

QUESTION 1: Proposed Amendment to the Constitution

Additional Tax on Income Over One Million Dollars

Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved by the General Court in joint sessions of the two houses on June 12, 2019 (yeas 147 – nays 48); and again on June 9, 2021 (yeas 159 – nays 41)?


This proposed constitutional amendment would establish an additional 4% state income tax on that portion of annual taxable income in excess of $1 million. This income level would be adjusted annually, by the same method used for federal income-tax brackets, to reflect increases in the cost of living. Revenues from this tax would be used, subject to appropriation by the state Legislature, for public education, public colleges and universities; and for the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public transportation. The proposed amendment would apply to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023.


4% 貌似不多。麻州目前的税率是5%。额外征收4%,超过100万美元部分的税收增加了80%。还是不少,一年可以增加12亿的税收。



99% 对 1%, 这样的公投算不算多数人对少数人的暴政呢?您会投 Yes 吗?


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中产肯定投NO. $1m今天看起来挺多,以现在通货膨胀的速度,用不了多久,中产们就该交这个税了. 再说,1%收入的人,有各种避税手段,让这些人额外多交4%的税,基本是美好幻想. 所以中产们为了自己的明天,还是投NO吧