摘要:由于预算限制和国防工业基础紧张,美国海军将把下一代 SSN(X) 攻击型潜艇的建造时间推迟到 2040 年代。
- Block V 弗吉尼亚级潜艇是一种高度先进和性能强大的潜艇,据称足以应对当前和不久的将来的冲突,特别是在中国附近具有挑战性的沿海地区。
-批评人士建议海军应该集中精力加强和扩大现有的弗吉尼亚级舰队,而不是投资昂贵且长期的 SSN(X) 项目,因为该项目被认为与迫在眉睫的威胁不太相关。
The U.S. Navy's Submarine Nightmare Won't Be Easy to End
-The Block V Virginia-class, a highly advanced and capable submarine, is argued to be sufficient for current and near-future conflicts, particularly in the challenging littoral zones near China.
-Critics suggest that the Navy should focus on enhancing and expanding its existing Virginia-class fleet rather than investing in the expensive and long-term SSN(X) program, which is seen as less relevant to imminent threats.
The U.S. Navy's Submarine Nightmare Won't Be Easy to End (msn.com)