思想意识是波或波的组合 SeetoMD

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意识是波或波的组合,我的假没。 SeetoMD 司徒


当一切都消失了,当地球、星星、月亮、太阳、星系都消失了,宇宙还会记得我们吗?我当神经内科医生已经 30 年了。有一个疑问一直存在于我的脑海中。什么是意识 ?为什么我们有想法? 例如我们看到的橙子是黄色的,味道是甜甜的 ,它为什么有质感,有味道? 如果我们打开大脑,你看不到橙子 的样子在脑里面,你没有闻到橙子的味道。为什么我们会有这样的感觉?似乎纯粹是幻觉? 但又如此真实。



Q22 发表评论于

人类起源于一个灵魂。上帝即宇宙意识。先有意识,再有物质。精神大于物质。 先说这些吧。
Kwseeto 发表评论于
consciousness wave defined by SeetoMD: a wave formed by pro-consciousness particles in such way that it can pass through skull, acting as a software on Brain ( hardware ) to manifest thought, identity, personality, conscience and all cognitive function.

Kwseeto 发表评论于
Let me call it “consciousness wave” 意识波
Kwseeto 发表评论于
Consciousness is a wave or a combination of waves, my claim SeetoMD

When everything disappears, when the earth, stars, moon, sun, and galaxies disappear, will the universe still remember us? I have been a neurologist for 30 years. There is a question that has always been in my mind. What is consciousness? Why do we have ideas? For example, the orange we see is yellow and tastes sweet. Why does it have texture and taste? If we open the brain, you can't see the shape of the orange in the brain, you don't smell the orange. Why do we feel this way? Seems like pure hallucination? But so true.

In the past, we thought that all human thoughts and mental activities were in the brain, surrounded by the skull, so solid. If we copy a three-dimensional brain, if we have the ability to use materials to copy a brain, and its blood vessels, nerves, neurons, glia, and everything else, can we produce thought ideology or consciousness? No one has done it so far, but it is estimated that it can be tested in the future. There used to be a concept of physics. If we know that the largest objects and those smallest particles are like electrons, protons, quarks, etc., and the smallest particles are arranged in their three-dimensional space, you can calculate the past billions of years, and you can also predict its future billions of years . Physicist once said that all information will fall into black holes and be wiped out after the disappearance of stars, moon, earth and sun. But recently some physicists have said that all this information is not going to disappear, it will remain on the edge of the black hole, so if one day in the future, people can find and return that information at will, they can look it up in the dictionary. One can repeat all past activities and predict the future. This is not fantasy. Some people will ask whether we have free will. Can we have free will? Quantum theory says that those particles can be in one place 50% of the time and in another place 50% of the time at the same time. If you drink water from a cup, the water is 100% in your mouth, it seems that this is free will. I don't think our human consciousness will disappear. No matter what, we and our civilization (thoughts, writings, music, love) will remain in our universe. Even if this universe ends, it will remain outside this universe. I think that consciousness can exist in the form of waves, which are formed by combining particles in different forms, which can enter and exit the skull, and act as software that express on the the brain ( hardware)。If this concept makes sense, consciousness can also exist without relying on the brain. This is just my hypothesis, I hope it doesn't violate the known laws of science.