并入北约(1999 年);爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、斯洛文尼亚、斯洛伐克、保加利亚和罗马尼亚(2004 年);阿尔巴尼亚和克罗地亚(2009 年);黑山(2017 年);和北马其顿(2020 年)。北大西洋公约组织正准备扩大到乌克兰、格鲁吉亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那以及塞尔维亚。实际上,俄罗斯联邦正受到军事威胁——来自武器和导弹基地——距离其边界只有几公里,而它没有针对美国的类似的军事基地。
考虑北约可能向乌克兰扩张,却没有想到它会引起俄罗斯的合法抗议,这简直令人费解,尤其是考虑到北约在 1991 年向克里姆林宫承诺不再进一步扩张的事实。不仅如此:2021 年底,《明镜周刊》公布了与美国签订的条约草案以及与北约就安全保障达成的协议。莫斯科要求其西方伙伴提供法律保证,以防止北约因乌克兰的加入、北约在后苏联国家建立军事基地而进一步向东扩张。提案还包含一项条款,即北约不在俄罗斯边境附近部署进攻性武器,以及北约在东欧的部队撤回其 1997 年的阵地。
正如我们所看到的,北约未能履行对俄罗斯的承诺,或者至少在地缘政治平衡非常微妙的时刻迫使局势发展。我们应该自问,为什么美国——或者确切地说,是在乔·拜登(Joe Biden)入主白宫的选举舞弊后重新掌权的美国深层政府——想要与俄罗斯制造紧张关系,并让其欧洲伙伴卷入冲突,从而带来我们可以想见的所有后果。
正如联合峰会作战司令部前指挥官马尔科·贝托里尼将军清楚地指出:“美国不仅赢得了冷战,而且还想通过在某种意义上拿走属于俄罗斯势力范围内的一切来羞辱俄罗斯。 [普京] 厌倦了波罗的海国家、波兰、罗马尼亚和保加利亚 [加入北约]。眼看乌克兰 [加入北约] ,将带走任何进入黑海的可能性,他做出了反应”。他补充说:“政权的稳定性出问题了,一个相当不可能的总理 [泽连斯基(Zelensky)] 出现了,他来自娱乐界。”这位将军记得,在美国袭击俄罗斯的情况下,“全球之鹰从西戈内拉(Sigonella) [意大利] 起飞,飞越乌克兰上空;意大利在很大程度上是美国的军事基地。风险就在那里,它是真实存在的”。
意大利石油和天然气公司 ENI 决定暂停对俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的 Blue Stream 管道 的 (从俄罗斯到土耳其)Blue Stream 管道的投资,这也意味着剥夺了额外的供应源,因为它为(从土耳其到意大利)跨大西洋管道输送天然气。
因此,如果泽伦斯基在 2021 年 8 月宣布他将俄罗斯和德国之间的北溪 2 号管道视为“不仅对乌克兰而且对整个欧洲而言都是危险的武器”,这听起来并非巧合:它绕过乌克兰,剥夺了基辅每年约 10 亿欧元的过境关税收入。乌克兰总统说 “我们完全从安全的角度看待这个项目,并认为它是克里姆林宫的危险地缘政治武器”,他表示同意拜登政府的观点。美国副国务卿维多利亚纽兰说:“如果俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,北溪2号将不会前进。”事情就这样发生了,对德国的投资造成严重的经济损失。
毛里齐奥·布隆代(Maurizio Blondet )写道:
“事件 201 ,在大流行爆发的前一年模拟这场流行,由显然没有冒犯性的约翰霍普金斯大学及受其祝福的健康安全中心(如常地与比尔和梅琳达一起)参加。长期以来,人道主义机构的名字不那么天真:它被称为平民生物防御战略中心,它不处理美国人的健康问题,而是处理它的反面:对生物恐怖主义军事袭击的反应。它实际上是一个军民组织。当它于 1999 年 2 月在五角大楼所在的阿灵顿 [弗吉尼亚州] 水晶城举行第一次会议时,它召集了 950 名医生、军事人员、联邦官员和卫生官员参加模拟演习。模拟的目的是对抗想象中的“军事化”天花攻击。这只是将在 201 事件和流行病假象中遍地开花的演习中的第一个”。
乌克兰军队也出现了实验,而美国大使馆在2016 年对乌克兰检察官卢岑科( Lutsenko) 的干预,使他无法调查“G.索罗斯(G. Soros) 和 B.奥巴马(B. Obama) 间的亿万资金”。
“在市场研究机构 Techcet 发表了一份报告强调许多半导体制造商对俄罗斯和乌克兰原产材料(如氖、钯等)的依赖后,莫斯科可能的报复行为在最近几天引起了更多关注。据 Techcet 估计,美国 90% 以上的半导体氖源供应来自乌克兰,而美国 35% 的钯来自俄罗斯。 […] 据美国国际贸易委员会称,在 2014 年俄罗斯吞并克里米亚半岛之前,霓虹灯价格上涨了 600%,因为芯片公司依赖于一些乌克兰公司”。
另一个我们倾向于不深入分析的问题与布里斯马 (Burisma) 有关,该公司是一家自 2002 年以来在乌克兰市场上运营的石油和天然气公司。回想一下,“在巴拉克·奥巴马 (Barack Obama) 担任美国总统期间(2009 年至 2017 年),他处理国际政治的“代表”是得力助手乔·拜登,正是从那时起,美国民主党领导人提供的“保护”就给了乌克兰民族主义者。这一路线造成了基辅和莫斯科之间不可调和的分歧。 […] 那些年正是乔·拜登(Joe Biden)推行使乌克兰更接近北约的政策。他想夺走俄罗斯的政治和经济权力。 […] 近年来,乔·拜登的名字也与乌克兰的丑闻有关,这也动摇了他的候选资格。 […] 2014 年 4 月,乌克兰最大的能源公司(活跃于天然气和石油领域)布里斯马控股(Burisma Holdings) 聘请亨特·拜登担任顾问[…],月薪 50,000 美元。一切都是透明的,除了在那几个月里,乔·拜登继续执行美国政策,旨在夺回乌克兰对顿巴斯那些现已成为俄罗斯承认的共和国的地区的占有。顿涅茨克地区被认为富含未开发的气田,这些气田已被布里斯马控股公司盯上。在那些年里,一项与经济政策交织在一起的国际政策让美国媒体嗤之以鼻”。
最后,还有乌克兰核武器问题。 2022 年 2 月 19 日,在慕尼黑的一次会议上,泽连斯基宣布他打算终止禁止乌克兰发展、扩散和使用原子武器的布达佩斯备忘录(1994 年)。在备忘录的其他条款中,还有一条要求俄罗斯、美国和英国不得利用对乌克兰的经济压力来影响其政策:国际货币基金组织和美国提供经济援助的以换取与大重置一致的改革的压力,是对协议的进一步违反。
乌克兰驻柏林大使安德烈·梅尔尼克 (Andriy Melnyk) 于 2021 年在 Deutschlandfunk 电台上辩称,如果乌克兰未能加入北约,乌克兰需要重新获得核地位。乌克兰的核电站由国有企业 NAEK Energoatom 运营、重建和维护,该企业在 2018 年至 2021 年间彻底结束了与俄罗斯公司的关系。其主要合作伙伴是可以追溯到美国政府的公司。不难理解,俄罗斯联邦如何将乌克兰获得核武器的可能性视为一种威胁,并要求基辅遵守不扩散条约。
这是乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)赞助的一项行动,他坦率地告诉美国有线电视新闻网:“自从乌克兰独立之前,我就在乌克兰建立了基金会;该基金会一直在开展业务,并在今天的事件中发挥了决定性作用。”
另一个事实。 2013年,在总统维克托·亚努科维奇政府决定暂停乌克兰与欧盟的结盟协议并与俄罗斯建立更密切的经济关系后,一系列被称为“欧洲迈丹”的抗议示威开始了,持续了几个月,最终以革命告终,这推翻了亚努科维奇并导致了新政府的成立。这是乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)赞助的一项行动,他坦率地告诉美国有线电视新闻网:“自从乌克兰独立之前,我就在乌克兰建立了基金会;该基金会一直在开展业务,并在当今的事件中发挥了决定性作用”。这一政府更迭激起了亚努科维奇(Yanukovych)的支持者和部分乌克兰民众的反应,他们反对乌克兰的亲西方转变,这种民众并不想要的转变,是通过颜色革命获得的,往年这一招曾在格鲁吉亚、摩尔多瓦和白俄罗斯反复上演。
在 2014 年 5 月 2 日的冲突之后,民族主义准军事组织(包括右翼地带)也介入了冲突,敖德萨也发生了大屠杀。西方媒体也以骇人听闻的方式谈论这些可怕的事件;国际大赦(点解这里)和联合国谴责这些罪行并记录下它们的暴行。但没有国际法院对责任人提起任何诉讼,正如今天打算针对俄罗斯军队所做的罪行指控。
在许多未得到遵守的协议中,还有由乌克兰、俄罗斯、顿涅茨克人民共和国和卢甘斯克人民共和国代表组成的乌克兰问题三方联络小组于 2014 年 9 月 5 日签署的《明斯克议定书》(Minsk Protocol)。该协议的要点还包括在欧安组织的监督下从乌克兰境内清除武装非法团体、军事装备以及战斗人员和雇佣军,并解除所有非法团体的武装。与商定的相反,新纳粹准军事组织不仅得到政府的正式承认,其成员甚至被执行官方任务。
同样在 2014 年,克里米亚、顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克以国际社会承认的人民自决的名义宣布从乌克兰独立,并宣布自己并入俄罗斯联邦。乌克兰政府仍然拒绝承认这些地区的独立性,并通过全民公决批准,让新纳粹民兵和正规军队任意对民众进行攻击,尽管这些实体被认为是恐怖组织。确实,2014 年 11 月 2 日的两次公投构成了明斯克协议的延伸,该协议仅规定了权力下放和顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克地区的特殊地位。
正如弗朗哥·卡迪尼教授最近指出的那样,“2022 年 2 月 15 日,俄罗斯向美国提交了一份条约草案,旨在结束这种局面并保护讲俄语的民众,这沦为废纸。这场战争始于 2014 年”。对于那些想与顿巴斯的俄罗斯少数民族作战的人来说,这是一场战争:“我们将有工作和养老金,而他们不会。我们会因生孩子而获得奖励,而他们不会。我们的孩子会有学校和幼儿园;他们的孩子将住在地下室。通过这种方式,我们将赢得这场战争,” 波罗申科总统在 2015 年(说。不言而喻,这些措施类似于对被剥夺工作、工资和教育的所谓“未接种疫苗”的歧视。在顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克进行了八年的轰炸,数十万受害者,150 名儿童死亡,以及非常严重的酷刑、强奸、绑架和歧视案件。
2022 年 2 月 18 日,由于顿巴斯人民民兵与乌克兰武装部队之间的持续冲突,顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克的总统丹尼斯·普希林和列昂尼德·帕舍尼克下令将其省份的平民疏散到俄罗斯联邦。 2月21日,国家杜马(俄罗斯议会下院)一致批准了普京总统与顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克人民共和国提出的友好合作互助条约。与此同时,俄罗斯总统下令从俄罗斯联邦派出军队,恢复顿巴斯地区的和平。
在这里,人们可能想知道为什么在新纳粹军队和准军事机构(他们悬挂带有纳粹标志的旗帜并展示阿尔道夫·希特勒的肖像)公然侵犯独立共和国的讲俄语的人口的情况下,国际社会感到有义务认为俄罗斯联邦的干预值得谴责,并确实将暴力事件归咎于普京。 1991 年 8 月 24 日乌克兰宣布独立并得到国际社会承认的大肆吹嘘的人民自决权在哪里?为什么我们今天对俄罗斯对乌克兰的干预感到震惊,而当北约在南斯拉夫(1991 年)、科索沃(1999 年)、阿富汗(2001 年)、伊拉克(2003 年)以及利比亚和叙利亚(2011 年)进行同样的事情时),没有人提出任何反对意见?更不用说在过去十年中,以色列多次打击叙利亚、伊朗和黎巴嫩的军事目标,以防止在其北部边境建立敌对武装阵线,但没有一个国家提议对特拉维夫实施制裁。
令人沮丧的是,欧盟和美国——布鲁塞尔和华盛顿——以多么虚伪的态度无条件地支持泽伦斯基总统,他的政府八年来一直在继续迫害讲俄语的乌克兰人而不受惩罚,因为他们甚至被禁止说自己的语言,在一个包含众多民族的国家中,说俄语的人占 17.2%。他们对乌克兰军队用平民作为人体盾牌保持沉默是可耻的,乌克兰军队将防空阵地设置在人口中心、医院、学校和幼儿园内,以便它们的破坏可能导致人口死亡。
泽连斯基制作并出演的这部由 57 集组成的电视连续剧表明,媒体计划了他的乌克兰总统候选人资格和竞选活动。
正如各界所指出的,乌克兰总统泽连斯基的候选和选举契合了近年来喜剧演员娱乐明星投身政界的陈词滥调。别相信没有合适的进阶资质是晋升到机构高层的障碍;恰恰相反:一个人对政党世界越是明显陌生,就越会认为他的成功是由掌权者决定的。泽连斯基的变装表演完全符合 LGBTQ 意识形态,该意识形态与性别平等、堕胎和绿色经济一起,被其欧洲赞助商视为每个国家都应该接受的不可或缺的“改革”议程。难怪世界经济论坛的成员泽连斯基能够从施瓦布及其盟友的支持中受益,获得权利并确保乌克兰也将进行大重置。
泽连斯基制作并出演的这部由 57 集组成的电视连续剧表明,媒体计划了他的乌克兰总统候选人资格和竞选活动。在小说《人民公仆》中,他饰演一位意外成为共和国总统并与政治腐败作斗争的高中教师。这部绝对平庸的剧集仍然获得 WorldFest Remi 奖(美国,2016 年),在首尔国际戏剧奖(韩国)中进入喜剧片类别前四名并获奖,并在汉堡世界媒体电影节娱乐电视连续剧类Intermedia Globe银奖,这绝非巧合。
泽连斯基在电视连续剧中获得的媒体轰动为他在 Instagram 上带来了超过 1000 万粉丝,并为建立同名的 “人民公仆党” 创造了先决条件,该政党中,Kvartal 95 Studio 的总经理兼股东(还有泽连斯基本人和寡头 Kolomoisky)伊万·巴卡诺夫和 TV 1+1 电视网络的所有者也是成员。泽连斯基的形象是一种人造产品,一种媒体虚构,一种操纵共识的操作,它成功地在乌克兰集体想象中创造了政治人物,在现实而非小说中,它已斩获权力。
“就在他 2019 年大选获胜前一个月,泽伦斯基将公司 [Kvartal 95 Studio] 卖给了一位朋友,仍然想方设法从他正式放弃给家人的生意中获得收益。那个朋友是谢尔希·谢菲尔(Serhiy Shefir),后来被任命为总统府顾问。 […] 股份出售是为了 Maltex Multicapital Corp. 的利益,该公司由谢菲尔拥有并在英属维尔京群岛注册”(。
至少可以说乌克兰现任总统用一则令人不安的广告宣传他的竞选活动,他手持两挺机枪向被指腐败或屈从于俄罗斯的国会议员开火。然而,乌克兰总统以“人民公仆”的身份鼓吹的反腐斗争与他在所谓的 “潘多拉文件” 中出现的形象并不相符,文件显示在他选举前日,犹太亿万富翁 Kolomoisky[1] 通过离岸账户想他支付了 4000 万美元。 [2]在他的祖国,许多人指责他从亲俄寡头手中夺取权力不是为了给乌克兰人民,而是为了加强他自己的利益集团,同时清除他的政治对手:“他清算了老卫兵的部长们,首先是强大的内政部长,[Arsen] Avakov。他粗鲁地让正在监督他的宪法法院院长退休。他关闭了七个反对派电视频道。他逮捕并指控维克托·梅德韦丘克叛国罪,后者是亲俄罗斯的同情者、但最重要的是 “反对平台——为生命党” (Platform of Opposition– For Life party)的领导人,这是乌克兰议会继他的 “人民公仆党”之后的第二大党。他还以叛国罪审判了前总统波罗申科,后者对所有人都持怀疑态度,除了那些与俄罗斯人或他们的朋友合得来的人。基辅市长、广受欢迎的前世界拳击冠军维塔利·克里奇科(Vitaly Klitchko)已经遭到多次搜查和扣押。简而言之,泽连斯基似乎想彻底扫除任何与他的政治不一致的人”。
2019年4月21日,泽连斯基以73.22%的高票当选乌克点解这里兰总统,并与5月20日就职。2019年5月22日,他任命伊凡.巴卡诺夫 (Ivan Bakanov) 为Kvartal 95总干事、乌克兰安全局副局长、乌克兰安全局中央局打击腐败和有组织犯罪主要局局长。与巴卡诺夫同样值得一提的,是世界经济论坛成员、副总裁兼数字化转型部长米哈伊洛·费多罗夫(Mykhailo Fedorov)。就连泽连斯基本人也承认,他的灵感来自加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多。
另一方面,就在四个月前,克里斯塔利娜·格奥尔基耶娃(Kristalina Georgieva)与克劳斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)、查尔斯王子和联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres)一起发起了大重置。
在泽连斯基选举后不久,国际货币基金组织威胁如果乌克兰满足他们的要求,就不给50亿美元贷款。在与国际货币基金组织首席执行官克里斯塔利娜·格奥尔基耶娃的电话交谈中,乌克兰总统因用他信任的人凯里洛·舍甫琴科(Kyrylo Shevchenko)取代雅基夫·斯莫利(Yakiv Smolii)而受到指责,后者不太愿意遵守国际货币基金组织的命令。 安德斯·阿斯隆德(Anders Åslund) 在给大西洋理事会的信中写道:“围绕泽连斯基政府的问题正在以惊人的速度增长。首先,自 2020 年 3 月以来,总统的领导不仅导致了他所寻求的改革的逆转,也使得他的前任彼得·波罗申科发起的改革流产。其次,他的政府没有提出合理的建议来解决国际货币基金组织对乌克兰未履行承诺。第三,总统似乎不再拥有执政的议会多数席位,而且他似乎对形成改革派多数派不感兴趣。
在与 BCU 的新任州长 Kyrylo Shevchenko 一起得到世界经济论坛(点解这里)的青睐的泽连斯基总统的领导下,前几届政府不可能做到的事情完成了。不到一年后,为了证明他的服从,舍甫琴科为世界经济论坛写了一篇题为“中央银行是各国气候目标的关键,乌克兰正在指明方向”的文章。因此,《2030 年议程》在敲诈之下得以实施。
还有其他与世界经济论坛有联系的乌克兰公司:乌克兰国家储蓄银行(乌克兰最大的金融机构之一)、DTEK 集团(乌克兰能源部门的重要私人投资者)和 Ukr Land Farming农业领域的领导者)。银行、能源和食品是完全符合克劳斯·施瓦布理论的大重置和第四次工业革命的行业。
2021 年 2 月 4 日,乌克兰总统关闭了包括 ZIK、Newsone 和乌克兰 112 在内的 7 家电视台,这些电台均因不支持政府而获罪。正如 Anna Del Freo 所写:“欧洲记者联合会和国际记者联合会也对这种剥夺自由的行为进行了严厉谴责,他们要求立即取消关闭名利。这三个广播公司五年内不能广播:他们雇用了大约1500 名员工,这些人的工作处于危险之中。除了乌克兰政治最高层的任意指责它们威胁信息安全并受到“俄罗斯的恶意影响”,并没有真正的理由关闭这三间广播公司。乌克兰记者工会 NUJU 也做出了强烈反应,因为数百名记者被剥夺了表达自己的机会,数十万公民被剥夺了言论自由,该工会表示对言论自由的攻击非常严重被告知的权利。正如我们所看到的,普京被指控的实际上是由泽连斯基,最近由欧盟,还有社交媒体平台的同谋下进行的。 “关闭电视广播公司是限制新闻自由的最极端形式之一,”EFJ 秘书长Ricardo Gutierrez 说。 “各国有义务确保信息的有效多元化。很明显,总统否决权根本不符合言论自由的国际标准”。
从事军事和准军事行动的新纳粹运动在乌克兰自由活动,通常得到公共机构的官方支持。其中包括:Stepan Bandera 的乌克兰民族主义者组织 (OUN),这是一个已活跃在车臣的纳粹、反犹太主义和种族主义的混合运动,它是右翼组织的一部分,该组织是2013/2014 年欧洲迈丹(Euromaidan) 政变期间成立的极右翼运动协会;乌克兰起义军(UPA); UNA/UNSO,极右翼政党乌克兰国民议会的准军事部门;在基辅为 ISIS 成员提供保护的科尔钦斯基兄弟会(点解这里); 厌世视觉(Misanthropic Vision (MD)),一个遍布 19 个国家的新纳粹网络,公开煽动恐怖主义、极端主义和对基督徒、穆斯林、犹太人、共产主义者、同性恋者、美国人和有色人种的仇恨(点解这里)。
应该记住,政府通过派总统卫队参加他们代表的葬礼,以及支持亚速营(Azov Battalion),对这些极端组织给予了明确的支持。亚速营是正式隶属于乌克兰军队的准军事组织,以亚速特种作战团的新名称被编入国民警卫队。亚速团由乌克兰犹太寡头 伊戈尔·科洛莫伊斯基(Igor Kolomoisky )资助,他是第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克的前州长,他也被认为是 Pravyi Sektor 民族主义民兵的资助者,这些民兵被认为对敖德萨大屠杀负有责任。我们谈论的是潘多拉文件中提到的作为泽连斯基总统的赞助人的科洛莫伊斯基。该营与欧洲和美国的几个极右翼组织有关系。
国际特赦组织秘书长萨利尔·谢蒂和总理阿尔谢尼·亚采纽克在 2014 年 9 月 8 日会晤后,呼吁乌克兰政府结束与基辅武装部队一起行动的志愿营所犯下的虐待和战争罪行。乌克兰政府已对此事展开正式调查,宣布亚速营似乎没有任何官兵正在接受调查。
2015 年 3 月,乌克兰内政部长阿尔森·阿瓦科夫宣布,亚速营将成为美国陆军部队训练的首批单位之一,作为其 “无畏卫队行动” 训练任务的一部分。美国的训练于 2015 年 6 月 12 日停止。当时美国众议院通过了一项修正案,禁止对该营提供所有援助(包括武器和训练),因为该营过去曾是新纳粹分子。随后,在中央情报局的压力下,该修正案被撤销,亚速营的士兵在美国(点解这里和点解这里)接受了训练:“我们已经训练这些人八年了。他们真的是很好的战士。该机构的计划可能产生严重影响。”
2016 年,欧安组织的一份报告 【欧洲安全与合作组织]】发现,亚速营对大规模屠杀囚犯、在万人坑中隐藏尸体以及系统地使用身体和心理酷刑技术负有责任。就在几天前,该营副指挥官瓦迪姆·特罗扬(Vadim Troyan)被内政部长阿尔森·阿瓦科夫(Arsen Avakov)任命为州地区警察局长。
这些是与乌克兰军队一起对抗俄罗斯士兵的“英雄”。而这些亚速营的英雄,不但不保护自己的孩子,竟敢将自己的骨肉变成屠宰肉供,招募男孩和女孩,这违反了《联合国儿童权力另择公约议定书》,涉及让未成年人卷入武装冲突:这项特别法律文书规定对于18 岁以下儿童,不得由国家武装部队或武装团体强行招募或直接用于敌对行动。
对俄罗斯广播公司实施的审查显然是为了防止官方说辞被事实推翻。但是,当西方媒体展示了电子游戏战争雷霆的图像,电影星球大战的画面,中国大爆炸,阅兵视频,阿富汗的镜头,罗马地铁或移动火葬场的图像并通过将这些伪装成乌克兰战争的真实和近期的场景,现实被忽略了,因为决意用挑起冲突作为分散大众注意力的武器,以使根据世界经济论坛的大重置计划和联合国 2030 年议程而针对西方国家自由的新限制合法化。
乌克兰的侵犯人权行为和普京一再谴责的新纳粹民兵罪行无法找到政治解决方案,因为它们是由全球主义精英所策划和煽动,由欧盟、北约和美国深层政府所合作,带有反俄罗斯语气的,旨在制造一场不可避免战争的、主要在欧洲强制实施能源配给和旅行限制为目标的 ,要用电子货币代替纸币并采用数字身份证的。我们不是在谈论理论项目。这些决定将在欧洲层面及个别国家具体作出。
北约、美国和欧盟对乌克兰的干预似乎没有任何合法性。乌克兰不是北约成员国,因此它不应受益于以保卫其成员国为目的实体援助。欧盟也是如此,就在几天前,欧盟邀请泽连斯基加入。与此同时,乌克兰自2014 年以来从美国获得了 25 亿美元,仅在 2021 年就获得了 4 亿美元(点解这里),外加其他资金总计46 亿美元(点解这里)。就他而言,普京已向乌克兰提供了 150 亿美元的贷款,以使其免于破产。欧盟方面,除了来自各个国家的资金外,还提供了 1700 万美元的资金。但这种援助对乌克兰民众的帮助微乎其微。
此外,在许多情况下,今天向乌克兰提供支持和武器的国家的宪法并未规定进入冲突的可能性。例如,意大利宪法第 11 条规定:“意大利拒绝将战争作为侵犯其他人民自由的工具和解决国际争端的手段。” 向既不属于北约也不属于欧盟的国家派遣武器和士兵构成对与其交战的国家(在这种情况下为俄罗斯)事实上的宣战,因此需要事先考虑宣战,正如意大利宪法第 78 条所预见的那样:“国会审议战争状态并将必要的权力授予政府。” 迄今为止,似乎没有要求各国会据此表达自己的意见,亦或共和国总统也没有进行干预以要求遵守宪法规定。由全球主义阴谋集团任命的总理德拉吉是为了摧毁意大利并使其彻底被超国家权利所奴役,他是将公民意愿当成是执行世界经济论坛议程的烦人障碍的国家政府首脑之一。在有系统地侵犯基本权利和宪法两年之后,很难相信他会把意大利的国家利益置于那些让他掌权的人的利益之上。相反:他的政府所采取的制裁措施造成的后果越严重,他就越能认为自己受到赋予他权力的人的赏识。今天,通过精神大流行紧急情况实施的政变带来了新的不幸决定,得到了没有脊梁的议会批准。
允许意大利公民,甚至是政府中的大多数成员和政治领导人回应乌克兰大使关于加入外国军团的呼吁,也违反了意大利刑法第 288 条:“任何在[意大利]领土上未经政府批准招募或武装公民为外国[在军队中]服务,将被处以4至15年的监禁。” 至少目前没有任何地方法官出面干预以惩罚应对此罪行负责的人。
发现的另一种违规行为,是意大利夫妇违反第 40/2004 号法律指令将通过代孕获得的儿童从乌克兰转移到意大利(可能也转移到其他国家),对犯罪者及同谋也没有任何处罚。
这场危机已经准备和煽动了很长时间,肯定是从 2014 年美国深层政府以反俄为重点的白色政变开始的。
俄乌危机并没在一个月前突然爆发,可已经准备和煽动了很长时间。肯定是从 2014 年美国深层政府在反俄关键中所欲求的白色政变开始的。除其他无可争辩的事实外,中央情报局对亚速营的训练“杀死俄罗斯人”证明了这一点,中央情报局强迫撤销国会于 2015 年制定的禁止亚速营的修正案。乔·拜登和亨特·拜登的干预也是同一方向。因此,有证据表明这是长期的预谋,这与北约无情地向东方扩张是一致的。 欧洲迈丹(Euromaidan)颜色革命,以及由世界经济论坛和乔治索罗斯训练的新人组成的亲北约政府的建立,旨在为乌克兰从属于北约集团创造条件,将其从俄罗斯联邦的影响中拉出来。为此,这位匈牙利慈善家的非政府组织在媒体宣传的支持下采取了颠覆行动,对新纳粹准军事组织的罪行保持沉默,这些组织由赞助泽伦斯基的人所资助。
但是,即便西方国家主流媒体的洗脑成功地传达了一种完全扭曲的现实叙事,那么乌克兰就不是这样了,当地民众非常清楚当权政治阶层的腐败以及它远离乌克兰民族的真正问题。西方的我们认为,“寡头”只存在于俄罗斯,而现实却是,他们存在于前苏联组成的整个银河系中,他们只需将自己置于外国“慈善家”和跨国公司的外衣之下。他们的离岸账户使得这国家的公民贫困、医疗保健系统落后、官僚机构权力过大、几乎完全没有公共服务、外国控制战略公司的主要原因,主权和国家认同的逐渐丧失,这都无关紧要:重要的是要“赚钱”,并与政治人物、银行家、军火商和那些让人民挨饿的人一起永垂不朽。然后来到 维西利亚(Versilia) 或阿马尔菲海岸的时尚度假胜地,向敖德萨的服务员或基辅的清洁工炫耀他们的游艇和白金卡,他们将微薄的工资寄给回家的亲戚。这些戴着犹太小黑帽(kippahs)的乌克兰亿万富翁是那些将乌克兰出卖给腐败和腐败的西方的人,他们到处使用同样无情和不道德的制度,将自己的同胞出卖给正接管世界的高利贷者奴役,以换取自己的好处。过去他们削减了雅典和塞萨洛尼基工人的工资;今天,他们则将视野扩大到整个欧洲,那里的人们仍然难以置信地看着先是健康独裁,然后是环境独裁正被实施。
另一方面,如果没有战争的借口,他们如何能够为飙升的天然气和燃料价格辩护,迫使被上面为控制贫困群众而强加的“生态”转型过程?当大流行的闹剧正在瓦解并揭露大药厂( BigPharma) 犯下的反人类罪行时,他们怎么能让西方世界的人民接受新世界秩序的暴政?
乌克兰人民,无论他们属于哪个族群,都只是超国家极权主义政权最新的不知情的人质,在公开理论化有必要进行大规模毁灭之后,它们通过 Covid 欺骗使整个世界的国民经济长跪不起。公开理论化地消减世界人口,并将幸存者转变为免疫系统无法弥补的慢性病患者。
松开邪恶的绳索,解开压迫的捆绑,让被打垮的人自由,打破每一个重担。与饥饿者分享你的面包,欢迎无家可归的受苦人来你的家;有赤身裸体,给他衣服蔽体,不要背弃自己的骨肉。然后你的光会像黎明般升起,你的伤口会很快愈合,公义将行在你的面前,主的荣耀将紧随着你。 (赛 58:6-8)。
正准备解散传统社会的世界危机也牵涉到天主教会,其等级制度被那些追逐权力的叛教者扣为人质。 [4]曾几何时,教皇和主教可直面对国王而行尘世礼仪,因为他们知道他们在以万王之王耶稣基督的声音说话。凯撒和教皇的罗马现在荒凉而寂静,就像几世纪以来君士坦丁堡的第二罗马保持沉默一样。或许天意安排了莫斯科,即第三罗马,今天将在世人面前扮演 κατ?χον(帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:6-7)的角色,成为敌基督者的末世障碍。如果共产主义的错误是由苏联传播的,甚至强加于教会,俄罗斯和乌克兰今天可以在恢复基督教文明方面发挥划时代的作用,为世界带来一个和平时期,此间教会也将在牧师们中再次净化和更新。
“愿强者倾听我们,以免在不公中变得软弱。愿有权势者倾听我们,如果他们希望他们的力量不是破坏,而是支持人民,保护秩序和工作的安宁”(这是庇护十二世,在1939 年 8 月 24 日战争迫在眉睫之际给世界各国元首和人民的广播信息,)。
愿圣灵带领所有基督徒向上主请求赦免那些践踏祂神圣律法的人的罪过。愿忏悔和禁食能获得上帝怜悯,而我们重复先知乔尔的话:Parce,Domine:parce populo tuo; et ne des hæreditatem tuam in opprobrium, ut dominentur eis nationales。主啊,赦免你的子民,不要让你的产业受辱,受外邦人的嘲笑(Jl 2:17)。
[1] 2011 年,Kolomoisky 与亿万富翁 Vadim Rabinovich 是犹太欧洲议会的联合创始人之一。参照。 http://ejp.eu/。请注意,拉比诺维奇是乌克兰亲俄政党“终身反对党”的成员,其领导人维克托·梅德韦丘克(Viktor Medvedcuk)被泽连斯基逮捕。
[2] 据俄罗斯政治家维克托·弗拉迪斯拉沃维奇·祖巴列夫(Viktor Vladislavovich Zubarev)称,据说泽连斯基在哥斯达黎加的德累斯顿银行存入了 12 亿美元,并以 3400 万美元购买了迈阿密的一座别墅(here)。如需更全面的图片,请参阅乌克兰独立调查新闻机构 Slidstvo-info 的调查 (here)。
[3] 应该指出的是,意大利生态转型部长罗伯托·辛戈拉尼(Roberto Cingolani)几天前决定向乌克兰出售一部分石油库存,“作为能源方面的具体援助”,就像他在大流行期间一样向中国赠送了数百万个口罩,但不久之后又从北京买回来 (here)。
[4] Famiglia Cristiana 在其 3 月 6 日的问题上做了一个标题,评论了 Sant’Egidio 社区创始人 Andrea Riccardi 的一篇文章:“让我们停止战争,建立一个新的世界秩序”。(here).
Letter #45, 2022, Mon, Mar 7: Viganò
“All can be lost with war. Let men return to understanding. Let them resume negotiating.” —The words of Pope Pius XII to the nations of Europe just before the beginning of the Second World War, on August 24, 1939, cited by Archbishop Viganò at the opening of his Declaration on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis (text below), written yesterday, March 6, and published today, March 7. One week after Pius XII’s words on August 24, 1939, World War II began, and it continued for nearly six years…
“The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a very dangerous trap that has been set against Ukraine, Russia, and the nations of Europe.”—Archbishop Viganò, in his March 6 “Declaration”
“The United States of America and the European nations should not marginalize Russia, but rather form an alliance with her, not only for the restoration of trade for the prosperity of all, but in view of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which alone can save the world from the globalist techno-health transhumanist monster.” —Archbishop Viganò, in his March 6 “Declaration”
“I earnestly hope that my appeal for the establishment of an Anti-Globalist Alliance that unites the peoples of the world in opposition against the tyranny of the New World Order will be accepted by those who have at heart the common good, peace between nations, concord among all peoples, freedom for all citizens and the future of the new generations.”—Archbishop Viganò, at the end of his “Declaration”
Letter #45, 2022, Monday, March 7: Viganò
Earlier today, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 81, sent via internet his Declaration on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis, dated yesterday, March 6.
The archbishop’s declaration begins with a quotation from Pope Pius XII.
On August 24, 1939, Pope Pius attempted to call the nations of Europe to “return to understanding” and to “resume negotiating” rather than begin a war that, even at that time — before anyone knew of the horrors it would bring — was nevertheless dreaded as the likely bringer of enormous suffering and much death (also because World War One had ended only 21 years before, in 1918, and no one wished for a similar new war).
This enables us to understand Viganò’s intention in writing this very long Declaration — it runs to 24 pages type-written — 83 years after the heartfelt but ultimately unsuccessful appeal of Pius XII in 1939.
Viganò, like Pius XII, wishes to cry out in order to forestall a war which looms before us.
Viganò wishes us to “return to understanding” and “resume negotiating” rather than prepare to unleash “the dogs of war.”
Readers may not agree with all that the archbishop writes. (I myself am still working my way a second time through his text and clicking on the links he offers to see whether there really is supporting evidence for the statements he makes. Certainly if readers find egregious errors in what the archbishop writes, they may write back to me, and I will try to communicate the objections and eventual corrections to the archbishop.)
Of one thing I am persuaded: the archbishop writes this, sets forth this narrative, in the hope of helping to accomplish what Pius XII was unable to accomplish: to avoid, if it is possible, a world war.
Viganò was until not very long ago one of the highest-ranking diplomats in the entire world.
For five years, from 2011 to 2016, he was the ambassador of the Holy See (an institution with a continuous history reaching back 2,000 years) to the United States of America (arguably the most powerful country in the world).
During those years, Viganò, who had passed through the rigorous Vatican program for training diplomats and had spent years in Iraq, Great Britain, and Nigeria, came to know the United States well, meeting with presidents, senators and leaders in the cultural and economic life of the country.
Because of this training, this experience, this background, it seemed fitting to present in full the arguments of this retired diplomat.
Here, then, is Archbishop Vigano’s complete March 6 Declaration on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. —RM
(Full text below)
of Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,
Former Apostolic Nuncio to The United States of America
on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
Nothing is lost with peace. All can be lost with war. Let men return to understanding. Let them resume negotiating. Negotiating with good will and with respect for each other’s rights, let them realize that an honorable success is never precluded when there are sincere and active negotiations. And they will feel great – with true greatness – if imposing silence on the voices of passion, whether collective or private, and leaving reason to its proper domain, they will spare their brothers bloodshed and their homeland ruin.
Thus it was that on August 24, 1939, Pius XII addressed both rulers and peoples as war was imminent. These were not words of empty pacifism, nor of complicit silence about the multiple violations of justice that were being carried out in many quarters. In that radio message, which some people still remember hearing, the appeal of the Roman Pontiff invoked “respect for each other’s rights” as a prerequisite for fruitful peace negotiations.
The Media Narrative
If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other’s rights has been completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict. Herein lies the seriousness of the problem. This is the trap set for both Russia and Ukraine, using both of them to enable the globalist elite to carry out its criminal plan.
It should not surprise us that pluralism and freedom of speech, so praised in countries that claim to be democratic, are daily disavowed by censorship and intolerance towards opinions not aligned with the official narrative. Manipulations of this kind have become the norm during the so-called pandemic, to the detriment of doctors, scientists and dissenting journalists, who have been discredited and ostracized for the mere fact of daring to question the effectiveness of experimental serums. Two years later, the truth about the adverse effects and the unfortunate management of the health emergency has proven them right, but the truth is stubbornly ignored because it does not correspond to what the system wanted and still wants today.
If the world media have so far been able to lie shamelessly on a matter of strict scientific relevance, spreading lies and hiding reality, we should ask ourselves why, in the present situation, they should suddenly rediscover that intellectual honesty and respect for the code of ethics widely denied with Covid.
But if this colossal fraud has been supported and disseminated by the media, it must be recognized that national and international health institutions, governments, magistrates, law enforcement agencies and the Catholic Hierarchy itself all share responsibility for the disaster – each in its own sphere by actively supporting or failing to oppose the narrative – a disaster that has affected billions of people in their health, their property, the exercise of their individual rights and even their very lives. Even in this case, it is difficult to imagine that those who have been guilty of such crimes in support of a pandemic that was intended and maliciously amplified could suddenly have a jolt of dignity and show solicitude for their citizens and their homeland when a war threatens their security and their economy.
These, of course, can be the prudent reflections of those who want to remain neutral and look with detachment and almost disinterest at what is happening around them. But if we deepen our knowledge of the facts and document them, relying on authoritative and objective sources, we discover that doubts and perplexities soon become disturbing certainties.
Even if we only want to limit our investigation to the economic aspect, we understand that news agencies, politics and public institutions themselves depend on a small number of financial groups belonging to an oligarchy that, significantly, is united not only by money and power, but by the ideological affiliation that guides its action and interference in the politics of nations and the whole world. This oligarchy shows its tentacles in the UN, NATO, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, and in “philanthropic” institutions such as George Soros’ Open Society and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
All these entities are private and answer to no one but themselves, and at the same time they have the power to influence national governments, including through their own representatives who are made to be elected or appointed to key posts. They admit it themselves, when they are received with all the honors by Heads of State and world leaders, beginning with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, respected and feared by these leaders as the true masters of the fate of the world. Thus, those who hold power in the name of the “people” find themselves trampling on the people’s will and restricting their rights, in order to be obedient like courtiers to masters whom nobody has elected but who nevertheless dictate their political and economic agenda to the nations.
We come then to the Ukraine crisis, which is presented to us as a consequence of Vladimir Putin’s expansionist arrogance towards an independent and democratic nation over which he is trying to claim absurd rights. The “warmonger Putin” is said to be massacring the defenseless population, who have courageously arisen to defend the soil of their homeland, the sacred borders of their nation and the violated freedoms of the citizens. The European Union and the United States, “defenders of democracy,” are therefore said to be unable not to intervene by means of NATO to restore Ukraine’s autonomy, drive out the “invader” and guarantee peace. In the face of the “tyrant’s arrogance,” it is said that the peoples of the world ought to form a common front, imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation and sending soldiers, weapons and economic aid to “poor” President Zelensky, “national hero” and “defender” of his people. As proof of Putin’s “violence,” the media spread images of bombings, military searches, and destruction, attributing responsibility to Russia. And there’s still more: precisely in order to guarantee a “lasting peace,” the European Union and NATO are opening wide their arms to welcome Ukraine as members. And in order to prevent “Soviet propaganda”, Europe is now blacking out Russia Today and Sputnik, in order to ensure that information is “free and independent.”
This is the official narrative, to which everyone conforms. Being at war, dissent immediately becomes desertion, and those who dissent are guilty of treason and deserving of more or less serious sanctions, starting with public execration and ostracism, well experienced with Covid against those who are “un-vaxxed”. But the truth, if you want to know it, allows us to see things differently and to judge the facts for what they are and not for how they are presented to us. This is a true and proper unveiling, as indicated by the etymology of the Greek word ?λ?θεια. Or perhaps, with an eschatological gaze, a revelation, an ?ποκ?λυψις.
The expansion of NATO
First of all, it is necessary to remember the facts, which do not lie and are not susceptible to alteration. And the facts, however irritating they are to recall to those who try to censor them, tell us that since the fall of the Berlin Wall the United States has extended its sphere of political and military influence to almost all the satellite states of the former Soviet Union, even recently, annexing into NATO Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary (1999); Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania (2004); Albania and Croatia (2009); Montenegro (2017); and North Macedonia (2020). The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is preparing to expand to Ukraine, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Practically speaking, the Russian Federation is under military threat – from weapons and missile bases – just a few kilometers from its borders, while it has no military base in similar proximity to the United States.
To be considering the possible expansion of NATO into Ukraine, without thinking that it will arouse Russia’s legitimate protests, is nothing short of puzzling, especially given the fact that in 1991 NATO pledged to the Kremlin not to expand further. Not only that: at the end of 2021, Der Spiegel published drafts of a treaty with the United States and an agreement with NATO on security guarantees (here, here and here). Moscow demanded legal guarantees from its Western partners that would prevent NATO from further eastward expansion by adding Ukraine to the alliance and also from establishing military bases in post-Soviet countries. The proposals also contained a clause on the non-deployment of offensive weapons by NATO near Russia’s borders and on the withdrawal of NATO forces in Eastern Europe back to their 1997 positions.
As we can see, NATO has failed to keep its commitments to Russia, or has at least forced the situation at a very delicate moment for geopolitical balances. We should ask ourselves why the United States – or rather the American deep state which regained power after the electoral fraud that brought Joe Biden to the White House – wants to create tensions with Russia and involve its European partners in the conflict, with all the consequences we can imagine.
As General Marco Bertolini, former commander of the Joint Summit Operational Command, has lucidly observed: “The United States did not just win the Cold War but also wanted to humiliate [Russia] by taking everything that in a certain sense fell within its area of influence. [Putin] bore with the Baltic countries, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria [joining NATO]. Faced with Ukraine [joining NATO], which would have taken away any possibility of access to the Black Sea, he reacted” (here). And he adds: “There is a problem of the regime’s stability, a situation has arisen with a fairly unlikely prime minister [Zelensky], one who comes from the world of entertainment.” The general does not fail to recall, in the case of a US attack on Russia, that “the Global Hawks flying over Ukraine depart from Sigonella [Italy]; Italy is an American military base in large part. The risk is there, it is present and real” (here).
Interests arising from the blockade of Russian gas supplies
We should also ask ourselves whether, behind the destabilization of the delicate balance between the European Union and Russia, there are also economic interests, deriving from the need of EU countries to obtain American liquid gas (for which we also need the regasification plants which many nations are deprived of, and for which in any case we will have to pay much more) instead of Russian gas (which is more ecological).
The decision of Italian oil and gas company ENI to suspend investments in Gazprom’s Blue Stream pipeline (from Russia to Turkey) also entails the deprivation of an additional source of supply, since it feeds the Trans-Atlantic Pipeline (from Turkey to Italy).
It therefore does not sound like a coincidence if, in August 2021, Zelensky declared that he considered the Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany as “a dangerous weapon, not only for Ukraine but for all of Europe” (here): bypassing Ukraine, it deprives Kiev of about one billion euros per year in revenue from transit tariffs. “We view this project exclusively through the prism of security and consider it a dangerous geopolitical weapon of the Kremlin” “the Ukrainian president said, agreeing with the Biden administration. American Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said: “If Russia invades Ukraine, Nord Stream 2 will not go forward.” And so it has happened, not without serious economic damage to German investments.
The Pentagon’s virological laboratories in Ukraine
Still on the subject of American interests in Ukraine, it is worth mentioning the virological laboratories located in Ukraine which are under the control of the Pentagon and where it seems that only US specialists with diplomatic immunity are employed directly under the American Ministry of Defense.
We should also remember the complaint made by Putin regarding the collection of genomic data about the population, which can be used for bacteriological weapons with genetic selection (here, here and here). Information about the activity of laboratories in Ukraine is obviously difficult to confirm, but it is understandable that the Russian Federation considered, not without reason, that these laboratories could constitute an additional bacteriological threat to the safety of the population. The U.S. Embassy has removed all files related to the Biological Threat Reduction Program from its website (here).
Maurizio Blondet writes: “Event 201, which simulated the pandemic explosion a year before it happened, was attended (along with the usuals, Bill and Melinda) by the apparently inoffensive John Hopkins University with its blessed Center for Health Security. The humanitarian institution had for a long time a less innocent name: it was called Center for Civilian Biodefence Strategies and did not deal with the health of Americans, but rather with its opposite: the response to military attacks of bio-terrorism. It was practically a civil-military organization. When it held its first conference in February 1999 in Crystal City in Arlington [Virginia], where the Pentagon is located, it brought together 950 doctors, military personnel, federal officials and health officials to participate in a simulation exercise. The aim of the simulation is to counter an imagined “militarized” smallpox attack. It is only the first of the exercises that will blossom in Event 201 and in the Pandemic Imposture” (here).
Experiments also emerge on the Ukrainian military (here) and interventions by the American Embassy regarding the Ukrainian Prosecutor Lutsenko in 2016 so that he would not investigate “a billionaire round of funds between G. Soros and B. Obama” (here).
An indirect threat to China’s expansionist ambitions on Taiwan
The current Ukrainian crisis entails secondary, but no less serious, consequences on the geopolitical balance between China and Taiwan. Russia and Ukraine are the only producers of palladium and neon, which are indispensable for the production of microchips.
“Moscow’s possible retaliation has attracted more attention in recent days after market research group Techcet published a report highlighting the dependence of many semiconductor manufacturers on materials of Russian and Ukrainian origin such as neon, palladium and others. According to Techcet’s estimates, more than 90% of U.S. supplies of semiconductor neon come from Ukraine, while 35% of U.S. palladium comes from Russia. […] According to the US International Trade Commission, neon prices rose by 600% before Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014, because chip companies relied on some Ukrainian companies” (here).
“If it is true that a Chinese invasion of Formosa would put the global technology supply chain at risk, it is also true that a sudden shortage of raw materials from Russia could stop production, so as to make the island lose the “microchip shield” and induce Beijing to attempt the annexation of Taipei.”
The Biden’s’ conflict of interest in Ukraine
Another issue that we tend not to analyze in depth is that related to Burisma, an oil and gas company operating on the Ukrainian market since 2002. Recall that “during the American presidency of Barack Obama (from 2009 to 2017) his right hand man with a “delegation” to handle international politics was Joe Biden, and it is since then that the “protection’ offered by the Democrat US leader was given to Ukrainian nationalists, a line that created the irreconcilable disagreement between Kiev and Moscow. […] It was Joe Biden in those years who carried out the policy of bringing Ukraine closer to NATO. He wanted to take away political and economic power from Russia. […] In recent years, Joe Biden’s name has also been associated with a scandal over Ukraine that had also shaken his candidacy. […] It was April 2014 when Burisma Holdings, the largest energy company in Ukraine (active in both gas and oil), hired Hunter Biden as a consultant […] with a salary of $50,000 a month. All transparent, except that during those months Joe Biden continued the American policy aimed at regaining possession by Ukraine of those areas of the Donbass that have now become Republics recognized by Russia. The Donetsk area is believed to be rich in unexplored gas fields that have been targeted by Burisma Holdings. An international policy intertwined with the economic one that made the American media turn up their noses in those years” (here).
Democrats claimed that Trump had created a media scandal to harm Biden’s campaign, but his accusations turned out to be true. Joe Biden himself, during a meeting at the Rockefeller Council for Foreign Relations, admitted to having intervened on then-President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arsenij Yatseniuk to prevent investigations into his son Hunter by Procurator General Viktor Shokin. Biden had threatened “to withhold a billion dollars loan guarantee in the United States during a December 2015 trip to Kiev,” reports the New York Post. (here). “If [the Procurator General Shokin] is not fired, you will not have the money” (here e here). And the Prosecutor was effectively fired, saving Hunter from further scandal, after those involving him.
Biden’s interference in Kiev politics, in exchange for favors to Burisma and corrupt oligarchs, confirms the current US President’s interest in protecting his family and image, fueling disorder in Ukraine and even a war. How can a person who uses his role to take care of his own interests and cover up the crimes of his family members govern honestly and without being subject to blackmail?
The Ukrainian nuclear question
Finally, there is the issue of Ukrainian nuclear weapons. On February 19, 2022, at a conference in Munich, Zelensky announced his intention to end the Budapest Memorandum (1994), which prohibits Ukraine from developing, proliferating and using atomic weapons. Among the other clauses of the Memorandum, there is also the one that obliges Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom to refrain from using economic pressure on Ukraine to influence its policy: the pressure of the IMF and the United States to grant economic aid in exchange for reforms consistent with the Great Reset represent a further violation of the agreement.
The Ukrainian Ambassador in Berlin, Andriy Melnyk, argued on Deutschlandfunk radio in 2021 that Ukraine needed to regain nuclear status if the country failed to join NATO. Ukraine’s nuclear power plants are operated, rebuilt and maintained by the state-owned enterprise NAEK Energoatom, which completely ended its relationship with Russian companies between 2018 and 2021. Its main partners are companies that can be traced back to the US government. It is easy to understand how the Russian Federation considers the possibility of Ukraine acquiring nuclear weapons as a threat and demands Kiev’s adherence to the non-proliferation pact.
The color revolution in Ukraine and the independence of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk
Another fact. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych decided to suspend the association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and to forge closer economic relations with Russia, a series of protest demonstrations known as Euromaidan began, which lasted several months and culminated in the revolution that overthrew Yanukovych and led to the installation of a new government. It was an operation sponsored by George Soros, as he candidly told CNN: “I have had a foundation in Ukraine since before it became independent of Russia; this foundation has always been in business and has played a decisive role in today’s events” (here, here and here). This change of government provoked the reaction of Yanukovych’s supporters and of a part of the Ukrainian population opposed to the pro-Western shift of Ukraine, which had not been wanted by the population but was obtained by a color revolution, of which there had been general rehearsals in previous years in Georgia, Moldova and Belarus.
Following the clashes of May 2, 2014, in which nationalist paramilitary fringes (including those of Pravyi Sektor) also intervened, there was also the massacre in Odessa. The Western press also spoke of these terrible events in a scandalized way; Amnesty International (here) and the UN denounced these crimes and documented their brutality. But no international court initiated any proceedings against those responsible, as is intended to be done today against the alleged crimes of the Russian army.
Among the many agreements not respected is also the Minsk Protocol, signed on September 5, 2014 by the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine, composed of representatives of Ukraine, Russia, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic. Among the points of the agreement was also the removal of armed illegal groups, military equipment, as well as fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine under the supervision of the OSCE and the disarmament of all illegal groups. Contrary to what was agreed, neo-Nazi paramilitary groups are not only officially recognized by the government, but their members are even given official assignments.
Also in 2014, Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk declared their independence from Ukraine – in the name of self-determination of peoples recognized by the international community – and declared themselves annexed to the Russian Federation. The Ukrainian government still refuses to recognize the independence of these regions, sanctioned by popular referendum, and leaves the neo-Nazi militias and the regular military forces themselves free to rage against the population, since it considers these entities as terrorist organizations. It is true that the two referendums of November 2, 2014 constitute a stretching of the Minsk Protocol, which provided only for a decentralization of power and a form of special status for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
As Professor Franco Cardini recently pointed out, “on February 15, 2022, Russia delivered to the United States a draft of a treaty to end this situation and defend the Russian-speaking populations. Wastepaper. This war began in 2014” (here and here). And it was a war in the intentions of those who wanted to fight the Russian minority of Donbass: “We will have a job and pensions, and they will not. We will receive bonuses for having children, and they will not. Our children will have schools and kindergartens; their children will stay in the basements. In this way we will win this war,” said President Petro Poroshenko in 2015 (here). It will not escape notice that these measures are similar to the discrimination against the so-called “un-vaxxed,” who have been deprived of work, pay and education. Eight years of bombing in Donetsk and Lugansk, with hundreds of thousands of victims, 150 dead children, and very serious cases of torture, rape, kidnapping and discrimination (here).
On February 18, 2022 the Presidents of Donetsk and Lugansk, Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik, ordered the evacuation of the civilian population of their provinces into the Russian Federation due to the ongoing clashes between the Donbass People’s Militia and the Ukrainian Armed Forces. On February 21, the State Duma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) unanimously ratified the treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance introduced by President Putin with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. At the same time, the Russian President ordered the sending of troops from the Russian Federation to restore peace in the Donbass region.
Here one may wonder why, in a situation of blatant violation of human rights by neo-Nazi military forces and paramilitary apparatuses (who fly flags bearing swastikas and display the effigy of Aldolf Hitler) against the Russian-speaking population of the independent republics, the international community feels obliged to consider the intervention of the Russian Federation worthy of condemnation, and indeed to blame Putin for the violence. Where is the much-vaunted right of the people to self-determination, which was held valid on August 24, 1991 for the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence and recognized by the international community? And why are we scandalized today by a Russian intervention in Ukraine, when NATO carried out the same sort of thing in Yugoslavia (1991), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), and in Libya and Syria (2011), without anyone raising any objections? Not to mention that in the last ten years Israel has repeatedly hit military targets in Syria, Iran and Lebanon to prevent the creation of a hostile armed front on its northern border, and yet no nation has proposed imposing sanctions on Tel Aviv.
It is dismaying to see with what hypocrisy the European Union and the United States – Brussels and Washington – are giving their unconditional support to President Zelensky, whose government for eight years now has continued to persecute Russian-speaking Ukrainians with impunity (here), for whom it is even forbidden to speak in their own language, in a nation that includes numerous ethnic groups, of which those who speak Russian represent 17.2%. And it is scandalous that they are silent about the use of civilians as human shields by the Ukrainian army, which places anti-aircraft positions inside population centers, hospitals, schools and kindergartens precisely so that their destruction can cause deaths among the population.
The mainstream media is careful not to show images of Russian soldiers helping civilians reach safe positions (here and here) or organizing humanitarian corridors, which Ukrainian militias fire upon (here and here). Just as it is also silent about the settling of scores, massacres, violence and theft by fringes of the civilian population, to whom Zelensky has given weapons: the videos that can be seen on the internet give an idea of the climate of civil war that has been artfully fueled by the Ukrainian Government. To this we may also add the convicts released to be drafted into the Army and also the volunteers of the foreign legion: a mass of fanatics without rules and without training that will contribute to worsening the situation, making it unmanageable.
President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky
As has been pointed out by many parties, the candidacy and election of Ukrainian President Zelensky corresponds to that recent cliché, inaugurated in recent years, of a comic actor or entertainment personality being lent to politics. Do not believe that being without a suitable cursus honorum is an obstacle to the rising to the top of institutions; on the contrary: the more a person is apparently a stranger to the world of political parties, the more it is to be assumed that his success is determined by those who hold power. Zelensky’s performances in drag are perfectly consistent with the LGBTQ ideology that is considered by its European sponsors as an indispensable requirement of the “reform” agenda that every country ought to embrace, along with gender equality, abortion and the green economy. No wonder Zelensky, a member of the WEF (here), was able to benefit from the support of Schwab and his allies to come to power and ensure that the Great Reset would also be carried out in Ukraine.
The 57-part television series that Zelensky produced and starred in, demonstrates that the media planned his candidacy for President of Ukraine and his election campaign. In the fiction show The Servant of the People he played the part of a high school teacher who unexpectedly became President of the Republic and fought against the corruption of politics. It is no coincidence that the series, which was absolutely mediocre, still won the WorldFest Remi Award (USA, 2016), came among the top four finalists in the category of comedy films at the Seoul International Drama Awards (South Korea) and was awarded the Intermedia Globe Silver award in the entertainment TV series category at the World Media Film Festival in Hamburg.
The media stir obtained by Zelensky with the television series brought him over 10 million followers on Instagram and created the premise for the establishment of the homonymous Servant of the People political party, of which Ivan Bakanov, General Manager and shareholder (along with Zelensky himself and the oligarch Kolomoisky) of Kvartal 95 Studio, and the owner of the TV 1+1 television network, is also a member. Zelensky’s image is an artificial product, a media fiction, an operation of manipulation of consensus that has managed to create the political character in the Ukrainian collective imagination that in reality, and not in fiction, has conquered power.
“Just one month before the 2019 elections that saw him win, Zelensky sold the company [Kvartal 95 Studio] to a friend, still finding a way to get the proceeds of the business he had officially renounced to his family. That friend was Serhiy Shefir, who was later appointed Councilor to the Presidency. […] The sale of the shares took place for the benefit of Maltex Multicapital Corp., a company owned by Shefir and registered in the British Virgin Islands” (here).
The current Ukrainian President promoted his election campaign with a commercial that was disturbing, to say the least (here), in which, holding two machine guns, he fired on members of Parliament, pointed out as corrupt or subservient to Russia. The fight against corruption trumpeted by the Ukrainian President in the role of “servant of the people” does not correspond, however, to the picture that emerges of him from the so-called Pandora papers, in which 40 million dollars appear to have been paid to him on the eve of the elections by the Jewish billionaire Kolomoisky[1] through offshore accounts (here, here and here).[2] In his homeland, many accuse him of having taken power away from the pro-Russian oligarchs not to give it to the Ukrainian people, but rather to strengthen his own interest group and at the same time remove his political adversaries: “He liquidated the ministers of the old guard, first of all the powerful Minister of the Interior, [Arsen] Avakov. He rudely retired the president of the Constitutional Court who was acting as a check on his laws. He closed seven opposition TV channels. He arrested and accused of treason Viktor Medvedcuk, a pro-Russian sympathizer but above all the leader of the Platform of Opposition – For Life party, the second party of the Ukrainian Parliament after his Servant of the People party. He is also placing on trial for treason former President Poroshenko, who was suspicious of everyone except for those who got along with the Russians or their friends. The mayor of Kiev, the popular former world boxing champion Vitaly Klitchko, has already been subjected to several searches and seizures. In short, Zelensky seems to want to make a clean sweep of anyone who is not aligned with his politics” (here).
On April 21, 2019, Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine with 73.22% of the votes, and on May 20 he was sworn in. On May 22, 2019 he appointed Ivan Bakanov, Director General of Kvartal 95, as First Deputy Head of the Security Services of Ukraine and Head of the Main Directorate for the Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime of the Central Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine. Along with Bakanov, it is worth mentioning Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice President and Minister of Digital Transformation, a member of the World Economic Forum (here). Zelensky himself has admitted to having as his inspiration the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau (here and here).
Zelensky’s relations with the IMF and the WEF
As Greece’s tragic precedent has shown, national sovereignties and the popular will expressed by parliaments are de facto erased by the decisions of international high finance, which interferes with government policies by means of blackmail and outright extortion of an economic nature. The case of Ukraine, which is one of the poorest countries in Europe, is no exception.
Shortly after Zelensky’s election, the International Monetary Fund threatened not to grant Ukraine a $5 billion loan if he did not comply with their demands. During a telephone conversation with the CEO of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, the Ukrainian President was rebuked for replacing Yakiv Smolii with a man he trusted, Kyrylo Shevchenko, who was less inclined to comply with the diktats of the IMF. Anders Åslund writes at Atlantic Council: “The problems surrounding the Zelensky government are mounting alarmingly. First of all, since March 2020, the President has led a reversal not only of the reforms pursued under him, but also those initiated by his predecessor Petro Poroshenko. Second, his government has not presented plausible proposals to resolve IMF concerns about Ukraine’s unfulfilled commitments. Third, the President appears to no longer have a ruling parliamentary majority, and he seems disinterested in forming a reformist majority (here).
It is evident that the IMF’s interventions are aimed at obtaining the Ukrainian government’s commitment to align itself with the economic, fiscal and social policies dictated by the globalist agenda, beginning with the “independence” of the Central Bank of Ukraine from the government: a euphemism with which the IMF calls on the Kiev government to renounce legitimate control over its Central Bank, which is one of the ways in which national sovereignty is exercised, along with the issuance of money and the management of public debt. On the other hand, just four months earlier Kristalina Georgieva had launched the Great Reset together with Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles and UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
What had not been possible with previous governments was brought to completion under the presidency of Zelensky, who entered the good graces of the WEF (here) along with the new Governor of the BCU, Kyrylo Shevchenko. Less than a year later, in order to prove his subjection, Shevchenko wrote an article for the WEF entitled Central banks are the key to countries’ climate goals and Ukraine is showing the way (here). Thus the Agenda 2030 is implemented, under blackmail.
There are also other Ukrainian companies that have ties to the WEF: the State Savings Bank of Ukraine (one of the largest financial institutions in Ukraine), the DTEK Group (an important private investor in the Ukrainian energy sector) and Ukr Land Farming (an agricultural leader in cultivation). Banks, energy and food are sectors perfectly in line with the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution theorized by Klaus Schwab.
On February 4, 2021, the Ukrainian president shut down seven television stations, including ZIK, Newsone and 112 Ukraine, all guilty of not supporting his government. As Anna Del Freo writes: “A harsh condemnation of this liberticidal act has arrived, among others, also from the European Federation of Journalists and the International Federation of Journalists, who have asked for the immediate lifting of the veto. The three broadcasters will no longer be able to broadcast for five years: they employ about 1500 people, whose jobs are now at risk. There is no real reason why the three networks should be shut down, except for the arbitrariness of the Ukrainian political apex, which accuses them of threatening information security and being under “malign Russian influence.” A strong reaction also comes from NUJU, the Ukrainian journalists’ union, which speaks of a very heavy attack on freedom of speech, given that hundreds of journalists are being deprived of the opportunity to express themselves and hundreds of thousands of citizens are being deprived of the right to be informed. As we can see, what Putin is accused of was actually carried out by Zelensky and, more recently, by the European Union, with the complicity of social media platforms. “Shutting down television broadcasters is one of the most extreme forms of restriction of the freedom of the press,” said EFJ Secretary General Ricardo Gutierrez. “Nations have an obligation to ensure effective pluralism of information. It is clear that the presidential veto is not at all in line with international standards on freedom of expression” (here).
It would be interesting to know what statements were made by the European Federation of Journalists and the International Federation of Journalists after the blackout of Russia Today and Sputnik in Europe.
Neo-nazi and extremist movements in Ukraine
A country that calls for humanitarian aid from the international community to defend its population from Russian aggression should, in the collective imagination, stand out for respect for democratic principles and for legislation that prohibits activities and the spread of propaganda by extremist ideologies.
Neo-Nazi movements engaged in military and paramilitary actions operate freely in Ukraine, often with the official support of public institutions. These include the following: Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), a movement with a Nazi, anti-Semitic and racist matrix already active in Chechnya and which is part of the Right Sector, an association of far-right movements formed at the time of the Euromaidan coup in 2013/2014; the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA); the UNA/UNSO, paramilitary wing of the far-right political party Ukraine National Assembly; the Korchinsky Brotherhood, which offered protection in Kiev to ISIS members (here); Misanthropic Vision (MD), a neo-Nazi network spread across 19 countries that publicly incites terrorism, extremism and hatred against Christians, Muslims, Jews, Communists, homosexuals, Americans and people of color (here).
It should be remembered that the government has given explicit support to these extremist organizations both by sending the presidential guard to the funerals of their representatives, as well as by supporting the Azov Battalion, a paramilitary organization that is officially part of the Ukrainian Army under the new name of Azov Special Operations Regiment and organized into the National Guard. The Azov Regiment is financed by the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, the former governor of Dnepropetrovsk, who is also thought to be the financier of the nationalist militias of Pravyi Sektor, which are considered responsible for the Odessa massacre. We are talking about the same Kolomoisky mentioned in the Pandora Papers as a sponsor of President Zelensky. The battalion has relations with several far-right organizations in Europe and the United States.
Amnesty International, after a meeting on September 8, 2014 between Secretary General Salil Shetty and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, called on the Ukrainian Government to end the abuses and war crimes committed by the volunteer battalions that operate together with the Kiev Armed Forces. The Ukrainian government has opened an official investigation into the matter, declaring that no officers or soldiers of the Azov Battalion appear to be under investigation.
In March 2015, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov announced that the Azov Battalion would be one of the first units to be trained by US Army troops, as part of their Operation Fearless Guard training mission. US training was discontinued on June 12, 2015, when the US House of Representatives passed an amendment banning all aid (including weapons and training) to the battalion because of its neo-Nazi past. The amendment was then revoked under pressure from the CIA (here and here) and the soldiers of the Azov Battalion were trained in the United States (here and here): “We have been training these guys for eight years now. They are really good fighters. That’s where the Agency’s program could have a serious impact.”
In 2016, an OSCE report [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] found that the Azov Battalion was responsible for the mass killing of prisoners, the concealment of corpses in mass graves and the systematic use of physical and psychological torture techniques. Just a few days ago the Deputy Commander of the Battalion, Vadim Troyan, was appointed Chief of Police of the Oblast Region by Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.
These are the “heroes” fighting together with the Ukrainian Army against the Russian soldiers. And these heroes of the Azov Battalion, instead of protecting their children, dare to make their own flesh into meat for slaughter, enlisting boys and girls (here and here), in violation of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (here), concerning the involvement of minors in armed conflicts: an ad hoc legal instrument that establishes that no child under 18 is to be forcibly recruited or used directly in hostilities, either by the armed forces of a state nor by armed groups.
Inevitably, the lethal weapons provided by the EU, including Draghi’s Italy, with the support of “anti-fascist” political parties, are destined to be used against these children.
The Ukrainian war in the plans of the NWO
The censorship being imposed against Russian broadcasters is clearly aimed at preventing the official narrative from being disproven by the facts. But while the Western media shows images of the video game War Thunder (here), frames from the movie Star Wars (here), explosions in China (here), videos of military parades (here), footage from Afghanistan (here), the Rome metro (here) or images of mobile crematoria (here) by passing them off as real and recent scenes of the war in Ukraine, reality is ignored because it has already been decided to provoke a conflict as a weapon of mass distraction that legitimizes new restrictions of freedoms in Western nations, according to the plans of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.
It is evident that the Ukrainian people, beyond the issues that diplomacy can resolve, are victims of the same global coup d’état being carried out by supranational powers that intend, not peace between nations, but rather the establishment of the tyranny of the New World Order. Just a few days ago, Ukrainian parliamentarian Kira Rudik told Fox News, while holding a kalashnikov: “We know that we are not only fighting for Ukraine, but also for the New World Order.”
The human rights violations in Ukraine and the crimes of the neo-Nazi militias repeatedly denounced by Putin could not find a political solution because they were planned and fomented by the globalist elite, with the collaboration of the European Union, NATO and the American deep state, with an anti-Russian tone intended to make inevitable a war whose goal is to impose, primarily in Europe, the forced adoption of energy rationing (here),[1] travel restrictions, the replacement of paper money with electronic money (here and here) and the adoption of digital ID (here and here). We are not talking about theoretical projects. These are decisions that are about to be taken concretely at the European level as well as in individual countries.
Respect for the Law and Standards
The intervention in Ukraine by NATO, the United States, and the European Union does not appear to have any legitimacy. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and as such it should not benefit from the assistance of an entity whose purpose is the defense of its member nations. The same can be said of the European Union, which just a few days ago invited Zelensky to join it. In the meantime, Ukraine has received $2.5 billion from the United States since 2014 and another $400 million in 2021 alone (here), plus other funds for a total of $4.6 billion dollars (here). For his part, Putin has given $15 billion in loans to Ukraine to save it from bankruptcy. The European Union, for its part, has sent $17 million in funding, in addition to funding sent from various individual nations. But this assistance has benefitted the Ukrainian population only minimally.
Furthermore, by intervening in the war in Ukraine in the name of the European Union, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is violating articles 9, 11, and 12 of the Treaty of Lisbon. The competence of the European Union in this area belongs to the European Council and the High Representative. In no case does it belong to the Commission President. In what capacity does President von der Leyen presume to act as if she were the head of the European Union, usurping a role that does not belong to her? Why does no one intervene, especially considering the danger to which European citizens are being exposed due to the possibility of Russian retaliation?
Furthermore, in many cases the constitutions of the nations that are today sending support and weapons to Ukraine do not provide for the possibility of entering into a conflict. For example, article 11 of the Italian Constitution states: “Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offense for the liberty of other peoples and as a means of resolving international controversies.” Sending weapons and soldiers to a nation that is not a part of either NATO or the European Union constitutes a de facto declaration of war on the nation belligerent with it (in this case, Russia), and should therefore require the prior deliberation of declaring war, as is foreseen by article 78 of the Italian Constitution: “The Chambers [of Parliament] deliberate on the state of war and confer the necessary powers on the government.” It does not appear that to date the Chambers have been called upon to express themselves in this sense, or that the President of the Republic has intervened to demand compliance with the constitutional provision. Prime Minister Draghi, appointed by the globalist cabal for the destruction of Italy and its definitive enslavement to supranational powers, is one of the many Heads of national governments who considers the will of the citizens as an annoying obstacle to the execution of the agenda of the World Economic Forum. After two years of systematic violations of fundamental rights and of the Constitution, it is difficult to believe that he will want to place the interests of the Italian nation ahead of the interests of those who have placed him in power. On the contrary: the more disastrous are the effects of the sanctions adopted by his government, the more he can consider himself appreciated by those who have given him power. The coup perpetrated by means of the psychopandemic emergency proceeds today with new unfortunate decisions, ratified by a Parliament without a spine.
It is also a violation of article 288 of the Italian Penal Code to permit Italian citizens – and even members of the majority in the Government and political leaders – to respond to the appeal of the Ukrainian Ambassador for enrollment in the foreign legion: “Anyone in the territory of [Italy] who without government approval enlists or arms citizens to serve [in the military] in favor of a foreign nation, is to be punished with imprisonment for a period of 4 to 15 years.” No magistrate, at least for the time being, has intervened to punish those responsible for this crime.
Another violation is found in the activity of transferring children from Ukraine to Italy (and presumably also to other nations) who have been obtained via surrogate motherhood, ordered by Italian couples in violation of Law 40/2004, without any penalty being imposed on those guilty of this crime, as well as their accomplices.
It should also be remembered that the utterances of members of the Government or of political leaders with regard to the Russian Federation and its President, along with the sanctions that have been adopted against Russia and the repeated instances of arbitrary discrimination against Russian citizens, companies, artists, and sports teams for the sole fact of being Russian, are not only provocations that ought to be avoided in order to allow for a serene and peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, but also place the safety of Italian citizens in very serious danger (as well as the safety of citizens of other nations who are adopting a similar stance toward Russia). The reason for such rash temerity is incomprehensible, unless there is an intentional desire to trigger reactions from the opposing party.
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a very dangerous trap that has been set against Ukraine, Russia, and the nations of Europe.
Ukraine is the latest victim of accomplished executioners
The Russian-Ukrainian crisis did not suddenly erupt a month ago. It has been prepared and fomented for a long time, certainly beginning with the 2014 white coup that was desired by the American deep state in an anti-Russian key. This is demonstrated, among other incontestable facts, by the training of the Azov Battalion by the CIA “to kill Russians” (here), with the CIA forcing the revocation of the amendment banning aid to the battalion made by Congress in 2015. The interventions made by Joe and Hunter Biden have gone in the same direction. Thus there is evidence of long-term premeditation, consistent with NATO’s relentless expansion towards the East. The Color Revolution of Euromaidan, as well as the establishment of a pro-NATO government composed of homines novi trained by the World Economic Forum and George Soros, was intended to create the conditions for the subordination of Ukraine to the NATO bloc, removing it from the influence of the Russian Federation. To this end, the subversive action of the Hungarian philanthropist’s NGOs, supported by media propaganda, has kept silent about the crimes of neo-Nazi paramilitary organizations, financed by the same people who sponsor Zelensky.
But if the brainwashing carried out by the mainstream media in Western nations has succeeded in conveying a completely distorted narrative of reality, the same cannot be said for Ukraine, where the population is well aware of the corruption of the political class in power as well as of its remoteness from the real problems of the Ukrainian nation. We in the West believe that the “oligarchs” are only in Russia, while the reality is that they are present above all throughout the entire galaxy of nations that formerly composed the Soviet Union, where they can accumulate wealth and power simply by placing themselves at the disposition of foreign “philanthropists” and multinational corporations. It matters little if their offshore accounts are the primary cause of the poverty of the citizens of these nations, the backwardness of the health care system, the excessive power of the bureaucracy, the almost total absence of public services, foreign control of strategic companies, and the progressive loss of sovereignty and national identity: the important thing is to “make money” and be immortalized along with political personalities, bankers, arms dealers, and those who starve the people. And then to come to the fashionable resorts of Versilia or the Amalfi Coast to flaunt their yachts and platinum cards to the waiter from Odessa or the cleaning lady from Kiev who send their paltry wages to their relatives back home. These Ukrainian billionaires wearing kippahs are those who are selling out Ukraine to the corrupted and corrupting West, trading their own well-being for the enslavement of their compatriots to the usurers who are taking over the world, using the same ruthless and immoral systems everywhere. In the past they cut the salaries of workers in Athens and Thessaloniki; today they have simply enlarged their horizons to the whole of Europe, where the population still looks on incredulously while first a health dictatorship and then an environmental dictatorship is being imposed.
On the other hand, without the pretext of a war, how would they have been able to justify the soaring price of gas and fuels, forcing the process of an “ecological” transition imposed from on high in order to control the impoverished masses? How could they have made the peoples of the Western world swallow the establishment of the tyranny of the New World Order, when the pandemic farce was unraveling and bringing to light crimes against humanity committed by BigPharma?
And while the EU and heads of government blame Russia for the impending disaster, the Western elites demonstrate that they even want to destroy agriculture, in order to apply the horrors of the Holodomor on a global scale (here). On the other hand, in many nations (including Italy) the privatization of waterways is being theorized – and water is an inalienable public good – for the advantage of multinationals and with the aim of controlling and limiting agriculture activities. The pro-NATO government of Kiev did not behave much differently: for eight years the Crimea was deprived of water from the Dnieper River in order to prevent the irrigation of the fields and starve the people. Today, in light of the sanctions being imposed on Russia and the huge reduction of grain supplies, we can understand Bill Gates’ enormous investments in agriculture (here), following the same ruthless profit-making logic already experienced with the vaccine campaign.
The Ukrainian people, regardless of what ethnic group they may belong to, are merely the latest unwitting hostages of the supranational totalitarian regime that brought the national economies of the entire world to their knees through the Covid deception, after publicly theorizing about the need to decimate the world population and transform the survivors into chronically ill patients who have irreparably compromised their immune systems.
The Ukrainian people should think hard about calling upon the intervention of NATO or the EU, provided that it is really the Ukrainian people who do it and not rather their corrupt rulers aided by racist mercenaries and neo-nazi groups in the pay of hierarchs. Because while they are promised freedom from the invader – with whom they share the common religious and cultural heritage of having once been part of Great Russia – in reality what is cynically being prepared is their definitive cancellation, their enslavement to the Great Reset that foresees everything except the protection of their identity, their sovereignty, and their borders.
Let the Ukrainian people look at what has happened to the nations of the European Union: the mirage of prosperity and security is demolished by the contemplation of the rubble left by the euro and the lobbies of Brussels. Nations invaded by illegal immigrants who feed crime and prostitution; destroyed in their social fabric by politically correct ideologies; knowingly brought to bankruptcy by reckless economic and fiscal policies; led towards poverty by the cancellation of labor and social security protections; deprived of a future by the destruction of the family and the moral and intellectual corruption of the new generations.
What were once prosperous and independent nations, diverse in their respective ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and religious specificities, have now been transformed into a shapeless mass of people without ideals, without hopes, without faith, without even the strength to react against the abuses and crimes of those who govern them. A mass of corporate customers, slaves of the system of detailed control imposed by the pandemic farce, even in the face of evidence of the fraud. A mass of persons without individual identity, marked with QR codes like animals on an intensive farm, like products of a huge shopping center. If this has been the result of the renunciation of national sovereignty for all the nations – every single one, without exception! – that have entrusted themselves to the colossal scam of the European Union, why would Ukraine be any different?
Is this what your fathers wanted, what they hoped for, what they desired, when they received Baptism along with Vladimir the Great on the banks of the Dnieper?
If there is a positive aspect that each of us can recognize in this crisis, it is that it has revealed the horror of the globalist tyranny, its ruthless cynicism, its capacity to destroy and annihilate everything it touches. It is not the Ukrainians who ought to enter the European Union or NATO, it is rather the other nations who ought to finally be jolted by pride and courage to leave them, shaking off this detestable yoke and rediscovering their own independence, sovereignty, identity, and faith. Their own souls.
To be clear: the New Order is not an inescapable destiny, and it can be subverted and denounced, if only the peoples of the world realize that they have been deceived and swindled by an oligarchy of clearly identifiable criminals, who one day will have to answer for those sanctions and those blocks of funds that today they apply with impunity to anyone who does not bend the knee before them.
An appeal to the Third Rome
For Russia too, this conflict is a trap. This is because it would fulfill the dream of the American deep state to definitively oust Russia from the European context in its commercial and cultural relations, pushing it into the arms of China, perhaps with the hope that the dictatorship in Beijing can persuade the Russians to accept the system of social credit and other aspects of the Great Reset that thus far Russia has been able to avoid, at least in part.
It is a trap, not because Russia is wrong in wanting to “denazify” Ukraine of its extremist groups and guarantee protection to Russian-speaking Ukrainians, but because it is precisely these reasons – theoretically tenable – that were created specifically to provoke it and induce it to invade Ukraine, in such a way as to provoke the NATO reaction that has been prepared for some time by the deep state and the globalist elite. The casus belli was deliberately planned by the real perpetrators of the conflict, knowing that it would obtain exactly that response from Putin. And it is up to Putin, regardless of whether he is right, not to fall into the trap, and to instead turn the tables, offering Ukraine the conditions of an honorable peace without continuing the conflict. Indeed, the more Putin believes he is right, the more he needs to demonstrate the greatness of his nation and his love for his people by not giving into provocations.
Permit me to repeat the words of the Prophet Isaiah: Dissolve colligationes impietatis, solve fasciculos deprimentes, dimitte eos qui confracti sunt liberos, et omne onus dirumpe; frange esurienti panem tuum, et egenos vagosque induc in domum tuam; cum videris nudum, operi eum, et carnem tuam ne despexeris. Tunc erumpet quasi mane lumen tuum; et sanitas tua citius orietur, et anteibit faciem tuam justitia tua, et gloria Domini colliget te.
Loose the bands of wickedness, undo the bundles that oppress, let those who are broken go free, and break asunder every burden. Share your bread with the hungry, welcome into your house the afflicted and homeless; when you see a naked man, clothe him, and do not turn your back on your own flesh. Then your light will arise like the dawn, and your wound will quickly be healed. Your justice shall go before you, the glory of the Lord will closely follow you. (Is 58:6-8).
The world crisis with which the dissolution of traditional society is being prepared has also involved the Catholic Church, whose Hierarchy is held hostage by apostates who are courtiers of power.[1] There was a time in which Popes and Prelates confronted Kings without concern for human respect, because they knew they spoke with the voice of Jesus Christ, the King of kings. The Rome of the Caesars and Popes is now deserted and silent, just as for centuries the Second Rome of Constantinople has also been silent. Perhaps Providence has ordained that Moscow, the Third Rome, will today in the sight of the world take on the role of κατ?χον (2 Thess 2:6-7), of eschatological obstacle to the Antichrist. If the errors of communism were spread by the Soviet Union, even to the point of imposing themselves within the Church, Russia and Ukraine can today have an epochal role in the restoration of Christian Civilization, contributing to bringing the world a period of peace from which the Church too will rise again purified and renewed in her Ministers.
The United States of America and the European nations should not marginalize Russia, but rather form an alliance with her, not only for the restoration of trade for the prosperity of all, but in view of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which alone can save the world from the globalist techno-health transhuman monster.
Final Considerations
There is great concern that the destinies of the peoples of the world is in the hands of an elite that is not accountable to anyone for its decisions, that does not recognize any authority above itself, and that in order to pursue its own interests does not hesitate to jeopardize security, the economy, and the very lives of billions of people, with the complicity of politicians in their service and the mainstream media. The falsification of facts, the grotesque adulterations of reality, and the partisanship with which the news is spread stand alongside the censorship of dissenting voices and leads to forms of ethnic persecution against Russian citizens, who are discriminated against precisely in the countries that say they are democratic and respectful of fundamental rights.
I earnestly hope that my appeal for the establishment of an Anti-Globalist Alliance that unites the peoples of the world in opposition against the tyranny of the New World Order will be accepted by those who have at heart the common good, peace between nations, concord among all peoples, freedom for all citizens and the future of the new generations. And even before that, may my words – along with those of many intellectually honest people – contribute to bringing to light the complicity and corruption of those who use lies and fraud to justify their crimes, even in these moments of great apprehension about the war in Ukraine.
“May the strong listen to us, so as not to become weak in injustice. May the powerful listen to us, if they want their power not to be destruction but support for the peoples and protection for tranquility in order and work” (Pius XII, Radio message to Heads of State and Peoples of the World in Imminent Danger of War, August 24, 1939).
May Holy Lent lead all Christians to ask pardon from the Divine Majesty for the sins of those who trample His Holy Law. May penance and fasting move the Lord God to mercy, while we repeat the words of the Prophet Joel: Parce, Domine: parce populo tuo; et ne des hæreditatem tuam in opprobrium, ut dominentur eis nationes. Forgive your people, Lord, and do not expose your inheritance to reproach, to the derision of the nations (Jl 2:17).
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
March 6, 2022
First Sunday of Lent
[1] In 2011, Kolomoisky was one of the co-founders of the Jewish European Parliament, along with billionaire Vadim Rabinovich. Cf. http://ejp.eu/. Note that Rabinovich is a member of the Opposition Platform – For Life, the Ukrainian pro-Russian political party whose leader Viktor Medvedcuk was arrested by Zelensky.
[2] According to Russian politician Viktor Vladislavovich Zubarev, a member of the State Duma, Zelensky is also said to have $1.2 billion deposited at Dresdner Bank in Costa Rica and a villa in Miami purchased for $34 million (here). For a more comprehensive picture, see the investigation by Slidstvo-info, an independent Ukrainian agency of investigative journalism (here).
[3] It should be noted that the Italian Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, decided a few days ago to sell a share of oil stocks to Ukraine “as a concrete aid also on the energy front,” exactly as during the pandemic he gave away millions of masks to China, only to then buy them back from Beijing shortly thereafter (here).
[4] In its March 6 issue, Famiglia Cristiana has a headline, commenting on an article by the founder of the Sant’Egidio Community, Andrea Riccardi: “Let’s stop the war and build a new world order” (here).