ChenYN PianoTuner 陈师傅调音-美国老款鲍德温钢琴-提升音高和音色调整

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Baldwin piano pitch and tone adjustment(提升音高)

美国家庭许多老款鲍德温的音准和音色调整是非常具有纪念意义的,为此,我非常愉快的接受邀请并完成了任务。 Baldwin piano pitch and tone adjustment ……After years of regular use, your piano may have fallen silent when the family member who studied music moved away from home. Though your home is no longer filled with music, your piano is still a living, breathing thing. It’s wood continues to expand and contract with seasonal changes in temperature and humidity, and the string tension fluctuates accordingly. If your piano has gone without tuning for an extended period, its